Doerthe's photos

18 Apr 2024

4 favorites


26 visits

Spring Azure (Celastrina ladon)

One of the smallest butterflies in North-east America.

16 Apr 2024

6 favorites

32 visits

Omi's Garden.

15 Apr 2024

6 favorites


33 visits

Spring Azure

One of the smallest butterflies in Michigan.

14 Apr 2024

1 favorite

25 visits

9th Grade Academy.

Romeo School System, Macomb County, Michigan. The population in this Township has grown from 24,000 to now 28,000 currently in just two years. That made it necessary to separate the 9th grade in the school system from the grade school (there are four schools) and the still new high school, already too small for the influx of new students.

13 Apr 2024

6 favorites


35 visits

Service Berry (Amelanchier)

This species is a member of the Rose family. The berries, when ripe in June, are edible. Wikipedia entry: It is most diverse taxonomically in North America, especially in the northeastern United States and adjacent southeastern Canada,

10 Apr 2024

4 favorites

28 visits

Spring blossoms

The first flowering tree.

09 Apr 2024

7 favorites


33 visits

The first of the season

Questionmark (Polygonia interrogationis)

10 Apr 2024

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35 visits

April 10th in my neighborhood.

08 Apr 2024

3 favorites

36 visits

Solar Eclipse with Jupiter

I checked with NASA to identify the bright planet above the sun & moon.
4156 items in total