Doerthe's photos

15 May 2024

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26 visits

A Hot Summer's Meadow

14 May 2024

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49 visits

Summer colors.

12 May 2024

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18 visits

Male Baltimore Oriole

Calling his mate in the treetops. It is much harder to photograph an Oriole out in nature. They spend most of their time high up in tall treetops.

12 May 2024

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25 visits

The Twin Sisters Pollux and Castor

A rare sight that the moon lined up with the Twin Sisters. They are part of Gemini I found out from NASA.

11 May 2024

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31 visits

Female Baltimore Oriole at my jelly feeder.

The male had come to the feeders for several days and yesterday the female showed up for the first time. She, too, comes many times a day now.

10 May 2024

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13 visits

Male Oriole on my feeder.

I made this feeder out of a pop bottle. I cut it out so that the rain water cannot wash out the jelly. The edge I burned off with a lighter to round off how sharp it was. Many birds come to both grape jelly feeders every day, so I have to fill them up twice a day.

10 May 2024

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22 visits

Sandhill Crane watching me.

A week ago I photographed the pair of Sandhill Cranes, but today only one was in the same location. The bird did not move, even though it must have see us on the trail. My dog Maggie stood frozen next to me, that helped.

08 May 2024

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24 visits

Under power!

07 May 2024

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36 visits


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