Articles by Team


  • Lightroom plugin for testing: volunteers welcome!

    - 09 Jul 2013 - 6 comments
    Lightroom logo
    [EN] Fantastic news! Our friend Jeffrey Friedl has just released the long-awaited ipernity for Lightroom plugin :) We can't thank him enough! He would like it tested by a few people before releasing it. If you wish to participate in this test and give him your feedback please let us know by leaving a comment below. We will then contact you with the necessary steps to follow (only the first 20 comments will be taken into account). Catch you soon The ipernity Team The Lightroom…

  • Some news before the week-end...

    - 05 Jul 2013 - 19 comments
    Some news before the week-end...
    Hello all, Here is some news before the week end: Album regrouping . You will soon be able to organize your albums in folders. This will be very helpful to those who have a vast amount of albums. The project is being developed and should be finished by the end of the summer. Smartphone applications . The Android application for smartphones is being developed and should also be available during the summer. The iPhone application is being improved to fix some navigation problems. We ha…

  • Quelques brèves avant le week-end...

    - 05 Jul 2013 - 2 comments
    Some news before the week-end...
    Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Voici quelques nouvelles en bref avant le week-end : Groupements d'albums . Vous pourrez très bientôt organiser vos albums dans des dossiers. Cela sera particulièrement utile à ceux qui disposent d'un nombre important d'albums. Le projet est en cours de développement et devrait être achevé au cours de l'été. Applications smartphone . L'application pour smartphones Android est en cours de développement et devrait être également disponible au cours de l'été.…

  • Permalinks are back / Les permaliens sont de retour !

    - 02 Jul 2013 - 8 comments
    [EN] As requested by many of you the permalinks are now back on ipernity! You can find them at the bottom of each comment and group discussion. Permalinks will soon be integrated into the news pages to make them easier to use. What is a permalink? [FR] Comme demandé par beaucoup d'entre vous les permaliens sont maintenant de retour sur ipernity ! Vous pouvez les trouver en bas de chaque commentaire et discussion de groupe. Les permaliens seront très prochainement intégrés dans…

  • We are looking for volunteer translators!

    - 28 Jun 2013 - 3 comments
    Looking for translators...
    Hello all, Help us improve the quality of the translation and language on ipernity. We have planned to offer ipernity in more languages therefore we are looking for volunteers in Portuguese for Brazilians , Norwegian and Finnish. We are also looking for volunteers in German , Spanish , Italian , Dutch , Esperanto , (simplified) Chinese , Swedish , Greek , Polish , Russian and finally Czech Requirements our volunteers need to have: - Mother-tongue or fluent in…

  • [EN] Import your Flickr sets to ipernity :)

    - 21 Jun 2013 - 31 comments
    Moving to ipernity...
    To whom it may concern, we now offer a script to import your Flickr sets to ipernity albums :) Due to technical limitations things are not as smooth as they could be but if you carefully read the following instructions, you should be able to transfer your sets without any problems. To import a set go to the Flickr set page and click on " CLICK HERE TO START Flickr set importer " underneath the banner on the top of the album page. For every photo of the set: if the photo has…

  • [FR] Importez vos albums Flickr sur ipernity :)

    - 21 Jun 2013 - 1 comment
    Moving to ipernity...
    Pour les personnes concernées, nous proposons désormais un script d'importation de vos albums Flickr vers ipernity :) Pour des raisons techniques, la façon de procéder n'est pas aussi fluide que nous l'aurions souhaité, mais si vous lisez attentivement les instructions suivantes, vous devriez pouvoir transférer vos albums sans aucun problème. Pour importer un album, rendez-vous sur la page de l’album Flickr et cliquez sur le bouton " CLICK HERE TO START Flickr set importer " sous la ban…

  • Looking for volunteers / Appel à volontaires

    - 18 Jun 2013 - 5 comments
    Vector cartoon of dentist with patient
    [EN] Good news! We have finally finished the script that will enable importing albums from your Flickr account to your ipernity account. We are looking for 20 volunteers who will be able to test it before we make it available for everyone. If you wish to take part in this please post a comment bellow. We will then contact you within a few hours. [FR] Bonne nouvelle! Nous venons enfin d'achever le script qui permettra d'importer des albums de votre compte Flickr vers votre compte ipernity.…

  • Tuesday news / Nouvelles du mardi

    - 11 Jun 2013 - 25 comments
    Cappuccino caldo e Brioche
    [EN] Hello all, here is some fresh morning news: - we are still working on scripts that will enable to import Flickr Albums. They will probably be available on Wednesday or Thursday. - we are working with Jeffrey Friedl , well known guru from Lightroom users to create an export plug in to ipernity:) - the ipernity application for Android should see the light of day by the end of July. We are also going to develop an application for Windows phone. - we are fixing numerous bugs every…

  • [EN] The new iPhone App is out!

    - 05 Jun 2013 - 5 comments
    The ipernity iPhone App icon
    The new ipernity application for iPhone is now available in the App Store :) Post your photos and videos on ipernity. Find those already there... Send up to 200 photos at a time! Your iPhone stays available during the upload. You can resize your photos and videos for a faster upload. And many more great options… >> Go to the App Store and install the App right now! Note 1 : at this time the only possible…

  • [FR] La nouvelle appli iPhone est disponible !

    - 05 Jun 2013
    The ipernity iPhone App icon
    La nouvelle application ipernity pour iPhone est disponible dans l'App Store :) Publiez vos photos et vidéos sur ipernity. Retrouvez celles qui y sont déjà... Envoyez jusqu'à 200 photos à la fois ! Votre iPhone reste disponible pendant l’envoi. Vous pouvez réduire la taille des photos et des vidéos pour un envoi plus rapide. Et bien d’autres options sympas à découvrir… >> Rendez-vous dans l'App Store et installez l'application maintenant !…

  • New! Tumblr and Pinterest sharing / partage

    - 04 Jun 2013 - 4 comments
    New Pinterest and Tumblr sharing buttons
    [EN] You can now share and offer to your visitors to share your PUBLIC content on Tumblr and Pinterest .These options are deactivated by default. You can also decide network by network (Facebook, Google+ etc.) Go to your settings to make your choice. [FR] Vous pouvez désormais partager et proposer à vos visiteurs de partager vos contenus PUBLICS sur Tumblr et Pinterest . Par défaut, ces options sont désactivées. Vous pouvez également décider service par service (Facebook,…

  • [EN] Some news before the week-end

    - 31 May 2013 - 34 comments
    Have a nice week-end, dear friends!
    Hello all! Here is some news before the week-end. We are experiencing an exceptional situation at the moment with a huge amount of new users who have decided to choose ipernity to share their photos within a quality setting. We are very glad about this! We are doing our utmost to welcome this exceptional influx. Some minor slowdowns and malfunctions are still to be expected but this will soon be forgotten about very soon. To be honest, here is the agenda of our small team (a total of…

  • [FR] Quelques nouvelles avant le week-end

    - 31 May 2013 - 6 comments
    Bon week-end les amis !
    Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Voici quelques nouvelles fraîches avant le week-end ... Nous vivons actuellement une situation exceptionnelle avec une arrivée massive de nouveaux utilisateurs qui ont fait le choix d'ipernity pour partager leurs photos dans un cadre de qualité. Nous en sommes ravis ! Nous faisons notre possible pour accueillir cet afflux exceptionnel. Quelques ralentissements et dysfonctionnements mineurs sont encore à prévoir, mais cela devrait être oublié d'ici peu.…

  • New! Shooting information / Info de prise de vue

    - 29 May 2013 - 12 comments
    Optional shooting information
    [EN] Here is a small improvement that will answer to many requests we have received. You can now display upfront the shooting information of your photos. For this you need to go to your settings and make the necessary changes. Enjoy! [FR] Voici une petite amélioration qui répondra à de nombreuses demandes. Vous pouvez désormais afficher en premier plan les informations de prise de vue de vos photos. Il vous faut pour cela vous rendre dans vos paramètres et faire les réglages adéquats. A…

  • Some useful groups for Flickr newcomers...

    - 28 May 2013 - 13 comments
    Dear Flickr newcomers, You probably have lots of questions on how to best use ipernity. Since our FAQ is being rewritten, you may find answers in dedicated groups. Here's a first list of useful groups: New Flickr Survivors Emigrants from Flickr Misplaced flickrites Flickr Refugees Feel free to contact us if you want to promote other resources here. Catch you soon :) The ipernity Team

  • Good news for Flickr free accounts...

    - 27 May 2013 - 8 comments
    The Flickr.importer script also works for free accounts on Flickr. And we are working on the Fl ickr2ipernity script to make it work for free accounts on Flickr as well. *edit : the Flickr2ipernity script also works for free accounts! => Scripts are here <=

  • Problems should be fixed now

    - 27 May 2013 - 34 comments
    Good news for you: we've just solved some annoying problems. You should now be able to add photos to groups and albums without any problems. And by the way, the unwanted photos from M. Williamson posted to your groups and albums have been removed (and M. Williamson has won a Club subscription for this inconvenience!). For those who are interested in the reason of the bug we had: it's about a 16 bits field which should have been a 32 bits one. Overflow! Something like the Y2K bug :))…

538 articles in total