Articles by Team


  • The Martin Williamson mystery...

    - 27 May 2013 - 16 comments
    **EDIT: this problem is now solved ( learn more ) Many of you have reported a problem concerning unwanted photos from Martin Williamson automatically posted in groups or albums. Don't worry it's not a virus, just a bug in our database system. We are going to fix it and these unwanted photos will be automatically removed in a couple of hours. Again, we apologize for this inconvenience. We are living an exceptional moment with a massive arrival of flickr users. It may cause some conge…

  • Still having congestion problems today

    - 26 May 2013 - 43 comments
    **EDIT: problems should be solved now ( learn more ) Hello Flickr Friends, There are so many of you today wanting at the same time to move to ipernity, import your thousands of photos and organise them. The problems that you may encounter (the site being slower than usual, impossible to create albums, adding photos to groups etc.) are due to this exceptional situation. In general the actions you have requested do not take effect immediately but a few minutes later. We are do…

  • Improvements! BBCodes, quick access to your groups

    - 24 May 2013 - 12 comments
    Improvement: BBCodes for sharing
    BBCodes are now available for photo sharing To access them, go to a photo page, then "more options", then "view all sizes". Look at the bottom of the displayed page. We remind you that you can decide here , whether or not you provide embedded codes to your visitors. This feature is reserved to members of the ipernity Club only. New menu for a quick access to your groups From which ever group you may be browsing, you can now go to one of your groups with a few clicks.

  • Upload congestion, delays may occur...

    - 24 May 2013 - 22 comments
    Dear Flickr friends, We have had and are still having many of you massively importing your photos all at the same time. This may cause delays in processing your photos due to upload congestion. Don't worry, the importing script works fine if any of you are wondering about that. Your uploaded photos are queued and will all be delivered. Please do not relaunch the importing script for the same range of photos. Our technical team is doing its best to optimize the delay. In the m…

  • Follow-up for flickr newbies

    - 23 May 2013 - 59 comments
    Surfer on Blue Ocean Wave
    Hello new friends! Woooooooowww! There are so many of you joining us everyday! We feel so proud and glad that you have decided to choose ipernity. We are doing our best to welcome you in good conditions. We are receiving a large amount of messages and we are trying to answer to each of them. But it may take a while so we apologize in advance for this delay. A huge thanks to all our *old* users who are helping the *new* ones by replying to comments. You give much greater sense to…

  • The color customization project / Projet de personnalisation couleur

    - 23 May 2013 - 21 comments
    Color customization (white background)
    [EN] In between two (big) waves of Flickr friends joining us as we speak, we would like to submit to you our project of color personalization of your pages. The idea would be to offer in a totally optional way of course themes to color certain graphic elements of your pages while maintaining sobriety and harmony between each other's pages. Do not hesitate to leave your feedback and letting us know what you think by posting a comment underneath this article... [FR] Entre 2 (énormes) vagues d'a…

  • Welcome, Flickr friends!

    - 23 May 2013 - 79 comments
    Dear Flickr friends, Many of you have recently decided to sign-up to ipernity. We'd like to thank you for choosing us to host and share your photos in their maximum quality. Concerning the need to transfer your photos onto ipernity. We offer scripts that enable you to import your photos from your Flickr account to your ipernity account. Scripts will be improved within the next few days. Please go to this page for further information . This page is also accessible from the uplo…

  • [EN] Some news before the week-end...

    - 17 May 2013 - 4 comments
    Hello all! Here are some news before the week-end. 1) We have corrected a great number of bugs that you have reported to us (others are in the process of being fixed). 2) You can once again edit your keywords. Go the page "search by keywords". By hovering with your mouse on a keyword the option to "edit | delete" will appear. 3) We have changed the way to count visits to comply with current standards. The minimum interval between 2 visits from the same person is now…

  • [FR] Quelques nouvelles avant le week-end...

    - 17 May 2013 - 10 comments
    Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Voici quelques nouvelles fraîches avant ce long week-end de Pentecôte. 1) Nous avons corrigé de nombreux bugs que vous nous aviez signalés (d'autres sont en cours de résolution). 2) Vous pouvez de nouveau éditer vos mots-clés. Rendez-vous sur la page "Rechercher par mots-clés". En passant la souris sur un mot-clé, les fonctions "modifier | supprimer" apparaîtront. 3) Nous avons changé la façon de compter les visites pour nous conformer aux standard…

  • The "ipernity on black" project / Le projet "ipernity sur fond noir"

    - 08 May 2013 - 125 comments
    The ipernity on Black project
    [EN] We are thinking about the possibility of browsing ipernity on black background, by clicking somewhere at the upper right corner. Here's a mockup of what the "on black" mode could be. Before we decide to implement this feature or not, we'd like to get your opinion and ideas about it. So feel free to leave a comment under this article! [FR] Nous réfléchissons actuellement sur la possibilité de parcourir ipernity sur fond noir, en cliquant quelque part dans le coin supérieur droit.…

  • IMPORTANT: service unavailable from 2am to 6am (GMT+2) on Sunday 5th of May 2013 / le service sera interrompu de 2am à 6am (GMT+2) le dimanche 5 mai 2013.

    - 06 May 2013 - 72 comments
    [EN] Dear Members, The data center where our servers are kept is undergoing a maintenance operation from 2am to 6am (GMT+2) on Sunday 5th of May 2013. This is due to the fact that they are replacing their power inverter. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience. Thank you very much for your understanding. Catch you soon ;-) The ipernity Team [FR] Chers membres, Le data center où se trouvent nos serveurs effectue une opération de maintenance dans la nuit du samedi…

  • [EN] Comments display

    - 03 May 2013 - 4 comments
    Hello All! Here is another improvement on how comments are displayed. You can now choose from your layout settings your comments display: -from the newest to the oldest (set by default) or -the most recent first. We hope this helps many of you! Catch you soon for more announcements! The ipernity Team

  • [FR] Affichage des commentaires

    - 03 May 2013 - 1 comment
    Vous pouvez désormais choisir votre mode d'affichage des commentaires sur ipernity: - du premier au dernier (mode par défaut) ; ou - les plus récents d'abord. Pour cela, rendez-vous dans vos paramètres d'affichage . A très bientôt pour de nouvelles annonces. La Team

  • New menu / Nouveau menu

    - 30 Apr 2013 - 9 comments
    [EN] You can now access with one click your photos, your groups, your contacts... wherever you are. [FR] Vous pouvez désormais accéder en un clic à vos photos, groupes, contacts... d'où que vous soyez.

  • [EN] Comments improvements

    - 30 Apr 2013 - 15 comments
    Hello all! We have just brought a few improvements to the comments that should answer many requests we have had these past few days from many of you. You have now two possible displays available to you: Latest comments (set by default): the last 5 comments or latest replies are displayed. You can move up 5 by 5 comments in the discussion. You can also display in just one click all the discussion that is relative to a reply of a comment. All comments : you run through comment…

  • [FR] Amélioration des commentaires

    - 30 Apr 2013 - 5 comments
    Nous venons d'apporter quelques améliorations aux commentaires, qui devraient répondre à vos nombreuses demandes : 2 possibilités d'affichage des commentaires s'offrent désormais à vous : Derniers commentaires (mode par défaut) : les 5 derniers commentaires ou dernières réponses sont affichées. Vous pouvez remonter de 5 en 5 dans la discussion. Vous pouvez également afficher en un clic toute la discussion relative à une réponse à un commentaire. Tous les commentaires : vous parc…

  • [EN] Free accounts and downloading

    - 26 Apr 2013 - 14 comments
    Hello all! For financial reasons and to limit certain abuses we were compelled to reserve to members of the ipernity Club only the possibility to download and offer to download their content. This new policy has been in effect since April 9th 2013 without being able to inform in advance users with free accounts. We sincerely apologize for this. For users who have free accounts created before these new policies we have established the possibility to download their content if they…

  • [FR] Comptes gratuits et téléchargement

    - 26 Apr 2013 - 22 comments
    Bonjour à toutes et à tous Pour des raisons économiques et pour limiter certains abus, nous avons été contraints de réserver aux seuls membres du Club ipernity la possibilité de télécharger et de proposer au téléchargement leurs contenus (nous parlons bien de la possibilité de récupérer sur ordinateur les contenus publiés sur ipernity). Cette nouvelle disposition a pris effet le 9 avril 2013 sans que nous ayons pu prévenir par avance les utilisateurs de comptes gratuits. Nous leur pr…

538 articles in total