Hello all,

Help us improve the quality of the translation and language on ipernity.

We have planned to offer ipernity in more languages therefore we are looking for volunteers in Portuguese for Brazilians, Norwegian and Finnish.

We are also looking for volunteers in German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Esperanto, (simplified) Chinese, Swedish, Greek, Polish, Russian and finally Czech

Requirements our volunteers need to have:

- Mother-tongue or fluent in your own language.
- Fluent in English or French as you will be translating from one of those languages.
- Ideally have a good experience in translation and a good knowledge of the internet and social networking sites.

Translations are made online via an extranet translation tool. A full brief of the tool will be given beforehand.

We offer our volunteers a subscription to the ipernity Club.

If you fit the requirements and want to help us make ipernity more diversified,
please apply here!

The ipernity Team