Sami Serola (inactive)'s favorite articles

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  • Italia - ottobre 2016

    Nun ist es wieder soweit - mein Weg führt mich wieder gen Süden - wie J.W.v. Goethe bereits das Land besang: Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn, Im dunklen Laub die Goldorangen glühn, Ein sanfter Wind vom blauen Himmel weht, Die Myrte still und hoch der Lorbeer steht? Kennst du es wohl? Dahin, dahin Möcht ich mit dir, o mein Geliebter, ziehn! Kennst du das Haus? Auf Säulen ruht sein Dach. Es glänzt der Saal, es schimmert das Gemach, Und Marmorbilder stehn und sehn mich an:…


    Gary Schotel © All rights reserved
    [EN] Time flies as they say! Fall is already here and we have this impression that the year started yesterday. This summer we solved some bugs (especially the Flickr album importer) and we are still working on the adds. We warmly welcome the new users coming from Panoramio. We know that it is never easy to leave a house for another. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via Help & Contact , we are at your disposal! See you soon, The ipernity Team PS: you can always…

  • More Tears for France...

    What can one say when terrorism seems to rule the day? Where are the leaders who can do something about this? Is there no one who can stop terrorist groups like ISIS in it's tracks? My heart grieves for the citizens and tourists who lost their lives during another senseless act of terror in Nice, France. I am sick of crying and sick of being angry and helpless at seeing the bad guys win all the time. We must put a stop to this madness, or civilization as we know it will cease to exist.

  • Event in Nice : the Team is safe [EN] [FR]

    [EN] As you may know (or not), the whole Team is located in the Alpes-Maritimes department in France. Yesterday, during the celebrations of Bastille Day, an attack happened in Nice, many people were killed or injured. We just wanted to let you know that if our heart aches, the ipernity Team is safe. We also wanted to express our solidarity with the people touched. [FR] Comme vous le savez peut-être, l'ensemble de l'équipe habite les Alpes-Maritimes. Suites aux évènements tragiques qui…

  • FRESH NEWS [EN] + [FR]

    A little feedback and a welcome to a new member of the team.

  • I think It's Time to Speak...

    After seeing several good members and friends close up shop and leave ipernity, I've decided to express my thoughts on this development... Sure, ipernity has its issues, but what photo sharing site doesn't? I think that the photography community here on ipernity is much more alive and interactive than any other photo sharing site I've visited. Thanks to the many gifted and friendly photographers I met on ipernity over the past 2 1/2 years, I learned more about photography than I ever thought…

  • Helping Save Ipernity ...

    Just thought you guys might like to know that I’ve been in touch once again myself with Team Ipernity regarding the difficulties they are facing. In that message I’ve asked if they have considered the possibility of working with a small group of members to explore ways that they could perhaps assist them in securing the long-term future of the site. I’ve also stressed that, in my opinion, there are many people including myself who are not only very enthusiastic about ipernity and believe…

  • UPTIME 3535 *

    [EN] Dear friends, 2016 is a special year because - some will surely remember - in less than four months ipernity will celebrate its 10th anniversary ! The first ipernity Beta version was launched on May 15, 2006 and it was one of the rarest place - perhaps the first - which proposed the sharing of any type of content (photo / audio / video / file / ...) with relatives and archiving your data on long term. Originally, ipernity was not designed to share pictures only, but as a sh…

  • Irritating to Disappointing - Photos Without Titles, Strange Names and other Nuisances

    What I find somewhat irritating - not only here, but on all similar platforms - are beautiful and well composed photos which just come along with the file name assigned by the camera such as IMG_4711 and nothing else. I see a breathtaking landscape or seascape, a cityscape, a plane or ship or whatever and don't have the foggyest idea as to what or where this may be. Is it so difficult to add a title or give a short explanation? I personally find this practise irritating. Therefore I will not com…

  • Dear Team Ipernity ...

    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    I was one of the many that came flooding across from flickr back in 2013 having found its revamp too messy, not at all intuitive and way too slow for my internet connection to handle. I knew that in time I would have got used to all those new buttons and learnt how to do what used to come naturally, but it would still have looked a mess and still have been far too slow. So I left flickr behind and began to set up my new home here on ipernity having decided that it was by far the best alt…

  • Ensemble ...

    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    Je fais partie de ceux qui ont fuit flickr en 2013 pour venir s'installer ici, étant arrivé à la conclusion qu'Ipernity était la meilleur alternative possible sur le marché des sites de partage de photos. Cependant, aujourd'hui, en 2015, j'ai l'impression qu'Ipernity ne fonctionne plus aussi bien qu'avant. Depuis le début de l'année, suite la migration dans le cloud, deux articles seulement ont été publiés par l'équipe, et aucun des membres de cette équipe, à l'exception de Julian, n'a publié…

  • Lumen Prints

    The Marriage Of Figaro
    As we all know, light that is not man made originates from the sun. (I cannot help acknowledge the people here that think the sun shines from their nether rear know them too I know) The sun is, I am told the source of life for our galaxy.I totally get why cultures worship the sun. The way that light falls on the world is what creates the images that our eyes see, and cameras capture on emulsion or digital sensor. The lumen print in its simplicity and its science goes back to the very beginnings of photography. I personally find it very gentle and very beautiful as a process.

  • Ah, Springtime Arrives!

    After a most harsh winter, it is a joy to see the snow melting and hear birds chirping, busy preparing for mating season! Now for the flowers to arrive! At least I have a beautiful botanical garden to go to for early color; my last trip yielded a few good images. And then there are the very beautiful photographs of friends like you that I can enjoy so much! It's like drinking water after a severe drought! Keep those wonderful pictures coming, I love them so much! Happy Spring! :-))

  • Why Collecting Images Using Old Technology Is So Awesome.

    Old School Agfa Dreams
    This page will contain thoughts surrounding an article I have written for The Looking Glass Magazine about my journey with using an 1898 Ross Protar. Part of, and outside the scope of that article is the discussion about why using old lenses and cameras is so cool. I would love to have a discussion with others about why they like using older technology and the issues surrounding that.. My photography seriously changed when I started using 'older' lenses and cameras.

  • hypothèses

    Purdey au ski
    Euclid taught me that without assumptions there is no proof. Therefore, in any argument, examine the assumptions. E.T.B.

  • Finding Vivian Maier

    Finding Vivian Maier "When longtime nanny Vivian Maier died in 2009, she left behind thousands of photo negatives that she'd produced over the years. But the now-famous shutterbug's unique body of work lay in storage until an amateur historian uncovered the trove." I finally got around to watching the documentary of Vivian Maier's life tonight. It's well worth the time to see, but sadly leaves you with more questions about this great street photographer than…

  • The cloud migration has successfully completed

    Photo credit : CC Roger Feugas [EN] Good news! The migration of the ipernity platform has successfully completed. You are now browsing ipernity from a new powerful cloud which makes ipernity faster - as you may have noticed. We apologize again for the small inconveniences some of you encountered during the migration process. Most of the known bugs have been fixed. It remains some minor problems we are going to solve. Thank you all for your patience and understanding.…

  • We are moving to a new cloud

    [EN] Dear friends Just to let you know that we are currently moving our technical platform to a new and powerful cloud. This is an important step to make ipernity faster and more scalable. We could not wait anymore, so this project started on September and will last until mid-December. In the mean time, bug fixing had to be interrupted. That's the reason why some known problems still occur (black videos, private thumbs in news pages, Picasa uploading...). But be sure they will be fixed as…

  • is it just me ...

    Struggling to keep up to date ... As you may know, if you're a regular visitor to my photostream, I'm one of the many that migrated from flickr last year and putting to one side the fact that my photos here get fewer visitors I have no regrets making the change. I've found ipernity to be a much cleaner, fresher and easier site to navigate. Equally important, I've found it to be a site that my broadband connection can cope with. Yes, there are some things I miss about flickr, not lea…

  • Seminal No.1

    Big Brother 1920's Stlyle
    The world is huge ......... as is history, and then within that history, the history of photography. Recently, through a set of circumstances, several names were used in conversations and the inevitable Google search ensued. Then followed the inevitable time travel, the personal encounter with characters and artifacts, and me deeply impacted as one who had seen and stood near the unburning bush. Looking back .......... to the very beginnings of photography and the people who have been seminal to its development through history, for me, is like looking back down a road that stretches behind me and way way away, right back thru time and space to them. It's a long and winding road and that connects all who walk on it irrespective of time an space.

204 articles in total