Sami Serola (inactive)'s favorite articles

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  • Images in comments: new rules / nouvelles règles

    [EN] Previously anyone permitted to post comments to your content had the possibility to insert images into those comments. You can now decide finely who is allowed to insert images. The default setting is "All your contacts". You can change that setting by going to your parameters page / "Photos and other content" section . [FR] Précédemment, n'importe qui autorisé à ajouter des commentaires dans votre espace avait la possibilité d'insérer des images dans ces commentaires. Vou…

  • How To Move The Position of Your Pictures in Your Stream

    241/365: "Lost somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever." ~ Horace Mann
    How many times has it happened to you that you've uploaded some pictures but they're not in the order you wanted? And then you can't figure out how to change the position, and you don't even know if it's possible to do? HOW FRUSTRATING!! ARGH!!! Trust me, I've been's totally annoying! The good news is that you can change the order of your pictures easily once you understand how it works. This is how to do it: 1. Choose "Organize" at the top of the screen to the right of the…

  • Ninja Commenting vs. Thoughtful Commenting

    108/365: "Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp's nest." ~ Malabar Proverb
    UPDATE: I have edited errors, added many exceptions and corrected oversights in this article and really appreciate all of your comments and emails to make sure this information is accurate! Keep it coming! :) It has been brought to my attention that the article I just posted, Fast & Efficient Commenting Tactics , has led at least one person to believe that I am only interested in getting comments and don't care at all about the photographers behind the picture. That accusation really hurt…

  • Fast & Efficient Commenting Tactics

    Mr. Green Jeans
    My apologies for the long wait on this article! This is the next part to my Helpful Guide for Flickr Refugees. My aim is to get people up and running over here and in a happy place so you can make this your new home. Please read this article first!! Ninja Commenting vs. Thoughtful Commenting #1 Rule For Getting Comments and Visits: Reply to Your Comments!* We all love attention. But more than that, we want our pictures to be seen and appreciated. However, this is a tw…

204 articles in total