Articles by renovatio06


From random rant to personal significance - anything that crosses my slightly bi-polar mind...
This content at a different site.



    - 22 Oct 2007 - 6 comments
    This is a nightmare: I was ON THE LAKE on Wednesday last week at 20° Celsius. Over the next two days, temperatures dropped to almost zero and there WAS FUCKING SNOW on Friday! No time to get accustomed to cold weather, no transition into winter, just as if somebody had flipped a switch and "ordered" winter altogether. I HATE IT! Not winter per se, don't get me wrong. There'll be skiing and skating and walks under bright blue, cracking cold skies and through stacks of fresh snow. That can be beau…

  • Night out at the museum

    - 21 Oct 2007 - 1 comment
    Wolfram, whom I haven't seen in quite while, suggested today we meet at " Lange Nacht der Museen " in Munich along with other friends of his and a colleague of a Brazilian airline he has been knowing for ten years. I suggested to Klaus to come meet us as well. After some of the tension and distress I had to face last week as well as worrying over work and such, I figured I could treat myself to that and so I readily welcomed his idea and joined them tonight. It's an event, where all galleries…

  • Winds of Change - Week of Farewells

    - 17 Oct 2007 - 2 comments
    " We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. Harrison Ford" I must thank Mr. Ford at this point for this quote , because it might be apt to restore some sense of courage in me. This is one of the hardest times I've been facing eversince my divorce some four years ago. Trusted or simply longlasting relationships undergo a dramatic consolidation, which sometimes means to end them, business-related as well as personal ones. To me, change always smells a…

  • Paranoide Entwendungsphantasien

    - 06 Oct 2007
    Ich muss zugeben, den Ausdruck bzw. Titel habe ich von doppelbelichtet und ihrem köstlichen Blogeintrag Schlüsselerlebnis ausgeliehen. Und da fällt mir prompt ein eigene Begebenheit ein, die schon Jahre/Jahrzehnte zurückliegt und gut zu meiner derzeitigen Lektüre " Fleisch ist mein Gemüse " passt sowie von dem erwähnten Blogeintrag inspiriert ist: Zu Zeiten, als ich meine spätere Frau kennenlernte, war ich Student an der LMU München und arbeitete darüber hinaus bei Apple Computer - heute…

  • Liberian Girl

    - 03 Oct 2007 - 4 comments
    Well, the headline is only there for rhethorical reasons and to allude to Michael Jackson's Song of his late 80ies' Album Bad , where he ingeniously serenades a girl from Africa. I might have been in a similar mood at the end of last night, when running into her: Early 20ies, lots of charisma for her early age, shiny teeth, killer - I mean KILLER - body, the fine shape of which was even visible through her linnen dress, long story short: I was bedazzled! And those, who have known me, also kno…

  • It's official: Germany's the 51st State of the USA

    - 01 Oct 2007
    When? And how so? There's a very simple - and even more compelling - reason, and this is it: While flipping the TV remote control, I momentarily paused at a program called "Quiz Cab", which is probably the most stupid show TV programmers could have ever come up with. Usually, I dial it away to prolong the life cycle of my TV set, but this time I had to stop for a minute, because the two guys doing the quiz looked like two former colleagues of mine. Anyway. The question was: Which major theme par…

  • Late Teens, Early Twens Reloaded

    - 30 Sep 2007
    I am soooo thrilled! I have mentioned finding a new TV station on the dial before, which airs all music from the 80ies, 90ies and beyond. For the first time in my life, I get to see videos of music tracks I was totally head over heels with at the time: Anita Baker, Michael McDonald, some Michael and Janet Jackson, Ruby Turner, Eternal, the incredible "Slave to the Rhythm"-production by Trevor Horn with Grace Jones doing some ad libs, Babyface, Karyn White, Barry White, Quincy Jones, Jonathan B…

  • Moving On

    - 29 Sep 2007 - 1 comment
    This is the time, I can feel it inside: I'm about to move on. Which may also include cutting off most of my previous contacts depending on how I'm being received and treated. Funny, I've sought that fresh start about half a year ago, by trying to move to a different country. I figured it to be easier then. On the other hand, it would have been a bit cowardly, too. It'll be interesting to find, what's going to happen when I start this process of consolidating my relationships - or what's left…

  • Pitch-black Friday

    - 28 Sep 2007 - 1 comment
    This is one of the days, where it would have definitely been a lot better to stay in bed the entire day: While having breakfast, the makeshift dental filling falls off, leaving me with a hole in my tooth that easily accommodates the tip of my little finger. So, no choice: Had to go back to the dentist and get it redone. Contrary to what I'm used to in his practice, there was a wait time of 45 minutes this time. Then the treatment, where he had to get another imprinted model of the affected to…

  • Alpiner Schnee ist wichtiger als Apples iPhone...

    - 27 Sep 2007
    ... sagt mobilkom austria-Chef Boris Nemsic. Ich finde, Herr Nemsic hat da eine wirklich gesunde Einstellung zur tragbaren Telefonzelle mit Fingertapper-Garantie.

  • Vom Lügenzählen

    - 27 Sep 2007 - 2 comments
    Welcher Kinogänger würde nicht den Slogan "Nichts ist härter als die Wahrheit" aus den BILD-Zeitungs -Werbeclips kennen? Genial aufgegriffen und für die eigene Aussage adaptiert hat das der BILDblog , Deutschlands wahrer Hüter der Wahrheit. Nun hat der BILDblog sogar seinen eigenen Werbespot . Vollkommen genial! (gefunden über CP-Blog ) Sorry - no English this time. This is a German thing, wouldn't work for most audiences outside of Germany/German speaking countries.

  • The Day After...

    - 27 Sep 2007 - 3 comments
    ... is most likely a classic hangover... Darn, I had forgotten my personal limits of intake where so narrow... (or am I mistaking 25,3 ounces/0,75 liters of white wine for little volume?). And to make things worse: I forgot, I had a full dental appointment this morning, which I had been procrastinating two times already, so I went there on a weak stomach and heavy head and 90 minutes of dental treatment to get through ... Let's just say: Mind control comes in handy in some situations... Got…

  • Party with Myself

    - 26 Sep 2007 - 2 comments
    Shoot - I never knew... I can have a party with myself :-D What do you think I could do with company...? ;-)

  • Time.Warp

    - 26 Sep 2007
    Aw www...../ my, my, my, my....!!! Life can be good! Geez - have I mentioned I'm about the little things? Well, in this case: I've found a TV-station on the satellite dial that airs music from the 80ies and 90ies all day long! Yippeeee-hooorayyyy!!!! I'm right back in the 90-ies, where everything happened that told me, I was alive! And, yay, you bet: It's pumping my blood right down there, where the "twins" found lodging - ROFL!!!! :D P.S.: Think, I need to go down to the basement and get…

  • The Manifesto

    - 23 Sep 2007 - 5 comments
    People take advantage. That's a fact. They try to take advantage of you, whereever they can. You have a pleasant conversation one minute - be assured, a wish or demand is gonna follow on its footstep. So, from now on, I solemnly declare: I will never, ever again, do anything for anyone unless they pay me. The currency doesn't necessarily have to be money. But something has to come in return - whatever that particular person can spare. I've been taken advantage of just one time too many now…

  • Cinema at its Best!

    - 22 Sep 2007 - 5 comments
    No bragging, either, but it was another marvellous autumn day. Running errands after a short night (the latter getting me to my physical limits...) and then off to the lake to do another two or three laps. The water surface was like a mirror, so it couldn't have been any better. But I'm digressing. After having enjoyed the open water, the sun, the company on the platform and the mere fact that I can go there and enjoy myself almost WHENever I can (really, I just mean to be grateful, not a sho…

  • Another term with an initial "C" - Catharsis

    - 21 Sep 2007 - 1 comment
    Something's happening. I can't quite say, yet, what it is - but it's definitely a good thing. I feel as if I were on the verge of becoming "whole" again, complete, self-sufficient (hopefully without its accompanying qualities of being self-absorbed or self-righteous... ). I get to embrace my days again, my choices, my little baby-steps (borrowing this term from Sherry ) towards a full life. Where "full" doesn't necessarily mean material things - although I don't mind them at all, they give you…

  • Clarification

    - 16 Sep 2007 - 2 comments
    I chose this place to share some of my photography, the latter - amongst other reasons - being a tool of self-"medication"/healing. I do appreciate visitors coming by my stream for that, leaving comments of any kind pertaining to that, letting me know, when or whether they approve or disapprove of my images. If the latter, I'd appreciate you to give reasons, so I have a means of improving my skills. I do NOT - read my lips - NOT approve of instrumentalizing my stream for anyone to gain inform…

98 articles in total