Articles by renovatio06


From random rant to personal significance - anything that crosses my slightly bi-polar mind...
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  • The Perfect Experience

    - 03 Jul 2008
    For the longest time now, I've been settling for mediocrity: On the job, in my personal life, even in areas, where passion should be the predominant quality. In order to escape the boredom that comes with anything being mediocre, I've always believed in intensifying any given feeling by adding something else of a similar feel to it. Here's an example: During the post-surgery days, I'd watch dramatic or violent movies to heighten the sense of pain - not to say that the pain was 'mediocre', it cle…

  • Dying will be... a degrading experience

    - 01 Jul 2008 - 1 comment
    To avoid misunderstandings: No, I'm not suicidal (not now, anyway :P). And this posting could as well be titled "I'm a professional hooker" - but I have to raise my price tag :P (and will :P :P). Nonetheless, that's an entirely different discussion. So: How's dying going to be degrading? Well, picture this: For most of our grown-up life, we fool ourselves into thinking, we control things. OK, based on the assumption that we DO think, we control our lives from that little preprocessor we call a m…

  • Major Insight

    - 30 Jun 2008 - 3 comments
    I am currently travelling on business. I am in Binz on Ruegen, which is a famed health resort with quite some history. After having travelled to this place an entire day on an empty stomach, then meeting with the hotel director of a newly opened resort, I finally got to go for dinner at around 10 p.m. On the walk back to the hotel, it came to me like a tropical storm: I have been wasting most of my life on hanging around wanna-be's (not so much the past 3-5 years, but before that time). I have…

  • 85

    - 23 Jun 2008 - 3 comments
    ...degrees is what we saw today, wheatherwise. 85% is also the approximate amount of physical strength and well-being I'm back at. In that context: Thank you Sherry for continuously sending the healing vibes as well as Kenia for dedicating a regularly happening prayer session to me. My health got considerably better with every day for the past few days and I could tell, how my body reclaimed strength and got functional again. I went for two short bike trips, but took it easy. I also went for…

  • Setback

    - 18 Jun 2008 - 3 comments
    Ugggh... Today, I allow myself some venting, come tomorrow, I'll put myself in "Good thoughts"-mode to support the healing process. I went for the checkup-appointment with the doc - and he wasn't satisfied with the progress. There is a major infection in the gland, it is still swollen, I got a prescription for antibiotics and I'm supposed to continue taking painkillers three times a day, as they are supposed to support the healing of the infection. However.... the doctors see only a dim chance f…

  • Getting better - finally!

    - 14 Jun 2008 - 1 comment
    Wow... the past two days were plain torture. Don't get me wrong: I ain't no pussy. I've known pain for quite a while with a host of conditions I'm suffering from, some more, some less pronounced. So, I'm no stranger to pain and I've learnt to accept it as a part of me, as a part of my life, actually. But this was different. I had forgotten, how demoralizing searing pain can be, how degrading actually, then also humbling, and mostly: Sobering and focussing the mind on the the very basic needs. Wh…

  • Being in Pain

    - 12 Jun 2008 - 4 comments
    I am fortunate: It has been quite some time, since I remember having felt real pain. Today is one of those. By now, the pain has subsided a bit and the painkillers have kicked in. I went to get a little surgery performed on me today, which removed some blockage of my left salivary gland, which again is caused by a small stone. They cut the salivary duct open, hoping to be able to grab that little fucker, but it was too far in the back, so it didnd't come out. The surgery was performed under loca…

  • Open Spaces Outdoor Therapy Program

    - 06 Jun 2008
    A few days ago, someone contacted me through my Flickr-account and asked, whether they could use one of my pictures. It turned out, the lady asking my permission is in the process of drafting a unique therapy program, which combines elements of an outdoor adventure with aspects of a team-building management seminars as well as classical group therapy. I was psyched! Not only was I extremely pleased and satisfied that she asked in the first place (as some of us will have experienced, not everyone…

  • The Journey / Number-Crunching

    - 29 May 2008 - 2 comments
    While I was calculating the mileage on my bike since I bought it, I came across another number-crunching idea. Well, one thing at a time, the bike first: I bought my All-Terrain-Bike about 2.5 years ago. Since then, it's safe to say I've been riding it every 3rd day on average the first year, but at least every other day since coming back from the US West Coast in April 2007. The little trip around Woerthsee is about 23 km, roughly 14 miles. When adding up the days and multiplying it with thi…

  • That's the Spirit, Part II

    - 28 Apr 2008 - 3 comments
    I just watched a documentary on "Governator" Schwarzenegger's environmentalist policy - a fierce and inspiring 45 min. TV session! It saw me breaking into tears with longing to be part of that, of the innovative and "can do" spirit that governs most of the US, something we lack so badly here in Germany. A German, CA-based businessman I've "run into" on the web a while ago comments on this on his blog (in German, though...)

  • My Credo

    - 28 Apr 2008 - 3 comments
    I will stop for three reasons: 1. Hunger, I can no longer ignore, 2. Fatigue that has me fall on the keyboard, 3. My heart, ceasing to beat. Other than that and when I've set a goal for myself: I keep going.

  • That's The Spirit!

    - 23 Mar 2008
    No - I'm not talking about the Easter Spirit. I'm talking about an excellent documentary I'm watching right now: It's about the Carretera Austral , also called President Pinochet Highway, a 770 mi road along the Southern Pacific Coast of Chile in Latin America. It is a road frequently travelled by adventurers, who are headed to Patagonia . Besides the many stories of sacrifice, frugality, oppression, illness and death among the people who lived there and/or were involved in the construction of…

  • Machines are human, after all...

    - 19 Mar 2008 - 3 comments
    Prepare yourself for a way spooky read - this might as well have appeared in any given "New Age" gazette or publications of that nature. But it's a true account of one thing that's happened to me lately and to be honest, I don't have a good nor logical explanation for this: Not too long ago, the DVD drive in my MacBook Pro reported that I have exhausted the maximum five times I can switch the region code for DVDs around. This is a standard procedure, by which Apple comply to MPAA copyright r…

  • Rejection = Rage in Heaps!

    - 14 Mar 2008 - 2 comments
    One thing, I still haven't gotten used to (and chances are, I never will) is to find that people leave you in the balance about the reasons for their rejection. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'd like to know where I've messed up with someone, if I do, you know? Isn't it bad enough that you are forced to feel their rejection - be it personal or in the professional realm? No, instead people like to give you that extra kick in the groin by not letting you know about their reasons for them to…

  • Back to the Roots?

    - 13 Mar 2008 - 1 comment
    As of late, I found my interest in all things linguistics being rekindled. I have made new biz contacts, which might turn into something of quite some scope. It's a little early to tell, but if my previous assessment of what we might be collaborating on stands the proof of scrutiny, it might become huge. I am actually thinking about finding ways of going back to university for a PhD. Don't know yet, whether and how that can work, but the thought came up. Turning onto the academic route again, mi…

  • I give in

    - 11 Mar 2008 - 10 comments
    OK, I'll give in: I'll be a working week slut, just like everybody else. The system has won, I'll abide and quit thinking, I'm special in any way. I'll punch the work hours Monday thru Friday, and run my errands from 7 thru 8, wash my car on weekends, pay my bills and taxes and butter up my ass Sunday night, so being taken advantage of won't hurt as much come Monday. Once I've adjusted to the routine, I'll be thinking of playing some well-payin' music on the weekends, so I can afford to go water…

  • Lone Wolf - or Team Mate?

    - 10 Mar 2008 - 2 comments
    I am on a business trip today to meet with potential collaborators. What we have been discussing is the most inspiring thing since I fell for music, although it's a purely intellectual thing with a huge, if not humunguous, selling potential. I have to become aware of my very nature, what drives me and what turns me off, what my real goals in life are and whether or not I prefer to achieve them all on my own or in a collaboration with others. It's the toughest call since telling my ex-wife, I…

  • Another Movie

    - 02 Mar 2008
    I was stuck in front of my damn machine all Saturday and through much of the night, while trying to get Windows XP running on my MacBook Pro. While I've mostly looking at the progress-bar of the backup-, partitioning- and installation procedure, I had the tube running and luckily came across this nice little gem . I really think, Jenifer Aniston does a nice, authentic job with her acting - in just about any move she's doing a part in. I really like her. Maybe you might like that piece, too.

98 articles in total