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Publication date  /  2008  /  March   -   8 articles

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  • Pink Rocks!

    - 02 Mar 2008 - 1 comment
    I had no idea: Pink is way cool! Not only cool, damn, she's sexy, bold, talented, beautiful, full of energy and apparently has a great heart! Wow! I so enjoyed watching this hell of a concert on the tube! You'll find a number of clips of that awesome

  • Another Movie

    - 02 Mar 2008
    I was stuck in front of my damn machine all Saturday and through much of the night, while trying to get Windows XP running on my MacBook Pro. While I've mostly looking at the progress-bar of the backup-, partitioning- and installation procedure, I had

  • Lone Wolf - or Team Mate?

    - 10 Mar 2008 - 2 comments
    I am on a business trip today to meet with potential collaborators. What we have been discussing is the most inspiring thing since I fell for music, although it's a purely intellectual thing with a huge, if not humunguous, selling potential. I have to

  • I give in

    - 11 Mar 2008 - 10 comments
    OK, I'll give in: I'll be a working week slut, just like everybody else. The system has won, I'll abide and quit thinking, I'm special in any way. I'll punch the work hours Monday thru Friday, and run my errands from 7 thru 8, wash my car on weekends, pay

  • Back to the Roots?

    - 13 Mar 2008 - 1 comment
    As of late, I found my interest in all things linguistics being rekindled. I have made new biz contacts, which might turn into something of quite some scope. It's a little early to tell, but if my previous assessment of what we might be collaborating on

  • Rejection = Rage in Heaps!

    - 14 Mar 2008 - 2 comments
    One thing, I still haven't gotten used to (and chances are, I never will) is to find that people leave you in the balance about the reasons for their rejection. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'd like to know where I've messed up with someone, if I

  • Machines are human, after all...

    - 19 Mar 2008 - 3 comments
    Prepare yourself for a way spooky read - this might as well have appeared in any given "New Age" gazette or publications of that nature. But it's a true account of one thing that's happened to me lately and to be honest, I don't have a good nor logical

  • That's The Spirit!

    - 23 Mar 2008
    No - I'm not talking about the Easter Spirit. I'm talking about an excellent documentary I'm watching right now: It's about the Carretera Austral, also called President Pinochet Highway, a 770 mi road along the Southern Pacific Coast of Chile in Latin