Dani's favorite articles

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  • Translating Languages at ipernity

    Ipernity currently supports 7 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese). Translations of comments are integrated into Ipernity via the outside translator DeepL which supports 24 languages meanwhile. To translate languages not supported by DeepL, or where the integrated DeepL is not availaible to you as a Guest, you will need to use an outside translator. One easy option for this is to install the plug-in “Mate Translate”. Once this extension is installed…

  • 2020-06-12 Newsflash

    'What's hot' - 3 columns view, optimized
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The summer collection of Frontpage pictures is now online. We thank all members who have enriched it with new contributions. 2) This morning we successfully exchanged one of our main servers. For this technical operation we had the support of an AWS expert from Innovations ON . He is currently checking our entire server architecture for the optimal balance between adequacy and performance to make sure that our website is running on an up…

  • 2019-07-05 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! To address questions being raised about Irene Steeves and her groups, I regret to say, we received several complaints about content Irene displayed in her photostream. IMA conducted a thorough investigation, from which the results required account suspension/deletion based on the Terms of Service and Guide of Good Conduct. This action was also taken to protect the best interests of all parties involved and stakeholders. As stewards entrusted to…