Ipernity currently supports 7 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese). Translations of comments are integrated into Ipernity via the outside translator DeepL which supports 24 languages meanwhile.

To translate languages not supported by DeepL, or where the integrated DeepL is not availaible to you as a Guest, you will need to use an outside translator. One easy option for this is to install the plug-in “Mate Translate”. Once this extension is installed in your browser, all you have to do is highlight any text to be translated, and click on the icon that appears. This will bring up a window with the translation in the selected target language.

An added benefit of “Mate Translate” is that it gives you the ability to translate any text on the page, not just comments.

“Mate Translate” supports 103 languages and can be used on any webpage. It is available for most browsers and on both iOS and macOS.

“Mate Translate” for Firefox: addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/instant-translate/versions
“Mate Translate” for Chrome: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mate-translate-–-translat/ihmgiclibbndffejedjimfjmfoabpcke