Articles by Steve Bucknell

  • Internal

    - 21 Mar 2021
    Internal Internal Distance where the old operatives scarred tight pull sealed the different the same steps of lost parts lead on and over the steady traffic the steady state worn Sense of the what’s left among the furrows the seed said the seed grew wet mashed sour grey together was never thrown seasons shrivelled in the filled ditches of the dead The year drawn pressed in squashed face down full masked crushed until it’s de…

  • Air

    - 17 Mar 2021
    Air Air Air vanish vanishing aspect and spec a step down and not stopping by any cold wrist turned cool to the first in the ship fused the mast with this opened air breath lifted out and set Silence to silence led crested in some way as the ice was so clear you had to touch it to know where it was beginning to change by that unthinking iteration of empty breath Days formed out of movement each switch and transfer inside e…

  • Barricade

    - 16 Mar 2021
    Barricade Barricade Fettered grown helped the sun caught in glaucous ditch flesh excavated the trap the counterweights the pressure hooked where the intimate is impotent as during now Smiled limits set to crawl off through bars pierced lines to keep in to make sense anything beyond reflex defence grown to a body shook caught pinned on the blank skin Levers pulleys chains for what wires hooked links cogs fix turned your face ea…

  • This

    - 13 Mar 2021
    This This Steady state stream floor island use of breath to slow breadth and touched this seems sensed given following the only thus revealed to go here exist or disappear from Beneath gained ground feel all equal solid and complete appraisal affirms a present tense existence felt all sound arrived at once defined cushioned waves shored as felt That could enough readiness rest ahead stand for a moment the wide court inheren…

  • Palisade

    - 12 Mar 2021
    Palisade Palisade Otherwise recovered the important generous to you the plaintiff in some distant court between branches to define in a mouth enclosure trying to be the white path briefly Brushed way into the tenebrous fold adding no more than what could be managed in the circumstances we found on the floor in the vague again light the middle had an energy Drawn moved the day forward from a point where the solute crossed the…

  • Caracole

    - 11 Mar 2021
    title Caracole The well tempted clavicle per choreography by Twyla Bausch Pina Tharp occurs in vermiculated rivers made of foamy parts swept across and raised up a cold arm cut from falling marble Such the caravan of angles into a field walls warped under moss the silver ditches until the moon you should be falling in your bacon for this recipe lips tongue teeth collapsing into Corpuscles stranded to save a memory of the factor…

  • Reabsorption

    - 10 Mar 2021
    Reabsorption Reabsorption The familiar tumult calmed and extensive at the end of the energy often rises into the need and continues to foreshadow changes as well as loss nothing can alter the way that break Happens each instance is common among several recognised features and not one of them has precedence when the terms come to be realigned as they begin to sound and pattern stage After stage no associations materialise yet what…

  • Lent

    - 10 Mar 2021
    Lent Lent Lent the rest and set forward in the alcove was discovered there almost the last parts not discouraged but we continued to thrive as previously individual now changed was crystallised and said Together because we were we were a loose alliance of weather high to low confluence dispersion contemplating indefinite rain low mist blank fog small occlusions or fugue states gathered Many were needed more were divided as seen…

  • The Steves

    - 08 Mar 2021
    The Steves
    The Steves The Steves The Steves of this world feel the soft fontanelles pulled open should or leaned back instantly a coat hanging on the door never much day or light arranged and rearranged as to make An uncommunicative silhouette by walking with it to where water stumbles into hills as they used odd head vents wet conditions and faint holes to reach the far side of the skin Speech poor as faltering semi-detached trivial mentorin…

  • Carbon

    - 24 Feb 2021
    Carbon papering Carbon likelihood pilfer and tempt in conditions of voluted air ex temporary shape the frame in dressing so as to enhance choice where tympani can be seen working softer materials Faced this way blended that as per the usual requirements applied were here put aside by side as layers to shelter men women old very almost as far as they inch to careful about The houses dimpled reflex conveyed characteristics filter cathedr…

  • Hoist

    - 22 Feb 2021
    Hoist Hoist Curved lettings at the unconvinced angles where spiralling out of utter rooms should be able if the ribbon cut daylight allows each of us to turn that this is the essence as it worms Out from the shell the white cratered bone littered archway ducked under the stone lintel feel the cool dank welcoming preserved balanced placed all effort gone and replaced Any gaunt attitude any tic any chain by chance process tha…

  • Ullage

    - 21 Feb 2021
    Ullage Ullage grace estimate and one of the narrow surfaces this halfway unmanageable level if before so after as we stated long away such fields pray to fall fall to that swinging open As heard intently in as chivvied with care arranged upper and lower the thin and grazed skin dried in the cold water it was so it was perfect having no alternative but to seem As if there there and again the ground rising into a different answer broug…

  • Under

    - 17 Feb 2021
    Under Under There or unlocked pulled in any others leftover insulation meat turns in space for uncertainty lingers several ways to measure what was there before looking smoothed out and diminished Hands in our hands looking at finger endings cut the other way in the mouth that left speaking to wither curl under desiccated papyrus among all the epileptic considerations gathered here Today first one happened as raised and to inevi…

  • Evasion

    - 12 Feb 2021
    Evasion Evasion By evading become else where all is near but essentially shifts away from what it was and will breaking swerving stepping off to feint lie back lean away through accelerating eye gestures Unsaid lack an unseen sign of current meandering condition left ignored overlooked unilaterally unfinished the less actual better ethereal more enervated the vague new beginnings Merge dissolve these sedimentary semi functional st…

  • Next

    - 20 Jan 2021
    Next The now shaped this shaped embodied soft fingers awake under its breathing dense fallen entrance crawls while white limbs raise water oxygen breath deferred take up to exert Press for record for if to move stuff out of the fallen entrance pyramid of so called sleep that inexorable under each breath ladled shed left to sink free blank etcetera the by and other Unable declination volume ceded sensorium internally bled words cerebrova…

  • Lambent

    - 19 Jan 2021
    Lambent Cusp at the lip eyelids drooped over the rim which side made continuous quelled in a way those liquid heads pulled tightly tensed to under the sealed forest of an endless conurbation Analysis or evidence allows this underfloor system to spread roots knotweed in your hair the scalp tangled as the detritus washed the open amber weather welled and overtopped and There we slept kneeling our eyes level the brimming substrata sh…

  • Negligible

    - 18 Jan 2021
    Negligible Negligible Shaped and scraped offered no reasonable solution orbit was calculated in the event by event manner that took hold relentlessly on Blue Monday the 18 of 2021 on the treadmill We were confined many times ever disoriented an empty feeling overwhelmed as we lay in vivo reading established law you would come to value some small part of the human Comedy or find it so funny that laughter induced a few odd…

  • Antics

    - 17 Jan 2021
    Antics Antics Jinx not the nondescript patent lungs made in and partitions falter ingredients gathered the chaff we littered across the lawn left the soft but were discovered by trickery and nude volleyball The statements touched our surface not anything else craved freely sushi eaten from a dead dog for example but who found the animal speculated on its matted limbs and protruding eyes Was complete said of new trays and solven…

45 articles in total