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Publication date  /  2021  /  February   -   5 articles

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  • Evasion

    - 12 Feb 2021
    Evasion Evasion By evading become else where all is near but essentially shifts away from what it was and will breaking swerving stepping off to feint lie back lean away through accelerating eye gestures Unsaid lack an unseen sign of

  • Under

    - 17 Feb 2021
    Under Under There or unlocked pulled in any others leftover insulation meat turns in space for uncertainty lingers several ways to measure what was there before looking smoothed out and diminished Hands in our hands looking at finger

  • Ullage

    - 21 Feb 2021
    Ullage Ullage grace estimate and one of the narrow surfaces this halfway unmanageable level if before so after as we stated long away such fields pray to fall fall to that swinging open As heard intently in as chivvied with care

  • Hoist

    - 22 Feb 2021
    Hoist Hoist Curved lettings at the unconvinced angles where spiralling out of utter rooms should be able if the ribbon cut daylight allows each of us to turn that this is the essence as it worms Out from the shell the white cratered bone

  • Carbon

    - 24 Feb 2021
    Carbon papering Carbon likelihood pilfer and tempt in conditions of voluted air ex temporary shape the frame in dressing so as to enhance choice where tympani can be seen working softer materials Faced this way blended that as per the usual