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Publication date  /  2021  /  January   -   13 articles

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  • Components

    - 05 Jan 2021
    Components Crypt plural washed motional distancing a move in part only tempered who before left the sensation of its strength was set in the way of the latest did not alter the outcome of these Then slow was need and out said curtail every

  • Midwinter

    - 06 Jan 2021
    Midwinter Midwinter thought so in absentia by now clearly and left as was walked onto the pavement which was moving slightly instead follow the roots arrayed under the indecisive trees In absentia more to be by the omission was led away back

  • Nadir

    - 07 Jan 2021
    Nadir At the loud and flume acrossed the way rose up to stone empty calories were consumed avidly in a half stated nadir saw and gathered from its vapid skirts of old lace Have a sham coloured the clouds under the bruised eyes macabre

  • Versions

    - 09 Jan 2021
    One Version No was not enhanced off the version sent to the country ot rain switched off and denied no presence sustained the afterness felt as led on to a conclusive proof limits set leave discarded furrows Decided instinct took its way

  • Seems

    - 10 Jan 2021
    in Seems Seems of if and or enter in part mentioned the matter brief tether many feelings lost if so altered perhaps as the game progressed shoes wait emptily under severe duress in these circumstances Such remarks gently sighted landscaped

  • Blurred

    - 11 Jan 2021
    blur Attaining feet underground developed the material to reach substance waste believed there all is quite enclosed to carry a weight here a cushioned head-bone where it supposed January building anything but wanted the plain flesh covered

  • Nothing As Such

    - 12 Jan 2021
    Nothing As Such That without placed to turn could slip or find another portion they were undecided whether to continue perhaps leave it all under the sense of its own incompetence was all it truly had In addition to the space was milk or

  • Tax Dodge

    - 13 Jan 2021
    Tax Dodge Spiral confounding steps that porous sense with filling waters sediments voice is raining into tried to hear that low frequency trough or carrier a part general flare lit the walls in their sinking So fervent so was it obviously

  • Frisbee

    - 16 Jan 2021
    Frisbee Frisbee Aggrieved as listed apart songs cover a few later intentions coated merciful deity we’re all very hard of hearing emoting congregations but sorrow pulls the mother out from the pool Compasses float in soup alpha particles

  • Antics

    - 17 Jan 2021
    Antics Antics Jinx not the nondescript patent lungs made in and partitions falter ingredients gathered the chaff we littered across the lawn left the soft but were discovered by trickery and nude volleyball The statements touched our

  • Negligible

    - 18 Jan 2021
    Negligible Negligible Shaped and scraped offered no reasonable solution orbit was calculated in the event by event manner that took hold relentlessly on Blue Monday the 18 of 2021 on the treadmill We were confined many times ever

  • Lambent

    - 19 Jan 2021
    Lambent Cusp at the lip eyelids drooped over the rim which side made continuous quelled in a way those liquid heads pulled tightly tensed to under the sealed forest of an endless conurbation Analysis or evidence allows this underfloor

  • Next

    - 20 Jan 2021
    Next The now shaped this shaped embodied soft fingers awake under its breathing dense fallen entrance crawls while white limbs raise water oxygen breath deferred take up to exert Press for record for if to move stuff out of the fallen