Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw...
KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!!
Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc .
PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!!
All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…
the purpose of this group is to celebrate the time when recorded music was simply yet artistically packaged in a way that enhanced your total experience of the music.
the period encompassed by this group is from the time of the first 78 albums of the late '30s though 1990. if something before or after this wows you, by all means bring it. The group is about fun and sharing, not limits. all genres are welcome.
So please: Come, browse and, above all, share.
This is a group for sharing the front covers of vintage magazines. A straight-on scan of the entire cover is best, but a photo is fine if it is straight-on. Please do not submit altered images or your own cover creations.
This group is intended to be a collection of interesting and beautiful magazine covers, especially those devoted to art, music, theater, and other areas of special interest. Duplicate covers will be removed. If possible, please add appropriate descriptions or keywords, includ…
Neo-niuclasach ☢ Nuklearren aurkako ☢ Antinucléaire
Photos expressing opposition to nuclear power, nuclear arms etc., or conveying a feeling of unease regarding the nuclear industry.
Lluniau'n mynegi gwrthwynebiad i ynni niwclear, i arfau niwlcear ac ati, neu'n cyfleu anesmwythyd ynghylch y diwydiant niwclear.
Luc'hskeudennoù a veneg eneberezh d'ar gremm nukleel, d' an armoù nukleel ha me oar-me, pe o reiñ da santout ez eur lakaet diaes gant ar greanterezh nukleel.
This is a group for sharing the photographer advertisements on the reverse of cabinet cards, cdvs and other Victorian era photos. Please only post items from your own collection.
In here, we all can post photos that we 'really think are EXPLORE worthy' ..
If you see one that fits, ask the person who posted it to add to our Virtual EXPLORE Group ..
We need to make these wonderful photos posted for all to see !
Will kick out any adverts ... just sayin' ......
If the Administrator or Moderator are unable to leave comments due to settings, these photos you wish to share in here -- will be removed after 2 days of their pos…
Every week, there will be a new theme. Post only one vintage photo (1800s-1979) from your collection that fits the theme. Tell us a little about it, like why you picked it (if it is not obvious), or where you purchased it, etc. I will pick some common themes, but will also try to throw in some strange ones just to keep things interesting. I look forward to seeing your photos!
Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
Each week we advance through the alphabet with the title of your photo starting with the current letter (excluding 'X' )
The new letter will start on a Sunday, so on Sunday November 10 we will move onto 'G'
January 26 R
February 02 S
" 09 T
" 16. U
" 23 V
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Public groups in which Smiley Derleth is an administrator14 groups in total
" 1:1 rat de bibliothèque - Leseratte -Bookworm... "
rat.bibliotheque.group.ipernity.com Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw... KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!! Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc . PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!! All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…
*Italo-Byzantine Vacuity
A space for photographic icons, iconographers and iconoclasts.
'60s & '70s ILLUSTRATION
the purpose of this group is to celebrate the time when recorded music was simply yet artistically packaged in a way that enhanced your total experience of the music. the period encompassed by this group is from the time of the first 78 albums of the late '30s though 1990. if something before or after this wows you, by all means bring it. The group is about fun and sharing, not limits. all genres are welcome. So please: Come, browse and, above all, share.
Cover of a Magazine
This is a group for sharing the front covers of vintage magazines. A straight-on scan of the entire cover is best, but a photo is fine if it is straight-on. Please do not submit altered images or your own cover creations. This group is intended to be a collection of interesting and beautiful magazine covers, especially those devoted to art, music, theater, and other areas of special interest. Duplicate covers will be removed. If possible, please add appropriate descriptions or keywords, includ…
Kaleidoscope of Illustrations from the Sixties and Seventies
A place for your vintage illustrations circa 1960-1979. They can be from books, ads, greeting cards, etc...
☢ Anti-nuclear ☢ Gwrthniwclear ☢ Enep-nukleel ☢ Anti-nuklea ☢
Neo-niuclasach ☢ Nuklearren aurkako ☢ Antinucléaire Photos expressing opposition to nuclear power, nuclear arms etc., or conveying a feeling of unease regarding the nuclear industry. +☢+☢+☢+ Lluniau'n mynegi gwrthwynebiad i ynni niwclear, i arfau niwlcear ac ati, neu'n cyfleu anesmwythyd ynghylch y diwydiant niwclear. +☢+☢+☢+ Luc'hskeudennoù a veneg eneberezh d'ar gremm nukleel, d' an armoù nukleel ha me oar-me, pe o reiñ da santout ez eur lakaet diaes gant ar greanterezh nukleel. +☢+☢+☢+…
Monsters, Monsters, Monsters!
Everything you every wanted to know about monster toys but were afraid to ask.
The Flip Side of Victorian Photos
This is a group for sharing the photographer advertisements on the reverse of cabinet cards, cdvs and other Victorian era photos. Please only post items from your own collection.
Public groups in which Smiley Derleth is a moderator2 groups in total
TAGues me mijn straat
"Tags me my street" "Tags me mijn straat" "Tagues moi ma rue" ... Tag / Graffiti
Virtual EXPLORE ...
In here, we all can post photos that we 'really think are EXPLORE worthy' .. If you see one that fits, ask the person who posted it to add to our Virtual EXPLORE Group .. We need to make these wonderful photos posted for all to see ! Will kick out any adverts ... just sayin' ...... www.ipernity.com/group/virtualexplore If the Administrator or Moderator are unable to leave comments due to settings, these photos you wish to share in here -- will be removed after 2 days of their pos…
Public groups in which Smiley Derleth is a member48 groups in total
1980 -1989 (The Eighties)
Photographs taken between 1980 & 1989 inclusive. Photos outside this range are subject to removal!
Vintage Photos Theme Park
Every week, there will be a new theme. Post only one vintage photo (1800s-1979) from your collection that fits the theme. Tell us a little about it, like why you picked it (if it is not obvious), or where you purchased it, etc. I will pick some common themes, but will also try to throw in some strange ones just to keep things interesting. I look forward to seeing your photos!
Pictures for Pam
Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
Alphabet Group
Each week we advance through the alphabet with the title of your photo starting with the current letter (excluding 'X' ) The new letter will start on a Sunday, so on Sunday November 10 we will move onto 'G' January 26 R February 02 S " 09 T " 16. U " 23 V