Nachtler's groups

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Public groups in which Nachtler is an administrator
1 group in total

  • NudstRalph's Group

    NudstRalph's Group

    Created 15 years ago

    Families, friends, and/or anyone into Nudism, Nudist, Naturist, and/or Naked. Yes this mean Inside or outdoors. Would like to have you as a member of this group and please clean pictures only if I do fine any not clean I will ban you from this group. Group not into porn or clothed pictures just clean nude photos! If you do see any porn, clothed, close up shots, same pose, similar pose, etc., please let me know. Lets keep it clean and have fun! Thanks NR NudstRalph's Social Network http://Nu…

Public groups in which Nachtler is a member
4 groups in total

  • Nackt in freier Natur

    Nackt in freier Natur

    Created 12 years ago

    Naturismus als Naturerlebnis. Als Naturist erlebt man unbekleidet körperliche Freiheit in der Natur. Diese Bilder sollen den Betrachter in das persönliche Erleben dieser Freiheit einbeziehen. Dazu muß man die abgelichtete Person auch als solche wahrnehmen.

  • True Naturism

    True Naturism

    Created 15 years ago

    Members to say how they live the naturist lifestyle, what problems and what benefits come from a clothesfree life. Pictures should be wholesome naked/nude of either gender, preferably your own, not from the net! Lets us have YOUR views and pictures of being naked in natural situations, in/outdoors!

  • Nudism


    Created 17 years ago

    Real nudist all around the world.

  • Nature takes back

    Nature takes back

    Created 16 years ago

    We want to see here pictures showing how plants take back their place in a fully constructed and concreted world. For example, when a small birch tree grows from a gutter, or when thick tree roots break through asphalt. Wherever you see proof that nature is stronger than us.