John FitzGerald's groups

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Public groups in which John FitzGerald is an administrator
5 groups in total

Public groups in which John FitzGerald is a member
162 groups in total

  • pop-art


    Created 15 years ago

    Add here all your pop-art pictures, to the Warhol style *** Añade aquí todas tus fotos pop-art, al estilo Warhol

  • Beautiful Norfolk.

    Beautiful Norfolk.

    Created 11 years ago

    A guide for visitors to Norfolk, all images to have location logged.

  • Clôtures de ce monde / Fences all around the world

    Clôtures de ce monde / Fences all around the world

    Created 2 years ago

    Déposez ici toutes vos photos où l'on peut voir des clôtures dans leur entièreté ou que partiellement et ce, partout sur la planète, incluant votre propre patelin ! Drop here all your pictures where we can see fences in their entirety or only partially and this, everywhere on the planet, including your own town !

  • Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Winter (in temperate climate zones)

    Created 17 years ago

    Winter presents itself in very different ways in the different climate zones of the world. Here we would like to show winter pictures from the temperate climate zones . Nature is at rest there. Landscapes are often covered in hoar frost or snow, bodies of water in ice. No festive greetings please! For winter pictures from warmer regions, see: ► Winter (in subtropischen Klimazonen)

  • Torticollis photographique / Stiff neck pictures

    Torticollis photographique / Stiff neck pictures

    Created 12 years ago

    All photos that make your neck crack when you take them.

  • Juxtaposition


    Created 10 years ago

    Photographs that make one think just because you found them and captured them together. They do not have to be high art, it is your ability to see and capture items together that give them enhanced meaning. Please observe usual matters of taste regarding contributions that may be offensive or inappropriate for our general audience. Please assure that your contributions have a clear contrast in the objects or people photographed and that their relationship and story is not too difficult to find.…

  • Cityscape


    Created 17 years ago

  • Vintage Photos Theme Park

    Vintage Photos Theme Park

    Created 11 years ago

    Every week, there will be a new theme. Post only one vintage photo (1800s-1979) from your collection that fits the theme. Tell us a little about it, like why you picked it (if it is not obvious), or where you purchased it, etc. I will pick some common themes, but will also try to throw in some strange ones just to keep things interesting. I look forward to seeing your photos!

  • People's moments

    People's moments

    Created 12 years ago

    Pictures where people are involved.

  • Total Topography

    Total Topography

    Created 11 years ago

    Men-made landscape in a prosaic view; preferably without people; no close-up details

  • Be urban

    Be urban

    Created 17 years ago

    Be "urban" no porn, no nude,.. just (dark-)life in the city the beauty or not of urban lifestyle.. it depend.. some photos with people but it depend... LOTS OF PHOTOS about "urbanism"!!!

  • stiff neck

    stiff neck

    Created 7 years ago

    Aufnahmen aus der Froschperspektive oder Vogelperspektive jedenfalls einhergehend mit körperlichen verrenkungen - - - :-))) BITTE KEINE ALBERNEN TELE /STROM KABEL VON UNTEN !!! :-((((((

  • >>Pareidolia<<


    Created 9 years ago

    "Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns. Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects. It is all about deception and illusion. Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…

  • shot contre jour

    shot contre jour

    Created 2 years ago

    foto con luce contro

  • Fences


    Created 16 years ago

    We collect fences of all view an kind....