Anne H's groups

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Public groups in which Anne H is an administrator
7 groups in total

Public groups in which Anne H is a moderator
2 groups in total

Public groups in which Anne H is a member
450 groups in total

  • Boutons de Vêtements

    Boutons de Vêtements

    Created 3 months ago

    En nacre ... en plastique ... en bois ! Les "vrais" boutons ! Pas de velcro, de "zip", ou autres types de fermetures ! Faites vos fonds de tiroir et vos boîtes à couture !!! Amitiés

  • Normandy, France

    Normandy, France

    Created 16 years ago

    All your photos concerning Normandy (France): Camembert, cows, beaches, Calvados, monuments, streets, buildings, etc...

  • Yellow Dominates

    Yellow Dominates

    Created 11 years ago

    Any photo where the color 'yellow' is dominate. This doesn't necessarily mean it takes up most of the image but, rather, it is the color that grabs your attention first or maybe it is the color of your subject. Images where the color yellow is only incidental will be removed. This does not indicate an inferior image, simply that it doesn't fit the theme of the group.

  • Orange Thursdays

    Orange Thursdays

    Created 11 years ago

    Orange ... a happy color.... Orange has shown to have only positive affects on your emotional state.... Orange opens your emotions and is a terrific antidepressant.....Colour orange is often called the "social" color, as it creates the feng shui energy to promote lively conversations.... :-)

  • Happy Chairy Saturday

  • Little People, mini people, play figures

    Little People, mini people, play figures

    Created 8 years ago

    The mini-humans on a voyage of discovery through the big world. Mini-humans are play figures and small sculptures that seem to live in a world of their own, such as LEGO figures or similar play figures. They can also be self-designed figures made of modelling clay or similar material. Images of real people and children are removed and are not permitted, nor are images created with AI.

  • Theme of the week

    Theme of the week

    Created 15 years ago

    I propose a little game! Each week a theme will be given. you have to post a photo related to this topic between Monday 01h00 and Sunday 23h00 (GMT +1) This will compile a weekly series of photos on a theme! I hope you have fun! So has all your equipment ready? Go!

  • Ronds-points- Roundabouts- Kreisverkerhr- Rotondas...

    Ronds-points- Roundabouts- Kreisverkerhr- Rotondas...

    Created 7 years ago

    Allons-y tout simplement en se concentrant sur tous les ronds-points de ce monde. Let's only focus on all roundabouts of this planet. Concentriamoci su tutte le rotonde del mondo. Lassen sie uns einfach loslegen, indem wir uns auf alle kreisverkehre dieser welt konzentrieren. Laten we ons gewoon concentreren op alle rotondes in de wereld. Concentrémonos en todas las rotondas del mundo. Concentremo-nos apenas em todas as rotundas do mundo.



    Created 14 years ago

    que des fenêtres sans portes ou vue d'immeuble

  • HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)

    HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)

    Created 3 years ago

    Let's explore walls. Walls protect, walls limit. Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly. There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers. Walls are a substantial part of our history...

  • Simply Windows

    Simply Windows

    Created 15 years ago

    I find only 2 groups about windows. One very hype, and one for all windows and doors. In this groupe, post only windows. So open it for our pretty community. Thanks a lot Christine (translate by Fred.D. Sorry for eventually mystake...)