If you are an Esperantist or a sympathizer, welcome to the club ***** I lost a lot of contacts in Esperanto due to health problems and various operations that kept me from the site. I would like to find friends again and pay tribute to Dr. Zamenhof, the great humanist and creator of this beautiful singing and harmonious language. Photos, images, texts and comments are welcome in the spirit of beauty and that which unites. Thanks to everyone, we really appreciate those who are already members ***…
This group is meant to show the beauty of mountain summits. The idea is to have a collection of summit portraits . Please read the group rules before submitting a photo to the group.
Autres mouvements chrétiens
Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels
la liste est longue !
A vous de jouer !
merci d'avance de votre participation
Public groups in which Alexander Prolygin is a member
Je viens de me faire mettre à la porte du groupe Bleu sans aucune explication alors je rebondis avec ce groupe.
Le lien du groupe en question: www.ipernity.com/group/bleu
I was booted out from BLEU group with no explanations so here I am with this group.
Here is the group' link actually: www.ipernity.com/group/bleu
Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux all over the world
Tags/Stichworte: Schloss Schloß Schlösser Burg Burgen Castle Castles Château Châteaux
Partner-Gruppe: Beautiful Gardens www.ipernity.com/group/beautifulgardens
☝ There are always 2 photos strung together. Each participant loads TWO (2) images paired up at the time . The first corresponds to the previous topic. (For example architecture follows architecture). The next (second) photo then defines a new topic. Within a day (24 hours) two pairs of images can be inserted in maximum. However, there must be at least ONE (1) other participant between your two series !!!
Architecture can be old or modern.
Historical objects such as vintage articles or transport. Must be at least 50 years old.
L'architecture peut être vieux ou moderne.
Objets historiques tels que les articles d'époque ou de transport. Doit être d'au moins 50 ans.
Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle ! - Fahrräder, vélos, biciclette - everything similar to a bycicle : tandems, rickshaws, bibicis, all of them - thank you!
Electrical bycicles are allowed but no motorcycles.
The bike should be the main subject of the photo. Please no more photos with a bicycle somewhere in the background or on the edge.
Unterwegs auf Straßen und Autobahnen !
Voyager sur les routes et autoroutes!
Traveling on roads and highways!
In viaggio su strade e autostrade!
The purpose of this group is to showcase your best landscape photographs, not just snapshots of nice-looking vistas.
Please submit only well-composed and well-exposed landscapes, and do not mistake street photography for landscape, because it is not the same thing.
We are looking for quality, not quantity, and your landscapes do not need to systematically depict spectacular places!
I look forward to welcoming you to this group.
Pictures with reflections...glass, water, mirrors, anything with a reflection in it.
PLEASE post just a couple pictures at a time. If you post a bunch, you'll push other reflectors pics off of the 1st page and they won't get their moment to shine. ALSO, if you space it out, picture of yours will be at the top of the heap various times.
See, it's a win-win! :-)
tags: reflet miroitement mirroring spiegelung
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Alexander Prolygin is an administrator3 groups in total
Nia Klubo
If you are an Esperantist or a sympathizer, welcome to the club ***** I lost a lot of contacts in Esperanto due to health problems and various operations that kept me from the site. I would like to find friends again and pay tribute to Dr. Zamenhof, the great humanist and creator of this beautiful singing and harmonious language. Photos, images, texts and comments are welcome in the spirit of beauty and that which unites. Thanks to everyone, we really appreciate those who are already members ***…
This group is meant to show the beauty of mountain summits. The idea is to have a collection of summit portraits . Please read the group rules before submitting a photo to the group.
Wooden Architecture
All kinds of wooden constructions
Public groups in which Alexander Prolygin is a moderator1 group in total
Edifices religieux de tout pays
Eglises Mosquées Abbayes Basiliques Cathédrales Couvent Pieurés Chapelles Christianisme Catholicisme Protestantisme Autres mouvements chrétiens Judaïsme Bouddhisme Hindouisme Sikh Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels la liste est longue ! A vous de jouer ! merci d'avance de votre participation
Public groups in which Alexander Prolygin is a member64 groups in total
Bleu sans discrimination / Blue without discrimination
Je viens de me faire mettre à la porte du groupe Bleu sans aucune explication alors je rebondis avec ce groupe. Le lien du groupe en question: www.ipernity.com/group/bleu I was booted out from BLEU group with no explanations so here I am with this group. Here is the group' link actually: www.ipernity.com/group/bleu
Fenêtres, portes et façades / Windows, doors and façades.
Trois éléments qui font bon ménage très souvent ! Three elements often matching together beautifully !
The Photographer
A group for photographers show their work with freedom of choice and good taste.
Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux
Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux all over the world Tags/Stichworte: Schloss Schloß Schlösser Burg Burgen Castle Castles Château Châteaux Partner-Gruppe: Beautiful Gardens www.ipernity.com/group/beautifulgardens
Bilderdomino - Photo Domino
Rules ☝ There are always 2 photos strung together. Each participant loads TWO (2) images paired up at the time . The first corresponds to the previous topic. (For example architecture follows architecture). The next (second) photo then defines a new topic. Within a day (24 hours) two pairs of images can be inserted in maximum. However, there must be at least ONE (1) other participant between your two series !!!
◉Historical & Architectural Gems
Architecture can be old or modern. Historical objects such as vintage articles or transport. Must be at least 50 years old. L'architecture peut être vieux ou moderne. Objets historiques tels que les articles d'époque ou de transport. Doit être d'au moins 50 ans.
Zon op komst en Ondergang
alle zonsopkomsten en zonsondergangen (Sunrise en Sunset)
A Story Behind the Photograph
Please, put a short paragraph of your original text under the photo. Two sentences at least plz.
Church Interiors
Any image taken inside of any religious building - fonts, lecterns, hassocks, pulpits, carvings, pillars, pews, etc.
Bicycles-Fahrräder-vélos-biciclette: tandems, rickshaws, bibicis
Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle ! - Fahrräder, vélos, biciclette - everything similar to a bycicle : tandems, rickshaws, bibicis, all of them - thank you! Electrical bycicles are allowed but no motorcycles. The bike should be the main subject of the photo. Please no more photos with a bicycle somewhere in the background or on the edge.
" On the road again "
ontheroadagain.group.ipernity.com Unterwegs auf Straßen und Autobahnen ! Voyager sur les routes et autoroutes! Traveling on roads and highways! In viaggio su strade e autostrade! www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TD_pSeNelU
Châteaux de ce monde / Castles around the world / Castillos del mundo
Bienvenue dans le royaume des tous les beaux châteaux de ce monde ! Welcome in the kingdom of majestic castles al around the planet !
Beautiful Landscape Photography
The purpose of this group is to showcase your best landscape photographs, not just snapshots of nice-looking vistas. Please submit only well-composed and well-exposed landscapes, and do not mistake street photography for landscape, because it is not the same thing. We are looking for quality, not quantity, and your landscapes do not need to systematically depict spectacular places! I look forward to welcoming you to this group. Dominique
Beautiful Landscape
Beautiful Landscape
Mountain Scenery
Pictures of mountain landscapes or mountain tours of all kinds.
Pictures with reflections...glass, water, mirrors, anything with a reflection in it. PLEASE post just a couple pictures at a time. If you post a bunch, you'll push other reflectors pics off of the 1st page and they won't get their moment to shine. ALSO, if you space it out, picture of yours will be at the top of the heap various times. See, it's a win-win! :-) ----- tags: reflet miroitement mirroring spiegelung