Tips for travelers. Relevant informations about a city that you visited!
Please write the name of the city and country!
Only relevant photos that interest the TOURIST.
Pictures of Gardens, Parks, Museums, historical places, hotels, restaurants, palaces, shopping streets, zoo parks, botanical gardens, sightseeing buses, boats....
Photos and videos only related to water...
Put only 5 photos per day and only the theme of the group ... We reserve the right to delete anything that does not correspond ...
I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they are in keeping with the theme♫
Talking freely about nature and its biodiversity...!
"We think we're looking at nature, but it's nature that's looking at us and permeating us".
by Christian Charrière
Please post pictures of bicycles of all kinds.
It doesn't matter if someone is riding, as long as the bicycle is clearly visible.
Interesting details are welcome as well.
Many of us on road trips also visit odd museums, such as ones filled with taxidermy or skeletal remains, and although there are fantastic groups for outdoor roadside oddities, I've noticed a lack of anything dedicated to the things one stops for and enters along the way. Here is a spot to add stuffed Ferrets, Squirrels playing cards, the Frog Circus, a Fat Lady's dress, the largest collection of salt and pepper Shakers in the world, wax museums, eerie caves, haunted attractions or real houses, a…
Présenter cet élément d'importance vitale sous toutes ses formes !
Toutes les photos ,à partir de plusieures gouttes d'eau ,glaçons , glaciers , les mers et des oceans.
Dieses Lebenswichtige Element in All seinen Formen zeigen!
Alle Photos , ab mehreren Tropfen , Eiswürfeln / Gletschern ,Eisbergen bis hin zu Meeren / Ozeanen.
Show this vital element in all its forms!
All photos, from multiple drops, ice cubes ,glaciers , icebergs to seas / oceans.
Mostrare loro quest…
Alles zum Thema: Nahrung und Getränke... Guten Appetit ...
Tout au sujet: Aliments et boissons...Bon appétit...
All about: Food and beverages ...Enjoy your meal...
Tutto su: Prodotti alimentari e bevande...buon appetito...
Unterwegs auf Straßen und Autobahnen !
Voyager sur les routes et autoroutes!
Traveling on roads and highways!
In viaggio su strade e autostrade!
Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw...
KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!!
Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc .
PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!!
All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Dimas Sequeira is a member446 groups in total
Sculptures around us
Tips for travelers. Relevant informations about a city that you visited! Please write the name of the city and country! Only relevant photos that interest the TOURIST. Pictures of Gardens, Parks, Museums, historical places, hotels, restaurants, palaces, shopping streets, zoo parks, botanical gardens, sightseeing buses, boats.... IRRELEVANT PHOTOS WILL NOT BE ACCEPT IN THE GROUP.
Phares , balises et bouées
Tout ce qui est phares , balises rouges , vertes , jaunes etc... et des vues de bouées particulières que ce soit sur l'eau sur le sable .
Show me your landscape
Panoramas, views at nature in a landscape style.
MERS, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, fountains, water, ice...
Photos and videos only related to water... Put only 5 photos per day and only the theme of the group ... We reserve the right to delete anything that does not correspond ... I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they are in keeping with the theme♫
Die 4 Jahreszeiten ... Les 4 saisons...I quattro stagioni...The 4 Seasons
Only landscapes, from all over the world. Découvrir ensemble les plus beaux paysages du monde . Paesaggi del mondo.
Nature and Us
Talking freely about nature and its biodiversity...! "We think we're looking at nature, but it's nature that's looking at us and permeating us". by Christian Charrière
Please post pictures of bicycles of all kinds. It doesn't matter if someone is riding, as long as the bicycle is clearly visible. Interesting details are welcome as well.
L'insolite vélo
Le vélo dans des situations cocasses
Road signs, warning signs, informational signs, no fishing signs, Signs!
Church Interiors
Any image taken inside of any religious building - fonts, lecterns, hassocks, pulpits, carvings, pillars, pews, etc.
Vintage Indoor Oddities--From Road Trip Museums and More!
Many of us on road trips also visit odd museums, such as ones filled with taxidermy or skeletal remains, and although there are fantastic groups for outdoor roadside oddities, I've noticed a lack of anything dedicated to the things one stops for and enters along the way. Here is a spot to add stuffed Ferrets, Squirrels playing cards, the Frog Circus, a Fat Lady's dress, the largest collection of salt and pepper Shakers in the world, wax museums, eerie caves, haunted attractions or real houses, a…
Fontaines, maisons, châteaux, ponts, hameaux, ruines, moulins, escaliers ...
" 100 % Aqua - Art " Présenter cet élément d'importance vitale sous toutes ses formes ! Toutes les photos ,à partir de plusieures gouttes d'eau ,glaçons , glaciers , les mers et des oceans. Dieses Lebenswichtige Element in All seinen Formen zeigen! Alle Photos , ab mehreren Tropfen , Eiswürfeln / Gletschern ,Eisbergen bis hin zu Meeren / Ozeanen. Show this vital element in all its forms! All photos, from multiple drops, ice cubes ,glaciers , icebergs to seas / oceans. Mostrare loro quest…
" A table " Alles zum Thema: Nahrung und Getränke... Guten Appetit ... Tout au sujet: Aliments et boissons...Bon appétit... All about: Food and beverages ...Enjoy your meal... Tutto su: Prodotti alimentari e bevande...buon appetito...
Japanese Classic Cars
All photos of classic cars of Japanese origin.
> > > architecture > > > architektur > > > arquitectura > > >
" On the road again " Unterwegs auf Straßen und Autobahnen ! Voyager sur les routes et autoroutes! Traveling on roads and highways! In viaggio su strade e autostrade!
" 1:1 rat de bibliothèque - Leseratte -Bookworm... " Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw... KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!! Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc . PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!! All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…