Ce qui se rapporte aux repas ..
.privés..... restaurants ..cérémonies....
Lo que se relaciona con las comidas ..
.privados ..... restaurantes .. ceremonias
Any photographs refering to meals taken in ..
private at restaurants, during ceremonies ........and so on.....
Toutes sortes de roues (moulin, machine, vélo, auto...) SAUF grande roue (fête foraine) / All kind of wheels (mills, machine, bike, car...) EXCEPT ferris wheel (fun fair).
Groupe "Grande roue" / "Ferris wheel" group:
To share those exhilerating moments when COLOUR rules!!!
Please add the best colourful shot from a batch of images... 20 images from different angles becomes a bit boring to viewers..
Please make your addition a CELEBRATION of colour ...
Please comment on images that appeal to you.
4. No offense intended but images that administration feels do not meet the intent of the group "CELEBRATION of colour" will be removed.
Can be any subject, for example flowers, animals, people, digital creations etc... The only rule is...they MUST be on a black background. And no frontal nudity.
Peut être n'importe quel sujet, par exemple des fleurs, des animaux, gens, créations numériques, etc .. La seule règle est ... elles doivent être sur un fond noir.
Puede ser cualquier objeto, por ejemplo, flores, animales, personas, creaciones digitales, etc .. La única regla es ... que deben de estar en un fondo negro.
Every kind of bells. The subjet must be visible. The church towers are accepted if the bell is not too far away and too small. Follow the first photos for example. Let's ring your finds! Thank you ;o)
Everything that makes the heart of the crane lover beat faster! From harbour cranes, container cranes to construction cranes - cranes of all kinds! We would even like to welcome mobile cranes here in our crane group.
Nothing works without a crane ;-)
The only condition: The crane should be one of the main motives of the photo and clearly visible. Otherwise the photo will be removed.
Photos that represent something unusual, rarity, special. Something that is very rare in everyday life and at the same time forcing us to think about it. Please, no terrors, violence or war pictures.
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Public groups in which Dimas Sequeira is a member446 groups in total
Diner presque ipernitycien(nes) / Diner almost ipernitycian / Comida casi ipernitycian
Ce qui se rapporte aux repas .. .privés..... restaurants ..cérémonies.... Lo que se relaciona con las comidas .. .privados ..... restaurantes .. ceremonias Any photographs refering to meals taken in .. private at restaurants, during ceremonies ........and so on.....
bald head, bald patch, GLATZE, tête chauve
calvizie, лысая голова, kaalkop,careca,
Dress Style Fashion People all over the world
MEN and WOMEN mode dressing fashion use
Factory usine entreprise Company
Photos d'entreprise
Présenter les différents types de moulins, à vent, à eau, à aubes, etc... Les vieux moulins à café et les éoliennes sont bienvenus aussi !...
Roue / Wheel
Toutes sortes de roues (moulin, machine, vélo, auto...) SAUF grande roue (fête foraine) / All kind of wheels (mills, machine, bike, car...) EXCEPT ferris wheel (fun fair). Groupe "Grande roue" / "Ferris wheel" group: https://www.ipernity.com/group/78808
vitraux anciens ou modernes, profanes ou religieux
Celebration of Colour
To share those exhilerating moments when COLOUR rules!!! Please add the best colourful shot from a batch of images... 20 images from different angles becomes a bit boring to viewers.. Please make your addition a CELEBRATION of colour ... Please comment on images that appeal to you. 4. No offense intended but images that administration feels do not meet the intent of the group "CELEBRATION of colour" will be removed.
◉Stunning Shots On Black
Can be any subject, for example flowers, animals, people, digital creations etc... The only rule is...they MUST be on a black background. And no frontal nudity. Peut être n'importe quel sujet, par exemple des fleurs, des animaux, gens, créations numériques, etc .. La seule règle est ... elles doivent être sur un fond noir. Puede ser cualquier objeto, por ejemplo, flores, animales, personas, creaciones digitales, etc .. La única regla es ... que deben de estar en un fondo negro.
War memorials
War memorials all over the world.
Quadrangles and Courtyards
In Oxford they are called quads; in Cambridge, courts. Pictures of all similar enclosed spaces are welcome here.
Graffitis y mensajes urbanos de cualquier tipo.
Outdoor Clocks
Post pics of clocks outdoors or on public or private buildings. Invite clocks you see that fit the description above -
crosses of all kind
Every kind of bells. The subjet must be visible. The church towers are accepted if the bell is not too far away and too small. Follow the first photos for example. Let's ring your finds! Thank you ;o)
Cranescapes: Construction cranes, mobile cranes, container cranes, ...
Everything that makes the heart of the crane lover beat faster! From harbour cranes, container cranes to construction cranes - cranes of all kinds! We would even like to welcome mobile cranes here in our crane group. Nothing works without a crane ;-) The only condition: The crane should be one of the main motives of the photo and clearly visible. Otherwise the photo will be removed.
Rarities - Raritäten
Photos that represent something unusual, rarity, special. Something that is very rare in everyday life and at the same time forcing us to think about it. Please, no terrors, violence or war pictures.
⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ All kinds of Crosses...even jewellry
We collect fences of all view an kind.... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaun
rassembler de belles photos de clochers de nos villes et nos villages et éventuellement d'autres pays. attention, Clocher ne veut pas dire église,