HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity.
A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening.
And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM).
Founder of the group: "…
Das Ziel ist es, schöne Fotos und Eindrücke rund um den Bodensee, das Dreiländereck Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, zu präsentieren.
The goal is to present beautiful photos and impressions around Lake Constance, the border triangle of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
L'objectif est de présenter de belles photos et impressions autour du lac de Constance, au carrefour de l'Allemagne, de l'Autriche et de la Suisse.
Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so.
By accepting and signing the Ipernity-ToS/Guidelines, you agreed to upload only pictures done by yourself.
Please only post photos which are currently in the " Gallery "!
Only pictures with 7 or more faves!
Normally an invitation is given by the administrators or moderators.
The admins will check all new contributions - please be patient.…
Das Treffen ist vorbei und die Teilnehmer sind alle hoffentlich wohlbehalten zuhause angekommen. Das ist die Zeit, die mitgebrachte "Ausbeute" zu sortieren und in die Gruppe hochzuladen. Also dann, viel Spaß beim Betrachten der Bilder.
Ende April 2022 (28.April bis 1.Mai 2022) findet wieder unser traditionelles ipernity - Treffen in der schönen Stadt Hamburg statt.
At the end of April 2022 (28th April until 1st May2022), our traditional ipernihy meeting will take place again in the…
The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.)
Have fun with it!
Please note:
- Only one image a week!
- No nude pictures!
- Respect the start and stop signs!
Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.
00 - WC - Toilette - Gabinetto - Abort - Latrine - Klo - Lokus - Urinal - Donnerbalken ... dieser Welt, möglichst ungewöhnliche oder bizarre Plätze!
Auch Toilettenhäuschen und bizarre Hinweisschilder...
Vulgärbezeichnungen sind Scheißhaus (mittelhochdeutsch schîzhûs war hingegen noch nicht anstößig), Schlotte – eigentlich ein Hohlraum in wasserlöslichem Gestein – oder besonders im Militärjargon Donnerbalken.
Dialektale Begriffe sind in Österreich und Bayern auch Häusl, in der Schweiz Hüüsli…
Reflections of all kinds.
Please note the difference between reflection and refraction and understand that images will be refused without comment which do not correspond to the theme of the group.
Thank you
Pictures of small plants (flowers) growing on walls, in tarmac or on stony ground are very welcome here.
This is not about macros, but the flower should definitely be in the foreground and the ground should also be clearly recognisable.
All types of this well-known pictogram, whether drawn or sprayed, happy or sad.
Of course, smiling faces that can be recognised on any object are also welcome. A look at the group photos might help.
Here you can find "selfies" from ipernity members, taken with a smartphone, via self-timer, or from friends.
No nudity!
Please also add your ipernity name to the keywords if possible.
Thank you.
Any kind of glasses (eyeglasses) -
Spectacles consist of spectacle lenses, which either have a light-refracting effect as ground lenses and serve as visual aids.
Glasses are also important as a fashion accessory.
Mond...Monde...Mondinnen in all ihrer bösen und fantastischen Pracht...egal ob Voll- Halb- Viertelmond..ob Tagesmond, Nachtmond oder Schweinemond...es dreht sich alles um den Mond, die Mondin :)
The name originated in an air raid shelter during the Second World War in a conversation between Hans Müller-Schlösser, the creator of ‘Schneider Wibbel’, and Willi Busch, who is said to have told Busch:
"Ech sach dech bloß ens Hans, koome meer he heil erus, dat se ons nit kille, dann brau ech dech ö Schabäuke, do kannste de Zong noh lecke, dann dommer eene pitsche on dä kannste dann von mech us Killepitsch nenne!"
(‘I'll just tell you one thing Hans, if we get out of here safely,…
Ergänzung April 2019:
Bin gerade dabei, alle Fotos in der Gruppe mit einem (einheitlichen) Stichwort zu versehen. Das gibt die Möglichkeit, die Bilder aller Mitglieder zu einem bestimmten Haus mit einem Klick aufzurufen.
Eine Gruppe speziell für HH-Fans!
Aufnahmen von Treppenhäusern, Innenhöfen, Galerien und Fassaden von Hamburger Kontorhäusern sind willkommen - dazu auch gerne Details wie Fenster, Fliesen oder Türgriffe etc. Zur Definition:
Es können natürli…
The drinking glass is a drinking vessel made of glass into which drinks are filled and from which people drink directly. It exists in very different shapes and colours. Depending on the drink and the occasion, different glass forms are used.
Zeige hier ein Foto, auf dem man DEINE Füsse (bekleidet oder barfuss) sieht.
Du musst das Bild SELBER gemacht haben.
Der Hintergrund ist egal. Das kann im Büro, am Strand, beim Sport oder sonst irgendwo sein.
Here should be showed beautiful images rich in statement and images with detailed details to be displayed as an image in the image. Only a repetition of the main image is not in terms of these objectives.
Completely without stress and voluntarily and without hunting pictures.
Nakedness, porn, violence, etc. are excluded.
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Public groups in which Uli F. is a member36 groups in total
HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
HBM "Happy Bench Monday" A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity. A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM). Founder of the group: "…
Rund um den Bodensee / Around Lake Constance / Autour du lac de Constance
Das Ziel ist es, schöne Fotos und Eindrücke rund um den Bodensee, das Dreiländereck Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, zu präsentieren. The goal is to present beautiful photos and impressions around Lake Constance, the border triangle of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. L'objectif est de présenter de belles photos et impressions autour du lac de Constance, au carrefour de l'Allemagne, de l'Autriche et de la Suisse.
❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖
RULES! Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so. By accepting and signing the Ipernity-ToS/Guidelines, you agreed to upload only pictures done by yourself. Please only post photos which are currently in the " Gallery "! Only pictures with 7 or more faves! Normally an invitation is given by the administrators or moderators. The admins will check all new contributions - please be patient.…
Hamburg 2022
Das Treffen ist vorbei und die Teilnehmer sind alle hoffentlich wohlbehalten zuhause angekommen. Das ist die Zeit, die mitgebrachte "Ausbeute" zu sortieren und in die Gruppe hochzuladen. Also dann, viel Spaß beim Betrachten der Bilder. [GE] Ende April 2022 (28.April bis 1.Mai 2022) findet wieder unser traditionelles ipernity - Treffen in der schönen Stadt Hamburg statt. [EN] At the end of April 2022 (28th April until 1st May2022), our traditional ipernihy meeting will take place again in the…
Extraterrestrials are among us!
They can take the form of animals, trees, objects, a painting on a wall, and so on. Photograph them if you see them! (In memory of neira-Dan)
The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.
WC- OO -Toilette-Gabinetto-Abort-Latrine-Klo-Lokus-Urinal
00 - WC - Toilette - Gabinetto - Abort - Latrine - Klo - Lokus - Urinal - Donnerbalken ... dieser Welt, möglichst ungewöhnliche oder bizarre Plätze! Auch Toilettenhäuschen und bizarre Hinweisschilder... Vulgärbezeichnungen sind Scheißhaus (mittelhochdeutsch schîzhûs war hingegen noch nicht anstößig), Schlotte – eigentlich ein Hohlraum in wasserlöslichem Gestein – oder besonders im Militärjargon Donnerbalken. Dialektale Begriffe sind in Österreich und Bayern auch Häusl, in der Schweiz Hüüsli…
Reflections - snoitcelfeR
Reflections of all kinds. Please note the difference between reflection and refraction and understand that images will be refused without comment which do not correspond to the theme of the group. Thank you
ONLY place name signs
The place name sign is the beginning or end of a village and is usually placed on the streets of the region.
Pictures of small plants (flowers) growing on walls, in tarmac or on stony ground are very welcome here. This is not about macros, but the flower should definitely be in the foreground and the ground should also be clearly recognisable.
All types of this well-known pictogram, whether drawn or sprayed, happy or sad. Of course, smiling faces that can be recognised on any object are also welcome. A look at the group photos might help.
That's me!
Here you can find "selfies" from ipernity members, taken with a smartphone, via self-timer, or from friends. No nudity! Please also add your ipernity name to the keywords if possible. Thank you.
glasses - sun glass - Brillen - Sonnenbrille - Augengläser - lunettes - occhiali -
Any kind of glasses (eyeglasses) - Spectacles consist of spectacle lenses, which either have a light-refracting effect as ground lenses and serve as visual aids. Glasses are also important as a fashion accessory.
bad moon rising
Mond...Monde...Mondinnen in all ihrer bösen und fantastischen Pracht...egal ob Voll- Halb- Viertelmond..ob Tagesmond, Nachtmond oder Schweinemond...es dreht sich alles um den Mond, die Mondin :)
Killepitsch for all ... ;-) ... ävver nit ze off (but not too often ... ;-)
Killepitsch The name originated in an air raid shelter during the Second World War in a conversation between Hans Müller-Schlösser, the creator of ‘Schneider Wibbel’, and Willi Busch, who is said to have told Busch: "Ech sach dech bloß ens Hans, koome meer he heil erus, dat se ons nit kille, dann brau ech dech ö Schabäuke, do kannste de Zong noh lecke, dann dommer eene pitsche on dä kannste dann von mech us Killepitsch nenne!" (‘I'll just tell you one thing Hans, if we get out of here safely,…
Hamburg: Kontorhäuser-Historical Office buildings
Ergänzung April 2019: Bin gerade dabei, alle Fotos in der Gruppe mit einem (einheitlichen) Stichwort zu versehen. Das gibt die Möglichkeit, die Bilder aller Mitglieder zu einem bestimmten Haus mit einem Klick aufzurufen. Eine Gruppe speziell für HH-Fans! Aufnahmen von Treppenhäusern, Innenhöfen, Galerien und Fassaden von Hamburger Kontorhäusern sind willkommen - dazu auch gerne Details wie Fenster, Fliesen oder Türgriffe etc. Zur Definition: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontorhaus Es können natürli…
lamps indoor - lampes d'intérieur - Innenlampe - Innenleuchte - Leuchte - lampada da interno
Only lamps inside buildings - no lamps outside !!! Lamps old or new.. no big interiors please !
Glas, drinking glas,
Engl. The drinking glass is a drinking vessel made of glass into which drinks are filled and from which people drink directly. It exists in very different shapes and colours. Depending on the drink and the occasion, different glass forms are used.
Zeige hier ein Foto, auf dem man DEINE Füsse (bekleidet oder barfuss) sieht. Du musst das Bild SELBER gemacht haben. Der Hintergrund ist egal. Das kann im Büro, am Strand, beim Sport oder sonst irgendwo sein.
Pic-in-Pic - Welcome to the group...
Here should be showed beautiful images rich in statement and images with detailed details to be displayed as an image in the image. Only a repetition of the main image is not in terms of these objectives. Completely without stress and voluntarily and without hunting pictures. Nakedness, porn, violence, etc. are excluded.