Xata's photos with the keyword: Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês

Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês, Névoas

23 Jan 2019 26 14 507

Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês, Névoas

Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês, Côres de fogo

Cascata do Arado, L1005630

Cascata do Arado, Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês

20 Jan 2019 25 26 585
A Cascata do Arado é uma queda de água fluvial localizada no Rio Arado, perto da aldeia da Ermida, freguesia de Vilar da Veiga, concelho de Terras de Bouro e distrito de Braga, em Portugal PLS CLICK ABOVE FOR PIP

Cascata do Arado, L1005633

Cascata do Arado, Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês

19 Jan 2019 19 24 463
A Cascata do Arado é uma queda de água fluvial localizada no Rio Arado, perto da aldeia da Ermida, freguesia de Vilar da Veiga, concelho de Terras de Bouro e distrito de Braga, em Portugal PLS CLICK ABOVE FOR PIPs

Cascata do Arado, L1005636

Serra da Peneda, Senhora da Peneda , Vaca

22 Nov 2018 1 163
Barrosã cattle breed is native of Portugal. It is known mainly for its big distinctive horns, which can grow well over 100 cm in length. Ancestral inhabitants of the highest lands of northern Portugal, these animals graze freely on traditional pastures and marshes in conditions that are ideal for their welfare. The cattle enjoy a purity of nature that is characteristic of these places, contributing greatly to preservation and biodiversity of the landscape as well as to the rural economic sustainability. Source: www.fondazioneslowfood.com/en/ark-of-taste-slow-food/barrosa-cattle Wolves are their natural ennemy and can attack an isolated cow. It is one of the problems the breeders have. To protect them they use Castro Laboreiro dogs, a local dog breed. www.dogbreedinfo.com/castrolaboreiro.htm

Serra da Peneda, Senhora da Peneda

02 Feb 2019 25 29 406
Sanctuary of Senhora da Peneda An enormous crag (the Meadinhas rock) dominates the site with its 300 metres of sheer height. In the pure air of the altitude, the Santuário de Peneda gives a holy feel to the mountain, creating a religious atmosphere. Every year, in the first week of September, several hundred pilgrims from all over the region and from neighbouring Galicia flock to this place of pilgrimage. The dedication to Nossa Senhora das Neves (Our Lady of the Snows) originates from the Middle Ages, spreading the legend of her apparition at this site, where a small chapel has been built. The present Sanctuary, built in the nineteenth century, is topped by a church with a monumental flight of steps. At the front, there is a series of terraces and steps, lined on both sides by twenty little chapels comprising episodes in the life of Jesus, that go down the valley and finish in a square with an image of the Angel Gabriel on top of a column and a portico with a sculpture at the top representing Nossa Senhora da Encarnação. Source: www.visitportugal.com/en/NR/exeres/C541CE73-8AEE-4FF8-9590-AD53D1EA44F9 PLS CLICK ON PHOTOS BELLOW TO GO TO THEIR PAGES

Serra da Peneda, Senhora da Peneda L1005531

22 Nov 2018 1 181
Sanctuary of Senhora da Peneda An enormous crag (the Meadinhas rock) dominates the site with its 300 metres of sheer height. In the pure air of the altitude, the Santuário de Peneda gives a holy feel to the mountain, creating a religious atmosphere. Every year, in the first week of September, several hundred pilgrims from all over the region and from neighbouring Galicia flock to this place of pilgrimage. The dedication to Nossa Senhora das Neves (Our Lady of the Snows) originates from the Middle Ages, spreading the legend of her apparition at this site, where a small chapel has been built. The present Sanctuary, built in the nineteenth century, is topped by a church with a monumental flight of steps. At the front, there is a series of terraces and steps, lined on both sides by twenty little chapels comprising episodes in the life of Jesus, that go down the valley and finish in a square with an image of the Angel Gabriel on top of a column and a portico with a sculpture at the top representing Nossa Senhora da Encarnação. Source: www.visitportugal.com/en/NR/exeres/C541CE73-8AEE-4FF8-9590-AD53D1EA44F9

Serra da Peneda, Senhora da Peneda L1005542

22 Nov 2018 2 190
Sanctuary of Senhora da Peneda An enormous crag (the Meadinhas rock) dominates the site with its 300 metres of sheer height. In the pure air of the altitude, the Santuário de Peneda gives a holy feel to the mountain, creating a religious atmosphere. Every year, in the first week of September, several hundred pilgrims from all over the region and from neighbouring Galicia flock to this place of pilgrimage. The dedication to Nossa Senhora das Neves (Our Lady of the Snows) originates from the Middle Ages, spreading the legend of her apparition at this site, where a small chapel has been built. The present Sanctuary, built in the nineteenth century, is topped by a church with a monumental flight of steps. At the front, there is a series of terraces and steps, lined on both sides by twenty little chapels comprising episodes in the life of Jesus, that go down the valley and finish in a square with an image of the Angel Gabriel on top of a column and a portico with a sculpture at the top representing Nossa Senhora da Encarnação. Source: www.visitportugal.com/en/NR/exeres/C541CE73-8AEE-4FF8-9590-AD53D1EA44F9

Serra da Peneda, Senhora da Peneda L1005543

22 Nov 2018 2 141
Sanctuary of Senhora da Peneda An enormous crag (the Meadinhas rock) dominates the site with its 300 metres of sheer height. In the pure air of the altitude, the Santuário de Peneda gives a holy feel to the mountain, creating a religious atmosphere. Every year, in the first week of September, several hundred pilgrims from all over the region and from neighbouring Galicia flock to this place of pilgrimage. The dedication to Nossa Senhora das Neves (Our Lady of the Snows) originates from the Middle Ages, spreading the legend of her apparition at this site, where a small chapel has been built. The present Sanctuary, built in the nineteenth century, is topped by a church with a monumental flight of steps. At the front, there is a series of terraces and steps, lined on both sides by twenty little chapels comprising episodes in the life of Jesus, that go down the valley and finish in a square with an image of the Angel Gabriel on top of a column and a portico with a sculpture at the top representing Nossa Senhora da Encarnação. Source: www.visitportugal.com/en/NR/exeres/C541CE73-8AEE-4FF8-9590-AD53D1EA44F9

Serra da Peneda, Senhora da Peneda L1005550

22 Nov 2018 1 190
Sanctuary of Senhora da Peneda An enormous crag (the Meadinhas rock) dominates the site with its 300 metres of sheer height. In the pure air of the altitude, the Santuário de Peneda gives a holy feel to the mountain, creating a religious atmosphere. Every year, in the first week of September, several hundred pilgrims from all over the region and from neighbouring Galicia flock to this place of pilgrimage. The dedication to Nossa Senhora das Neves (Our Lady of the Snows) originates from the Middle Ages, spreading the legend of her apparition at this site, where a small chapel has been built. The present Sanctuary, built in the nineteenth century, is topped by a church with a monumental flight of steps. At the front, there is a series of terraces and steps, lined on both sides by twenty little chapels comprising episodes in the life of Jesus, that go down the valley and finish in a square with an image of the Angel Gabriel on top of a column and a portico with a sculpture at the top representing Nossa Senhora da Encarnação. Source: www.visitportugal.com/en/NR/exeres/C541CE73-8AEE-4FF8-9590-AD53D1EA44F9