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  • About Andreas Schindler (Arlequin Photographie)

    My membership of Ipernity is now in its sixth year. I came to Ipernity at a time when the increasing commercialization of existing photo sites and/or communities was increasingly limiting my creativity. Trendy photos were highlighted, while the real treasures remained hidden. This is not surprising, the operators of these sites are profit-oriented, but they live from our work and our enthusiasm. They create a presentation space – but nothing more than that. I came to Ipernity, a real communit…

  • 6 December 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Is a group active? In order to support the current efforts by our members to improve the perception of groups, especially to visitors, a new feature has been added to assist them. On a group's homepage, the blue (?) icon beside 'Latest contributions' shows how long ago the most recent image was added to the group. Additionally, this is available via the [ i ] under each image. This is the date that a user agrees to a suggestion, or when a g…

  • 1 November 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Additional viewing size option. When viewing group contributions, the 'Small' option displayed the 100px images. Everywhere else, the display used the cropped 75px squares. Beside the existing icon for this option, now labeled 'Square', there is a new icon for the 100px option, labeled 'Small'. The view of group contributions gains the 'Square' option, which provides a larger overview of the content. The Explore->Gallery and Explore->Noteworthy d…

  • 7 June 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Notes for new members. It was a task for the Moderator to send an ipermail to new members with useful information. This would inevitably not be at the instant of registration. It also required a decision on who to exclude as likely spammers. The text is now available in our 7 supported languages, as item 1.6 in the FAQ section. We view this as an overall improvement, while accepting the loss of the personal touch. This is mitigated by community bein…

  • Site wide SSL is finally here!

    Secure Encryption (2)
    Dear members and friends of ipernity, ============================ For those of you still having problems: If trying to add a new photo to a group, and there is no drop-down list, the first thing to try is the Ctrl+F5 to Refresh. See paragraph below for more about refreshing. If that does not solve the problem, you can try closing and restarting your browser . We do not expect to be able to allow the apps (iPhone or Android) to upload photos. But this is possible with either the…

  • Newly Elected Board - April 7th, 2024

    Executive Board (elected by the Ipernity General Assembly on March 25, 2023 and April 7, 2024) William Sutherland , United States, President Corinne Pommerell , Luxemburg, Treasurer Rob Stamp , United Kingdom, Webmaster Laura Fletcher , United States, Moderator Executive Assistants ( appointed by the Executive Board in accordance with ARTICLE VII,10 of the IMA Statutes ) Helena-Paule Fitoussi , France (hotline, spam removal) Stefan Roßkopf , Germany (IT) S…

  • 2024 Candidatures for the Board

    ima team
    We look forward to the members confirming these appointments at the IGA. In reply to our call for candidatures for the mandates of Vice President and Treasurer, one person has come forward: No one has come forward for Vice-President. Corinne Pommerell - as Treasurer. Current incumbent, standing for re-election The ima team therefore proposes to the General Assembly as candidate: 1) Vice-President - none 2) Treasurer Cori…

  • 1 March 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) One month until IGA. Sign up by April 3rd in order to attend. Our annual membership meeting will be held online on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm [Correction: 6pm] Paris (16:00 UTC) . Please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. There are two mandates open for election. 2) Meeting in the real world. We are inde…

  • Les artistes de rue rendent les armes face aux promoteurs

    Pendant les travaux la vie continue
    New-Delhi (Inde) - La municipalité de new-Delhi a réussi à exproprier la totalité des 2.700 familles d’artistes de rue qui vivaient dans la colonie du bidonville de Kathputli, située à l’Ouest de Delhi. Les artistes ont bien tenté de résister, faisant prendre plusieurs années de retard au projet de modernisation urbaine, mais aujourd’hui, les promoteurs ont gagné.

  • Les glaneurs de charbon du Dhanbad

    La région du Dhanbad dans l’Etat du Jharkhand, est la capitale indienne du charbon. Les compagnies minières y exploitent d’immenses mines à ciel ouvert. Entre les engins mécaniques qui ravagent la nature environnante, les mineurs illégaux, qui résident dans les villages à proximité des mines, tentent de récupérer quelques miettes de ce charbon pour survivre. Tous souffrent de maladies respiratoires chroniques ; mais il faut bien vivre et le charbon est à portée de main.

  • BARBIE, the movie - o filme

    The beginning is brilliant, a remake of "2001: The Space Odyssey", by Stanley KUBRICK, promises a film speaking of the future of a better humanity. But then it touches on many things at the same time, inequality between sexes, consumerism, overspending, love, beauty versus ugliness and intelligence, youth versus aging, life verssus death, it touches on it all, sometimes masterfully, other times hastily. At the end, the idea remains that the movie is honest and pretends to be moralistic, b…

  • Club News - 2 June 2023

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Next season. Summer is around the corner and the summer collection of homepage pictures and accompanying slideshow are online. See the slideshow on YouTube , and without logging out, see the ipernity homepage here. A deep thank you to all members who have added new contributions which keeps our website looking fresh. Keep those suggestions coming! And the team gives many thanks to Bernhard and * ઇઉ * for all the hard work t…

  • Club News - 5 May 2023

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Picture-in-picture (PiPs) in lightbox. The full screen 'Lightbox view [z]' now displays PiPs. It does not allow you to edit your own PiPs, but the feature is designed to help you be aware of PiPs when viewing other people's photos. The outline rectangles appear as you move the mouse, and then fade out when you stop moving the mouse. This is unlike the main photo page where they are always visible when the mouse is over the photo. The rectangle…

  • How-To add photos inside of photos using notes (PictureInPicture), update in 2023

    ipernity-howto - Infos über nützliche ipernity-Funktionen, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht kennt
    Maybe you have already registered that some guys have cool photos which are showing other photos inside by using a note? If not: here are some possible examples (the photo which was used for this article has ten "Picture in Picture" notes and was about Hamburgs Criminal Justice Building ). You could find more of such examples in the group PiP ★ Picture in Picture . Note that you need a club membership to do this, as adding notes to photos is a club-only function.

  • 2023 IGA Report

    2023 Board Members
    Dear members and friends of ipernity, Last Saturday, March 25th, 2023 the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2022. The following links provide information on the course of the Assembly and the results: ● Agenda of the 2023 IGA ● Participants in the 2023 IGA ● President's report on 2022 ● Treasurer's report on 2022 ● Annual financial report for 2022 ● Minutes of the 2023 IGA…

  • 2023 IGA - Agenda

    Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 (IGA2023) Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2023 (IGA2023) Tagesordnung der Ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2023 (IGA2023)

  • 2022-11-04 Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Help us select the best homepage pictures for the winter season! Due to the great interest in the trial voting for the homepage pictures in July, voting is now offered again for the upcoming winter pictures. If you would like to take part, follow this link: Vote on the ipernity homepage pictures for this winter . 2) Improve the visibility of your pictures. When browsing the gallery pictures using the Lightbox view, you may have noticed t…

  • Window to the mind

    Window to the mind
    Photography is like writing, you start with an empty piece of paper, then fill it using your creativity. What is in your mind, what is on that paper, do they correspond, do they have connection? Do you start with an idea, then start writing, word for word, sentence by sentence until your story is complete? Or do you put a lot of words on that paper and start telling it is a story afterwards? Next time remember, photography can be a window to the mind! --------------------------------…

  • 2022-09-02 Club News

    Happy 5 Years, operated by members
    For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) This weekend we are celebrating a 5 years anniversary , as on September 1, 2017, we members took over the operation of this website and thus saved it from disappearing. Since then, we have overcome all challenges. We a…

  • 2022-06-03 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Summertime is here, and the pictures on our homepage have been updated to the Summer Collection 2022 . Many thanks to the club members who have contributed to this collection. 2) The pictures can also be viewed as a YouTube Slide…

124 articles in total