Xata's photos with the keyword: Stars

Ghost in the night

No wandering stars night

16 Aug 2020 35 20 331
Penedos, Alentejo Pls see wide on black

Stary night

21 Aug 2015 29 9 1034
Zeiss Distagon T15mm f/2.8 ZF.2

Stary night

21 Aug 2015 16 5 816
Zeiss Distagon T15mm f/2.8 ZF.2

Star trails and wind on fire

26 Aug 2014 19 7 1000
Zeiss Distagon T15mm f/2.8 ZF.2 + D800 22 fotos

Stars on windy night

26 Aug 2014 21 6 847
Zeiss Distagon T15mm f/2.8 ZF.2 + D800