York's articles with the keyword: rumpel

  • Tag #286: “Vollbeschäftigung”

    - 16 Aug 2009
    Es ist Wahlkampfzeit. Einige Parteien, allen voran die SPD, versprechen gerade mal wieder, direkt nach der Wahl massenhaft neue Arbeitplätze schaffen zu wollen und in wenigen Jahren Vollbeschäftigung erreichen zu können – wenn man sie denn läßt. Also müsse man sie wählen. Vollbeschäftigung also. Aha. Ich sage: Volksverdummung. Denn Vollbeschäftigung ist doch, wenn alle Erwerbsfähigen jenseits der Sockelarbeitslosigkeit einen Arbeitsplatz haben. Das klingt irgendwie gut und erstrebenswert,…

  • Tag #217: Piraten

    - 08 Jun 2009
    229.117 der in Deutschland wahlberechtigt lebenden Menschen haben bei der Europawahl 2009 die Piratenpartei gewählt. Davon 2.149 in Bremen. 488.087 Wahlberechtigte gab es in Bremen, d.h. die Piratenpartei erreichte dort 0,44% der Wahlberechtigten. Auf 1 Piratenpartei-Wähler kamen in Bremen 7,78 FDP-Wähler, 19,29 Grünenwähler und 138,84 Nichtwähler. 5 von 1.151 Wahlberechtigten wählten in meinem Wahlkreis die Piraten. Das ist mit 0,43% genau Bremer Durchschnitt. Wer sind diese 5 Pirat…

  • Tag #198: Kirchentag in Bremen

    - 20 May 2009
    Heute beginnt in Bremen der 32. Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag. Er stößt in meinem Bekanntenkreis auf breite Ablehnung. "Lass diese Gottestrottel bitte schnell wieder verschwinden!!!" war eine der deutlich harmloseren Aussagen. Die anderen möchte ich nicht zitieren. Ich schreibe an dieser Stelle darüber, weil ich mich ganz gegen den Trend und das soziale Umfeld trauen möchte, diesen Kirchentag öffentlich gut zu finden. Zur Begründung bzw. Rechtfertigung möchte ich erst etwas sagen zu Religi…

  • Day #197: about "Identity 2.0"

    - 19 May 2009
    Wikipedia has an entry Identity 2.0 that begins with " Identity 2.0, also called digital identity, is the anticipated revolution of identity verification on the internet using emerging user-centric technologies such as Information Cards or OpenID. " Ok, "Information Cards or OpenID": For Information Cards Wikipedia says " The Information Card metaphor is implemented by Identity Selectors like Windows CardSpace, DigitalMe or Higgins Identity Selector. " And for Windows CardSpace it says…

  • Day #191: I think, therefore I am responsible.

    - 13 May 2009
    I didn't blog in a while, so I thought I'd publish an older text of mine for your edification and enlightenment. I wrote it in August 2007. Here it is: When I was a child, somebody said to me "I think, therefore I am." I found this ridiculously stupid. My immediate reply was "I think, therefore I think I think". This wasn't meant to be a goofy reply. It was meant to be as philosophical as "I think, therefore I am" unsuccessfully tried to be to me. My problem with "I think, th…

  • Tag #176: Anne will Knabe

    - 28 Apr 2009
    "Anne Will: Maurer scheisse, Knabe top, Thierse furchtbar" sagt User @cle50000 auf Twitter. Ich schlüssel das mal mit Infos aus dieser Quelle auf: Ulrich Maurer (Die Linke), Parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer der Bundestagsfraktion Hubertus Knabe, Leiter der Gedenkstätte Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Wolfgang Thierse (SPD), Vizepräsident des deutschen Bundestages Was Anne nun wollte, weiß ich nicht mehr. Vielleicht wußte es nie jemand. Was ich aber aus der Sendung mitgenommen habe, sind…

  • Day #164: Hamburg

    - 16 Apr 2009
    Today I finally did my third and last upload of pics taken in Hamburg on April 5th. Originally I thought, I didn't make any photos worth uploading on that day at all, but now I actually selected a total of 40 (13 in the Kunsthalle and 27 outside) for presentation on ipernity. Maybe you like one or the other. It comes that I sometimes sit hours in front of a set of photos I've taken but can't get access to an idea what I want to do with them. The Hamburg photos were such a case. At the e…

  • Day #144: Software

    - 27 Mar 2009
    Today, Heise has a news item referring to the new Themen-Special: Fotos optimieren, verwalten und präsentieren with a link to the older special Software-Grundausstattung . I haven't read neither one nor the other. But I happen to have installed a few pieces of software from the net on a fresh computer today. Here's the list: - JDK 6 Update 13 ( java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp ) - Mozilla Firefox 3.0.7 ( www.mozilla.com/en-US ) - Adobe Flash Player ( get.adobe.com/flas…

  • Tag #128: Metatron Hunter

    - 11 Mar 2009
    In einer Beilage der Gratis-Postwurf-Zeitung Weser-Report namens "Jetzt & Hier", Ausgabe März 2009 ("Handlich. Aktuell. Informativ. -- Das Magazin für Osterholz und Vahr") heißt es auf S. 22 in einer Werbung für die "Naturheilpraxis Gudrun Dümer" wie folgt: "Mit diesem neuen Gerät, für das es zur Zeit weltweit keine Konkurrenz gibt, kann ich in einer ganz neuen Form nach Ursachen von Beschwerden suchen". Mich hat das natürlich sofort beeindruckt, denn "weltweit keine Konkurrenz" und "in ei…

  • Tag #107: Hausaufgabe

    - 18 Feb 2009
    Ich möchte hiermit allen Lesern dieses Blogs die Hausaufgabe mitgeben, einen Aufsatz über eiweißreiche Ödeme zu schreiben. Es müssen die folgenden Sätze darin vorkommen: Es ist wichtig, frühzeitig zu lymphen. Der Strumpf geht nicht auf das Budget. 3 Monate Pause sind im Gesetz drin. Gut ist der, wenn er erstmal Anamnese macht. Lymphtaping ist gerade sehr im Kommen. Er befundet es. 30 Minuten ist Minimum. Außerdem müssen die folgenden Begriffe untergebracht werden: chronisch p…

  • Day #100: My challenge/demand for this anniversary

    - 11 Feb 2009
    Dedicated to all the people I love: Persévérons! Durchhalten! Persevere! Time will pass. But we'll still stand. and Volle Fahrt voraus! Full speed ahead into the future! We together will make it. Auf die nächsten 100 Tage!

  • Day #99: retrospection

    - 10 Feb 2009
    As this is my 100th day on ipernity, I just want to write something, anything. First thing that comes into my mind to write about is a retrospection of what I've written so far. Maybe mixed with a few review elements and some random new thoughts. I apologize in advance for this unstructured post, but sometimes I have to just babble. Random thought 1: I've just discovered "My Network"-->"Latest docs & post"-->"Everyone"-->"Photos". It's a stream of your contacts' docs in size 240. (flickr provi…

  • Day #97: 10 days pro

    - 08 Feb 2009
    I'm pro since day#87. So today is my 10 day anniversary. I became pro, because I wanted to support ipernity. Being able to enlarge images of non-pro-members that are uploaded on, say, 800x600 is one of the bonuses. Being able to offer huge original sizes to family non-pro-members is one other. Being able to see their original image sizes (if they allow it) is a third. And being able to upload large private files like ZIPs for archiving purposes without killing the monthly upload budget is a fo…

  • Day #93: Weser

    - 04 Feb 2009
    On January, 14th, I founded a group called Weser . I gave it the description "Images and other docs showing or being about the Weser river in Germany including all its confluents (Werra, Fulda), affluents (like Aller, Hunte, Lesum, Ochtum, Lune, Geeste, ...) and their tributary streams respectively (Wümme, Hamme, Leine, Rohr, etc.)." But then I added only one pic. I am lazy ;-) Today, exacly 4 weeks later, I remembered that and added 18 more of my own pics. Maybe I should also start inviti…

  • Day #85: comparing again (this time: image size limitations)

    - 27 Jan 2009
    Yesterday. Yesterday I changed Preferences --> Originals & Exif --> Members or anonymous visitors from "Nothing special" to "Sharing code (+big size)". In other words: I made the "big size thumbnail" available to everyone. One effect is that the "View all sizes" link in every photo page is now enabled for everyone, so everyone can enlarge to (and download) the 1024 size. One other effect is that the Slideshow with Cooliris now shows 1024-sized instead of only 560-sized images. Why did I do…

  • Day #67: about "Web 2.0"

    - 09 Jan 2009
    I just found a very interesting article from .marius about " So Sachen mit Internetz… ". It's announced to be the first of a series, and I'm very intrigued. Reading it, I was reminded of a lecture from Microsoft that I attended about a year ago about Ajax. The lecturer claimed two things: 1. Ajax was invented by Microsoft. 2. Another name for Ajax is Web 2.0. I was very amused about those statements and did my job as an academic consumer (= always give intelligent feedback) by ignoring 1.…

  • Day #65: What I want

    - 07 Jan 2009
    Some people make New Year's resolutions and then keep or break them. Usually the latter. I don't. But there are a few things I want to do in 2009, nonetheless. Concerning ipernity these are: (1) Put more pics in a pool. Currently the partitioning by tags is lonely pic (175) + pool pic (34) + not a photo (5) = 214 Too many pics are lonely! (2) Resolve the quantity conflicts (tag more precisely). Currently the other partitionings by tags are rumpelfoto (209) + rumpelvideo (2)…

  • Day #45: the winner

    - 18 Dec 2008
    I'm very happy that ipernity is the People’s Choice Winner in the Photo Sharing category of the Mashable 2nd Annual Open Web Award (the Blogger’s Choice Winner is flickr, though). I don't know the relevance of the Mashable site, nor do I know the meaning of "People's Choice", but I think ipernity deserves that bit more recognition. I have three (!) friends (that in 2008 alone all had attended the flickr Bremen group meetups more than once) who have deleted their flickr account recently (an…

84 articles in total