Werner K.'s photos with the keyword: Affen

  • 20190907 5930CPw [D~HRO] Zwergseidenäffchen (Cebuella pygmaea), Zoo, Rostock
  • 20190907 5940CPw [D~HRO] Orang Utan, Zoo, Rostock
  • 20190907 5946CPw [D~HRO] Orang Utan, Zoo, Rostock
  • 20190907 5947CP~V [D~HRO] Orang Utan, Zoo, Rostock
  • 20190907 5948CPw [D~HRO] Gibbon, Zoo, Rostock
  • 20170928 3096CPw [D~OS] Westafrikanischer Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes verus), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20170928 3127CPw [D~OS] Siamang, Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20150911 8850VRAw [D~HF] Katta (Lemur catta), Tierpark, Herford
  • 20150911 8851VRAw [D~HF] Katta (Lemur catta), Tierpark, Herford
  • 20150911 8852VRAw [D~HF] Katta (Lemur catta), Tierpark, Herford
  • 20150911 8857VRAw [D~HF] Katta (Lemur catta), Tierpark, Herford
  • 20120604 0535RAw [D-OS] Mantelpavian, Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20120604 0534RAw [D-OS] Mantelpavian, Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20120604 0533RAw [D-OS] Mantelpavian, Osnabrück
  • 20110116 9309Aw [D-GE] Affenkind, Zoom Gelsenkirchen
  • 20110424 1335RAw [D-PB] Affe
  • 20110424 1334RAw [D-PB] Affe
  • 20110424 1332RAw [D-PB] Affe
  • 20110416 1019RAw [D~LIP] Totenkopfaffe
  • 20110416 1017RAw [D~LIP] Totenkopfaffe
  • 20110416 1016RAw [D~LIP] Totenkopfaffe
  • 20110416 1012RAw [D~LIP] Totenkopfaffe
  • 20110416 1006RAw [D~LIP] Totenkopfaffe
  • 20110416 1004RAw [D~LIP] Totenkopfaffe
  • 20110416 1007RAw [D~LIP] Totenkopfaffe
  • 20100902 7955Aw [D~ST] Weißhand-Gibbon, [Lar], Zoo Rheine
  • 20100902 7804Aw [D~ST] Schwarzmakak (Macaca nigra), Zoo Rheine
  • 20100902 7802Aw [D~ST] Schwarzmakak (Macaca nigra), Zoo Rheine
  • 20100902 7801Aw [D~ST] Schwarzmakak (Macaca nigra), Zoo Rheine
  • 20100902 7796Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Mähnenspringer, Zoo Rheine
  • 20100902 7795Aw [D~ST] Lisztäffchen (Saguinus oedipus), Zoo Rheine
  • 20100902 7786Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090618 0543DSCw [D~OS] Rothandtamarin (Saguinus midas), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20090618 0544DSCw [D~OS] Rothandtamarin (Saguinus midas), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20090618 0545DSCw [D~OS] Rothandtamarin (Saguinus midas), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20090618 0547DSCw [D~OS] Zwergseidenäffchen (Cebuella pygmaea), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20090618 0548DSCw [D~OS] Zwergseidenäffchen (Cebuella pygmaea), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20090618 0549DSCw [D~OS] Zwergseidenäffchen (Cebuella pygmaea), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20090618 0551DSCw [D~OS] Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20071009 0317DSCw [D~OS] Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20071009 0318DSCw [D~OS] Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20071009 0319DSCw [D~OS] Mantelpavian, Osnabrück
  • 20071009 0320DSCw [D~OS] Mantelpavian, Osnabrück
  • 20071009 0330DSCw[D~OS] Klammeraffe {Braunkopf-} (Ateles fusciceps robustus), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20071009 0331DSCw [D~OS] Klammeraffe {Braunkopf-} (Ateles fusciceps robustus), Zoo Osnabrück
  • 20090910 0587Aw [D~MS] Rotscheitelmangabe (Cercocebus t. torquatus), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0588Aw [D~MS] Rotscheitelmangabe (Cercocebus t. totquatus), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0589Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0590aw Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)
  • 20090910 0591Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0596Aw [D~MS] Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0597Aw [D~MS] Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0599Aw [D~MS} Mantelaffe (Colobus guereza), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0600Aw [D~MS] Mantelaffe (Colobus guereza), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0615Aw [D~MS] Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0686Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0687Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0688Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090910 0689Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), Zoo, Münster
  • 20090827 0243Aw [D~ST] Weißhandgibbon (Hylobates lar), Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0259Aw [D~ST] Berberaffe (Macaca sylvanus), [Magot], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0261Aw [D~ST] Berberaffe (Macaca sylvanus), [Magot], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0262Aw [D~ST] Berberaffe (Macaca sylvanus), [Magot], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0394Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0392Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0398Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0397Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0385Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0241Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0235Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0234Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0391Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0240Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0233Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0232Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0231Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0230Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0229Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0395Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0396Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090827 0393Aw [D~ST] Blutbrustpavian (Theropithecus gelada), [Dschelada], Zoo Rheine
  • 20090611 3260DSCw [D~H] Gelbwangenschopfgibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) [Lar], Zoo Hannover
  • 20090611 3261DSCw [D~H] Gelbwangenschopfgibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) [Lar], Zoo Hannover
  • 20090611 3264DSCw [D~H] Gelbwangenschopfgibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) [Lar], Zoo Hannover

119 items in total