20090910 0687Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla),…
20090910 0688Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla),…
20090910 0689Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla),…
20090910 0700Aw[D~MS] Bennett-Känguru (Maeropus r…
20090910 0701Aw [D~MS] Bennett-Känguru (Maeropus r…
20090910 0719Aw [D~MS] Nasenbär (Nasua nasua), Zoo…
20090910 0720Aw [D~MS] Nasenbär (Nasua nasua), Zoo…
20090910 0524Aw [D~MS] Dohle (Corvus monedula), Zo…
20090910 0562Aw [D~MS] Kronenkranich (Balearica re…
20090910 0564Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0526Aw [D~MS] Dohle (Corvus monedula), Zo…
20090910 0565Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0527Aw [D~MS] Dohle (Corvus monedula), Zo…
20090910 0549Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0566Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0549Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0567Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0550Aw [D~MS] Strauß (Struthio camelus),…
20090910 0568Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0551Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0569Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0552Aw [D~MS] Krauskopfpelikan, Zoo, Müns…
20090910 0570Aw [D~MS] Strauß (Struthio camelus),…
20090910 0632Aw [D~MS] Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus gry…
20090910 0631Aw [D~MS] Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus gry…
20090910 0630Aw [D~MS] Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus gry…
20090910 0615Aw [D~MS] Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx…
20090910 0614Aw [D~MS] Katta (Lemur catta), Zoo, M…
20090910 0613Aw [D~MS] Katta (Lemur catta), Zoo, M…
20090910 0612Aw [D~MS] Katta (Lemur catta), Zoo, M…
20090910 0611Aw [D~MS] Katta (Lemur catta), Zoo, M…
20090910 0610Aw [D~MS] Katta (Lemur catta), Zoo, M…
20090910 0609Aw [D~MS] Katta (Lemur catta), Zoo, M…
20090910 0607Aw [D~MS] Vari (Varecia variegata), Z…
20090910 0605Aw [D~MS] Vari (Varecia variegata), Z…
20090910 0604Aw [D~MS] Vari (Varecia variegata), Z…
20090910 0603Aw [D~MS] Vari (Varecia variegata), Z…
20090910 0602Aw [D~MS] Vari (Varecia variegata), Z…
20090910 0600Aw [D~MS] Mantelaffe (Colobus guereza…
20090910 0599Aw [D~MS} Mantelaffe (Colobus guereza…
20090910 0597Aw [D~MS] Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes…
20090910 0596Aw [D~MS] Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes…
20090910 0595Aw [D~MS] Buschschwein (potamochoerus…
20090910 0594Aw [D~MS] Warzenschwein (Phacochoerus…
20090910 0591Aw [D~MS] Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla),…
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