beverley's photos with the keyword: rest

now confident to share . . .

04 Feb 2024 6 26 142
I was asked by someone to show an image of my leg after surgery for cancer, I did not feel confident or able to do so then, now it is twelve months since the operation and it has not spread, and the wound is now healed (within the last month) and am slowly building up my strength and confidence . . . it is not easy . . . I had not idea that the operation would be done without anaesthetic . . . I will never forget the ordeal ever, but on the bright side . . soon warmer days, longer daylight hours will be here and I hope that will help also in my recovery. It was not easy to post this, but in some ways it has helped me come to terms with the ordeal. I expect no comments, not necessary, this has been a challenge for me, I've done it . . and I'm pleased that I have, bed rest with leg raised for five days minimum, that was not easy for me, no sitting at the computer !!! but . . . now I am hopefully ok, just the memories remain.