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now confident to share . . .

now confident to share  . . .
I was asked by someone to show an image of my leg after surgery for cancer, I did not feel confident or able to do so then, now it is twelve months since the operation and it has not spread, and the wound is now healed (within the last month) and am slowly building up my strength and confidence . . . it is not easy . . . I had not idea that the operation would be done without anaesthetic . . . I will never forget the ordeal ever, but on the bright side . . soon warmer days, longer daylight hours will be here and I hope that will help also in my recovery. It was not easy to post this, but in some ways it has helped me come to terms with the ordeal. I expect no comments, not necessary, this has been a challenge for me, I've done it . . and I'm pleased that I have, bed rest with leg raised for five days minimum, that was not easy for me, no sitting at the computer !!! but . . . now I am hopefully ok, just the memories remain.

Rafael, cammino, Don Sutherland, Smiley Derleth and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

26 comments - The latest ones
I will return and catch up with you hopefully in the
next few days . . . health issues are still around
right now . . thanks for your patience, back soon !
12 months ago.
 Armando Taborda
Armando Taborda club
No comment, Bev!
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to Armando Taborda club
. . .
11 months ago.
tiabunna club
Very glad to hear that you're on the improve. Bev. Best wishes.
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to tiabunna club
thanks George and yes . . its getting easier . . but still some
underlying issues to be resolved . . new injection . . teeth implant(s)
oh my goodness . . I don't want to think of that :-))) thanks George,
and will catch up properly as soon as I can :-)
11 months ago.
Schussentäler club
Ich wünsche Dir alles Gut und der Frühling und die Sonne werden dir gut tun
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to Schussentäler club
thanks so much, and yes . . the spring and warmer weather will help
without any doubts . . and to be able to go into the garden and do some
gardening carefully . . but most of all . . I want to walk . . to be amidst
nature, then I know that will help me . . thanks again for your understanding !
11 months ago.
 Smiley Derleth
Smiley Derleth club
Wishing you the best, Bev. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to Smiley Derleth club
Hello Dennis . . . thanks so much . . and for having me in
your thoughts and prayers . . I sense that indeed this is true,
and cannot thank you enough !
11 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
All the best for you, Bev !!! Thanks for your words which touched me a lot !
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to Ulrich John club
thanks Ulrich for reading . . and understanding . . it's not
easy to come to terms with . . but I'm coping . . thanks again !
11 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
I just want to say you're a brave lady Bev. Take care!
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to Keith Burton club
thanks Keith, I'm not so brave . . really I'm not . . but it has
helped to share and strange but it brings it into perspective . .
I can say . . I HAVE HAD CANCER and I'm ok . . it's strange
to explain it like this . . but in sharing . . it's helped, thank you
so much Keith . . you understand !
11 months ago.
Keith Burton club has replied to beverley
Anything you can do that helps must be good. I'm glad you're OK. I think I understand :-)
11 months ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Great photo.
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to Don Sutherland club
how do you mean ? :-(
11 months ago.
cammino club
Schön, dass es wieder aufwärts geht!!!
12 months ago.
beverley has replied to cammino club
Thanks and slowly things are getting better . . thanks !
11 months ago.
 Old Owl
Old Owl club
All the best, Bev. Keep on keeping' on. Cancer's a bugger, innit. Well done for having the nerve to post this picture; I hope it gives you even more strength.
11 months ago.
beverley has replied to Old Owl club
thank you so much . . doing my best to stay positive, and yes
its a bugger indeed . . yes I agree also it took a bit of courage to
come out with a photo of this . . but it has helped . . brings it to
life and reality, and I am so grateful for the support of those who
took the time to come and wish we well . . and you too . . thanks
so much !
11 months ago.
Avec le temps, les mauvais souvenirs s'estompent Bonne convalescence et suite heureuse.
11 months ago.
beverley has replied to DOMCHO club
Thanks for your understanding . . it's been a bad time and
am slowly recovering . . many issues . . but the cancer has not
spread and that's good news . . thanks for your kind good wishes,
appreciated very much, enjoy your weekend . . hope the sun shines
for you :-)
11 months ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
The improvement is great news, Bev,
as is the fact that it has not spread!.
Look forward my friend !
10 months ago.
beverley has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
Thanks Roger and progress is good and
so hope that you are doing ok too . . was
sad to hear your news, take care of you !
and a Happy Easter too !
10 months ago.
Schussentäler club
hallo Bev, ich hoffe, dir geht es gut und dein Bein ist nach der OP inzwischen wieder voll einsatzfähig. Ich wünsche Dir viel Gesundheit und Glück.
9 months ago.
Schussentäler club
ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg, Kraft und Mut um den Krebs zu besiegen
6 months ago.

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