autofantasia's photos with the keyword: Romanby

No Climbing Here ...

14 Aug 2016 23 38 1258
For this week's Sunday Challenge , which asked us to read through the challenge ideas thread and pick yourself a challenge that hasn't been ... done . So I've elected to submit this one under either urban decay or walls neither of which appeared to have been set as topics before. Spotted on a wall in Northallerton during one of my many walks around town looking for things to shoot ... with my camera that is of course! Best viewed large on black if you have a moment to spare.

Northallerton Straight Ahead ...

12 Nov 2015 12 6 1166
Spotted this old road sign nestled under a hedge in Romanby, North Yorkshire.

Heavenly Skies Above ...

12 Oct 2015 19 33 1181
For this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of roof lines . St. James was consecrated in 1882 to serve the growing satellite village of Romanby to the southeast of Northallerton and was designed by Charles Hodgson Fowler of Durham, a well-known Victorian church architect.

First To Arrive ...

09 Apr 2015 12 17 1072
Here's a 'nearly ran' for the recent Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of looking down .

Time To Play ...

20 Dec 2014 11 8 849
An alternative version of Three, Four, Six ... , which was itself a 'nearly ran' for the recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was numbers . No real difference other than I had some fun with bubbles.

Three, Four, Six ...

07 Dec 2014 7 12 860
A 'nearly ran' for this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of numbers . Hopscotch is a children's game that was certainly popular when I was growing up, long before computers and smart phones took over. However, I'm not sure it's played much these days and therefore was surprised to recently find this one marked out in a children's playground in Romanby, Northallerton. When I first came across it the numbers were marked out in white, but when I returned this week to take this particular photo I found they'd been repainted in this very bright shade of yellow.

Cloud Security ...

02 Dec 2014 12 13 938
Yet another nearly shot from a Sunday Challenge gone and yet another that I was considering for the metallic week.

Lotus Eclat - Details Unknown

16 Sep 2014 2 1023
Spotted in Northallerton, this is a bit of a mystery car as far as I'm concerned. It sat like this to my knowledge for nearly two years, but recently it disappeared. The badge says Lotus and it looks kind of 'Espritesque', but I'm pretty sure it's a kit car. Anyone out there know for sure what it is? UPDATE: 18/09/14: Now identified as a Lotus Eclat!

Lotus Eclat - Details Unknown

16 Sep 2014 2 8 1164
Spotted in Northallerton, this is a bit of a mystery car as far as I'm concerned. It sat like this to my knowledge for nearly two years, but recently it disappeared. The badge says Lotus and it looks kind of 'Espritesque', but I'm pretty sure it's a kit car. Anyone out there know for sure what it is? UPDATE: 18/09/14: Now identified as a Lotus Eclat!

Making Hay While The Sun Shines

31 Aug 2014 27 40 1329
Can't believe I'm running late again with this week's Sunday Challenge , but I am! Still, at least I'm posting it on Sunday albeit late in the evening, but it'll be tomorrow now before I get a chance to look at everyone else's work. Anyway, for those that don't know the theme this week was simply things that go together. So I've gone for blue skies and straw wheels because at this time of year you can be certain where ever the sun shines you'll find them and I just love them!

One In A Million

17 Aug 2014 36 46 1716
I shot this recently whilst walking through fields on the outskirts of Northallerton. Submitted for this week's Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of 1 or 3 or 5 of something and left us wide open as far as subject and processing was concerned. Cropped widescreen to try and emphasise the solitary nature of the single poppy in what I believe was a field of wheat or barley. View large for best effect.

We Will Remember Them

11 Nov 2014 14 29 1144
EDIT: 11/112014 This was originally produced for a Sunday Challenge a few months ago. I had hoped to revisit this theme in time for Armistice Day, but sadly haven't managed it. So I hope folks will forgive me for moving this to the front of my photostream to help mark this special date. The original description can be found below: Those that follow the efforts of the Sunday Challenge crew will know that a recent topic was ground level. Whilst this shot was not taken until after the challenge closed, and so wasn't a likely entry, it was certainly inspired by that particular challenge. It also enabled me to capture an image that I could use to produce something to commemorate the start of The Great War back in 1914. The subject is the war memorial at Romanby on the outskirts of Northallerton. I've tried to process the image sympathetically to give emphasis to the monument and the poppy wreath place on it. I also took out a few more modern features which were visible on the horizon that I felt detracted from th scene such as various TV ariels and a 30mph speed limit sign. The words are from Laurence Binyon's poem entitled "For the Fallen" and seem just as apt today as they did all those years ago when he first wrote them. So sad though that whilst people across the world look for ways to commemorate that particular war and all those who served on both sides, many millions of whom lost their lives, the news is full of stories of conflict still happening today. Seems whilst many of us will always remember there are still thousands who are either unwilling or incapable of learning from the past and coming together to make the world a better place. View large for best effect!

1997 Rover Mini Cooper - R945 OEF

25 Mar 2014 3 703
Another old car spotted in Northallerton and no doubt with a story to tell. Such a shame to see it sitting there like that!

1997 Rover Mini Cooper - R945 OEF

25 Mar 2014 1 2 672
Another old car spotted in Northallerton and no doubt with a story to tell. Such a shame to see it sitting there like that!

1966 Triumph Herald 1200 - FED 134D

1966 Triumph Herald 1200 - FED 134D