autofantasia's photos with the keyword: passenger

Things At Car Shows ...

01 Feb 2017 10 12 2255
Not quite Marvel's Ghost Rider ... more amusing than menacing and I'm not at all sure why he needs a crash helmet! Also for Sight and Sound : Johnny Cash with "Ghost Riders in the Sky"...

The Train Leaving ...

27 Nov 2016 38 53 1511
For this week's Sunday Challenge , for which the topic was panning . We actually did this challenge before back in early 2015, but some were keen to have another go at it although I personally approached it with some trepidation as I didn't enjoy it much last time around. Anyway, earlier today I managed to set some time aside and so went to a spot on the outskirts of Northallerton where you can get fairly close to the railway track without having to cross any mucky fields or put yourself in danger to any extent. And just as I left the car I heard a train approaching heading out of town so I had to act quickly to get this shot as that first train came into view. I say first, but in actual fact this was the one and only train that passed this spot even though I did wait around for the best part of an hour in the hopes of getting a chance to shoot a few more. Considering this was the one and only shot I took and the fact that I had problems with the technique last time around I'm actually fairly happy with how it turned out. Yes, the exposure could have been better and it would have been nice to have had more of the train in focus, but all things considered I'll settle for what I got. Also for Sight and Sound ... Dolly Parton with "Blue Smoke":