autofantasia's photos with the keyword: 2CV

People At Car Shows

07 Feb 2014 2 6 935
Three men no doubt trying to decide exactly what that funny little car is!

2005 Pembleton Brooklands - OTL 177Y

07 Feb 2014 4 7 2585
The Pembleton captures the business-like looks of a classic 1920s open top sports car, but is actually a recent introduction to the kit car market. As with most kit cars a single donor vehicle is required to complete the car, most commonly a Citroën 2CV, although this one is BMW powered, and it's claimed one can be completed for as little as £1,800. The chassis is ready to accept the all major components and in no time will be on its wheels. The body panels are cut from aluminium using the patterns supplied. Long or short-wheel base 3 or 4 wheel chassis are available and all incorporate a steel frame around the cockpit. You can find out more about these exciting little cars by visiting the sites listed below:

1987 Citroën 2CV 6 Dolly - E291 CUF

02 Jan 2014 1 1 580
Good golly Miss Dolly!