Dinesh's photos with the keyword: Mckay, Hill Buckler

Kes Tres Riches Heures du Jean, Duc de Berry

24 Mar 2023 4 3 91
This illustrates March in a book of calendar miniatures produced for the duke of Berry, brother of the king of France. With exquisite detail the artists capture four scenes of agriculture life in the early fifteenth century. A shepherd with a dog guards a flock of sheep. Three peasants prune vines while another works in a different field and an aged farmer guides a wheeled plow and oxen. Symbolically, the vast castle of Lusignan dominates the landscape (Giraudon / Art Resource/

13th Century House

MAP 9.1. The Routes of the Cursades

24 Mar 2023 1 1 62
The crusades led to a major cultural encounter between Muslim and Christian values. What significant intellectual and economic effects resulted?

MAP 8.3

23 Mar 2023 4 3 66
The Great Invasions of the Ninth century. Note the Viking penetration of eastern Europe and their probable expeditions to North America.

The Venerable Bede

23 Mar 2023 3 3 55
This twelfth-century representation of the eighth-century monk cannot pretend to an accurate likeness but shows that later ages respected Bede as a scholar. Note the knife in one hand to sharpen the pen in the other (The British Library)

Etruscan Piper

11 Jan 2023 1 1 45
scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1134&context=etruscan_studies en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhaetian_people www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI7YwJ1jBhY Much of Etruscan art, like of Minoan Crete, depicts he lighter side of life. This young man plays the ‘aulos’, a Greek musical instrument that was not a flute. The ‘aulos’ which was musically highly versatile, was very popular especially among those who liked to dance. Here the young piper dances forever in rhythm to his own playing, (Scala/Art Resource)

Alexander at the Battle of Issos

11 Jan 2023 1 2 51
Alexander the Great captured the imagination of ancient peoples both because of the magnitude of his victories and because of his personal daring in battle. His military virtues are premature death turned him immediately into a romantic figure. Here, at the head of his troops, he leads the charge against the Persian army at the Battle of Issos. (Museo Nazionale, Naples/Scala/Art Resources) gjclarthistory.blogspot.com/2015/04/alexander-great-confronts-darius-iii-at.html

Queen Nefertari

11 Jan 2023 1 1 43
Though the twentieth dynasty stood in the shadow of the greatness of the eighteenth, Egyptian art -- and the royal family -- tried nonetheless to maintain the dignity of the pharaoh and the royal family. Among the interesting artistic features of the fresco, which portrays Queen Ahmes-Nefertari, are those that would later influence archaic Greek art, including such details as the pose of the queen, her clothing, and the vegetation in the background (Reproduction of the Trustees of the British Museum)

Egyptian Tomb-Painting

11 Jan 2023 1 1 49
Egyptian artists laid heavy emphasis on the physical enjoyment after death of the ordinary pleasures of life. The hunting of birds in the valley of the Nile was an economic necessity for the poor and a favorite sport of the rich. In this fresco the noble hunter and his family take a leisurely journeyed through a swamp, with the hunting of birds merely the excuse for the outing (Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the British Museum)

Edward Gibbon

10 Jan 2023 1 1 53
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Gibbon www.gutenberg.org/files/25717/25717-h/25717-h.htm

An Etruscan Couple

14 Oct 2022 3 1 66
This funerary sculpture of an aristocratic Etruscan a couple illustrates at a glance how cosmopolitan the Etruscans were. Though the theme is Etruscan, the art is derived from archaic Greece. In fact, the Etruscans were avid admirers of Greek art, a taste that they passed on to early Romans(Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, Rome)

Mosiac Portrait of Alcibiades

26 May 2022 1 1 60
The artist has caught all the craftiness, intelligence and quickness of Alcibiades, who became romantic figure in antiquity. Besides the artistic merit of the portrait, the mosaic is interesting because Alcibiades’ name in the upper right corner is misspelled (Photo Caroline Buckler) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcibiades

The Seasons of the Year

26 May 2022 1 1 35
The Hebrew agricultural year, like that of other peoples, was tied to the sun, seasons, and stars. The center of this mosaic floor looks the sun in its chariot, pulled by four horses. In the outer circle are the signs of zodiac, while the four seasons of the year peer at the viewer from the corners of the panel (Consulate General of Israel)
04 Jan 2022 2 45
Alexander at the Battle of Issos. At the left, Alexander the Great, bareheaded and wearing a breastplate, charges King Darius, who standing in a chariot. The moment marks the turning point of the battle, as Darius turns to flee from the attack (Museo Nazionale, Naples/Alinart/Scala/Art Resource
13 Dec 2021 4 2 63
The Parthenon Stately and graceful, the Parthenon symbolizes the logic, order, and sense of beauty of Greek architecture. The Parthenon was also the centerpiece of Pericles’ plan to make Athens the artistic showcase of the Greek world. (Photo: Caroline Buckler) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Parthenon appears to be all rectangle and triangle, yet it is a structure of curves. Both the pavement that supports the columns and beam above the columns are curved to avoid the illusion of flatness. The columns themselves are gently curved from bottom to top. The Parthenon also appears rigorously regular, but it is actually a collection of irregularities, all designed to compensate for the effects of optical illusion. For instance the columns are not regularly spaced and incline inward; those at the rear are stockier than those at the front end. In all these refinements the Athenian architect showed his knowledge and mathematics, optics and design. The impression of Parthenon creates is one of perfection. Well might all Athenians, no matter how humble, feel a great burst of pride in themselves, their goddess, and their polis when they gazed on the Parthenon. ~ Page 86

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13 Jun 2020 2 89
Popularizing Science The frontispiece illustration of Fontennelle’s ‘Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds” invites the reader to share the pleasures of astronomy with an elegant lady and an entertaining teacher (University of Illinois)
31 May 2021 2 62
Map of Nippur The Oldest map in the world, dating to ca 1500 B.C., shows the layout of the Mesopotamia city of Nippur,. Inscribed on the clay tablet, the map has enabled archaeologists to locate ruined buildings: (A) the ziggurat, (B) canal, (C) enclosure and gardens, (D) city gate, and (E) the Uuphrates River (From the photographic collections of the University Museum, The University of Pennsylvania)