John Oram's photos with the keyword: Raduno Internazionale

Scoops (1) - 7 October 2020

07 Oct 2020 50
Something less fattening than the very tempting ice cream at Scoops Gelato but equally good for the soul was looking at this beautiful photograph from one of the International Fiat 500 meetings (Raduni Internazionali). 200_4_P1000848E

Scoops (2) - 7 October 2020

07 Oct 2020 44
Something less fattening than the very tempting ice cream at Scoops Gelato but equally good for the soul was looking at this beautiful photograph (this is a detail) from one of the International Fiat 500 meetings (Raduni Internazionali). 200_4_P1000849CE