Herb Riddle's photos with the keyword: Medlock_Valley

Visions of Park Bridge: The old railway bridge

04 Jun 2020 15 14 196
A single track railway line went over this narrow bridge at one time and I am old enough to remember seeing Steam-shunters going over it too. To the left of the river here were old coal mine workings and a steam pump-house -hence the weir. The track to the right went through quarries and into a big iron works including foundries that made railway lines etc. All gone now, since many years. Enjoy the colours in the still water today.

Visions of Park Bridge: The Weir in Summer

02 Jun 2020 20 14 369
A view here of this, what we used to call 'The waterfall' in the country park of Park Bridge. Always a pleasant sight, especially in this lighting. many times I have seen people taking a quick picnic sat on the rocks on the left here. On our return trip today, we passed some boys taking a quick dip in here in their underclothes. Not a thing that I would do, as in years passed, this was one of the most polluted rivers in this area. See too, my alternative views and times here. (ps -this is my second posting as I accidentally deleted this from here some minutes back.)

Visions of Park Bridge: The Weir reflections in Wi…

03 Jun 2020 35 26 338
A vision to cool you down in this hot start of Summer. Another reflective view of the small pond created by the weir. This one taken some time back, way in 2010 with my Olympus. Notice the absence of trees on the clifftops and hills compared with today. Nice full screen

Visions of Park Bridge: The Weir in Winter

03 Jun 2020 11 7 195
Continuing with this series, here is the same waterfall/weir photo but in Winter. This taken just a couple of years back now so you can see how often I walk this way. Quite a different feeling to the Summer shot here. Enjoy full screen.

A stream in Autumn

17 Nov 2019 28 26 562
Just a few minutes walk from my home within a tree-laden valley runs a little stream. It's normally very subdued but after weeks and weeks of continuous rainfall it is faster and higher then normal. Anyway, here is an attempt to slow it all down and give it more substance by using a very long shutter speed of 15 seconds with a x10 ND filter and a sturdy tripod. Catch the fallen Autumn leafs on the river bank here, As can be seen, a gentle breeze is blowing and moments later the heavens open up again as I rush back home protecting my lens and camera. Enjoy large.

Mrs Fox, guards the den

31 Mar 2019 18 28 464
At home we see one or two urban foxes and so it was with surprise that I spied this one high on the side of a hill keeping a lookout of the crows at this very obvious den. A few moments later she hopped out and was on her way back out of this large valley towards the nearby urban sprawl on the hunt for food no doubt. My lens and closeups of her revealed that she probably had pups in here. The nearby crows were also showing interest here as can be seen.