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  • Improvements: Network and Explore pages

    12245 visits

    Hello everybody! We've just improved the Network and Explore pages. The Network pages Latest publications pages Latest docs, albums and posts published by your network are now more accurate. Several time frames are available. At last, you can choose to display 1 or 5 docs max by member. The members list page Several filters are available (last added, last visited ...). Display the people you may know (those in relationship with your friends and family)! You might wan… (read more)

  • 2019-05-31 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The final statement of the fundraising for the reprogramming of ipernity is now available. 75 club members and 145 "free" users participated. The sum of the raised capital amounts to 17,114 EUR (57% of 30,000 EUR). Therefore the reprogramming cannot yet be commissioned as planned. 2) Before we consider external funding opportunities, we would like to address those club members who have not participated to date, although they would be econom… (read more)

  • 2019-07-05 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! To address questions being raised about Irene Steeves and her groups, I regret to say, we received several complaints about content Irene displayed in her photostream. IMA conducted a thorough investigation, from which the results required account suspension/deletion based on the Terms of Service and Guide of Good Conduct. This action was also taken to protect the best interests of all parties involved and stakeholders. As stewards entrusted to… (read more)

  • 2021-02-05 Club News

    Smartphone-Mock-Up, 2021-02-05

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. In the wake of the positive response to the new ' Explore ' page, we have now put it online in all language versions. As a result, we now have a contemporary landing page for visitors from the web that also looks attractive on smartphones and tablets:… (read more)

  • Mult-instrua supo

    Desespero prezentis al ni " la plej fundamentan supon " el ruĝa beto barĉo , tradicie kuirita en Polando, Rusio, Litovio kaj najbaraj landoj. Ĝi surprize multe instruas pri la Fundamento de Esperanto ...

  • ipernity bugs

    Zo. Ik heb een boze brief geschreven aan ipernity, over de vele grote en kleine bugs (en taalfouten) die de site helaas nog steeds bevat, ondanks mijn meldingen in de afgelopen jaren. Mijn abonnement is verlopen, en ik ben niet van plan opnieuw te gaan betalen om abonnee te zijn van een nogal buggy website! 't Zal mij benieuwen wat er deze keer als antwoord komt. De vorige keer was het iets als "some difficulties ... getting better ... working with a very limited team ... cannot work on the… (read more)

  • 2017-12-31 Happy New Year 2018

    [EN] Against all odds A year–end message from the ima–Team It was in December 2016 when the founder and CEO of Ipernity S.A., Christophe Ruelle, announced the closing of the platform by January 2017. (1) It’s now the end of 2017 and ipernity is still online. What happened? Of course, members were scared, disappointed and started looking for alternatives to Ipernity. But true alternatives were (and are) hard to find. Quite a bunch of users moved over to flickr – bu… (read more)

  • I've had my hair cut!!!!!!

    A simple design, but effective

    Woweee!!! After almost 18months, I've at last had my hair cut. I can hardly believe it. I won't have to wear a hair grip, or suchlike again. Oh I feel so much better. I had to walk through a large shop to the back where the hairdressers are situated, and it wasn't until I browsed some shelves where they were selling petunias, that I realised it was close on 2 years since I last went into a shop!!! I have seen pictures of those markings on the floor, with footprints on them, signs saying "this… (read more)

  • BBQ = Cancer

    Three out of four American households own a barbecue grill, according to the Health, Patio, & Barbecue Association. Yet many consumers are unaware that grilling some popular food items can produce cancer-causing compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). Which foods contain the highest concentrations of HCAs? To answer that question, nutrition professionals with The Cancer Project determined the level of HCAs found in commonly grilled foods. Background HCAs, a family of mutagenic and canc… (read more)

  • Why are manipulating the pictures?

    1499 visits

    I am asking myself a question all the time: A few decades ago (and even still) it was not possible to obtain cameras with good optic or even other features to deliver a photo with good quality, objectively speaking, without distortion, blur, colour infringement, etc. Many people had to shoot with Polaroids, holgas, lomos, etc. Fascinatingly pictures came out that had bad quality but were regarded as art. In our days, what are many people doing? I am shooting with an excellent camera and excel… (read more)

  • moving along and moving on ...

    Albums ... I'm pleased to report that I now have eleven complete albums here on ipernity for you folks to hopefully enjoy. The two most recent ones showcase the York Historic Vehicle Group Rally in 2011 and the Yorkshire Classic Car Show in 2012. As in previous bulletins, simply click on the album covers below to view the complete set of images now online. Groups ... I'm now administering 11 groups here on ipernity. The latest one of my own I… (read more)

  • Newsflash 2020-10-09

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The ipernity advertising group , in which we are bundling future advertising activities for our club, now has 60 members. We are pleased about the great interest and active participation . 2) The list of photo bloggers , which belongs to this group, already has 45 entries. If you know other photo bloggers, add… (read more)

  • Stand off, bees, buddleia and goose gogs

    After my mornings work on the bird bath this afternoon I turned to the garden again but before I bore you with that here is the regular morning stand off between Sooty and Peggy. Sooty's exit route is halfway along Allan's wall and down through his garden, while Peggy's morning parking space is on the corner. She has worked out that is the place where I am most likely to spot her if I look out. So every morning Sooty crouches low and goes to the middle of the wall before jumping into Allan's and… (read more)

  • The summer is still trying to hang in there!!!

    Fresh parsley

    Well it's half way through September and last week it was raining and it was cold, but Summer doesn't seem to want to leave us, she's holding on for grim death, because yesterday and today has been lovely and sunny. Apparently the hurricane from America has decided to come across the Atlantic and visit us but we'd rather it didn't. There isn't any wind to speak of at the moment, so hopefully it's moved away. We've seen the damage it's done over there so we certainly don't want that kind of destr… (read more)

  • 2019-09-27 Newsflash (updated)

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) A few days ago, ipernity was exposed to a massive attack by Russian spam bots, who managed to overcome the Google Captcha authentication. Despite immediate countermeasures, some intruders managed to open accounts from which iper mails with links to pornographic content were sent to members. But at no time was any personal data or private contents compromised by this bot attack . Please delete any messages delivered to your personal address wi… (read more)

  • Rain

    This week, I have been mostly dodging the rain. Last Tuesday it was nice, and I quickly hung laundry from the rigging, this week Tuesday was nice too, but all the days in between have been wet and cold. Sunday night, I even put the heating on for an hour before bed. Chilly! Homelife has been noisy. The house at the top of the street has scaffolding on the front. The next house down has scaffolding at the back. The immediate neighbour is clearly doing some DIY, and the house at the other end o… (read more)

  • Freedom again

    On Friday after talking to Jenny I sat in quiet reflection,supping a beer and wondering where summer has gone in this xovid dominated year. Summer is coming to an end I have done little but keep up with the garden. Walks have been short and few and far between. I decided to do something about it. So on Saturday morning I took myself off to the bakery for a long awaited pie fix. I took a detour home and managed just under 2 miles. On sunday I took my self ofto the co-op for a few bits and c… (read more)

  • Day #1605: Where should I go?

    2496 visits

    I remember my first few articles here. They were in English, and they were about ipernity in comparison to flickr. Ipernity left "beta" now, and so it's time for just another one of those comparison articles. For historical reasons I'll try it in English. Back to the roots. For me, the adventure began in November, 3rd, 2008. And ended four years later. My ipernity blog moved to Wordpress in January 2012, my photo stream followed in November 2012 when it moved back to flickr. In other words: I… (read more)

  • A Glimmer

    Recently, a family member was bemoaning the fact that due to changes in benefits, they would no longer receive any help with their mortgage. They were able to buy their council house at well below market value, and in their own words, are sitting on more than £70k in equity. Now, I don’t begrudge them their home, however it does make my blood boil when they complain like this, constantly. I’m in the situation of having to pay over £200 in fees to an estate agent for them to check if I’m a ‘g… (read more)

  • 2019-01-18 Donations & Early Renewals

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We would like to inform you that in the meantime 4 donations have already been received via the donate button, which was set up on the login page in December. The sum of the donations is 210 EUR. 2) The response to our advice to extend your subscriptions before the planned adjustment of contributions to the changed exchange rates is far above expectations. 124 club members have already made use of this option. We thank you for this great vo… (read more)