Latest photos

Updated on: 24 Dec 2022.

Fall, album created on 07 Oct 2016

22 items in total.

passing by, album created on 24 May 2016

36 items in total.

Bits & Pieces, album created on 12 Jun 2014

8 items in total.

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the importance of the trivial - 10 years ago

A number of years ago I taught an adult class in photography. Every week I would give out an assignment that was due in two weeks. The reason for the two week period was because at that time we were all in the film era and the students needed time to find a subject and have the film processed and printed. I had one student in one of my classes, a woman, who always turned in images of family. Picnics, holidays, new arrivals into the world, etc. She had a fairly good eye, not great, but always ver…

About Bruce Weiss

Place of residence: United States

43 512 visits

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Dominique Sarrazin Maeluk Thérèse slgwv StoneRoad2013 ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) * Didier 85 * Jan Klimczak Dave Hilditch


Latest comments - All (8)
Heidiho club
Interesting gallery.
Thank you for visiting my page.
8 years ago.
Maeluk club
Happy New Year..
10 years ago.
o0o thanks for the visit ... appreciated oOo
10 years ago.
jove club
Bonjour Brce. Bienvenue chez moi. J'aime tes photos des oiseaux. Have a nice weekend
10 years ago.
jove club
Bonsoir bruce. Merci de ton passage. Tes images sont très bonnes. Have a nice weekend
10 years ago.

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