Sony Alpha, album created on 10 Mar 2017
I bought a very nice secondhand A100 recently, and these are some of the pics made with it.
I still hope that Ipernity survives !! But since it seems that the end is not far off, I thought I'd put up a few of the photos that haven't quite made it in my previous posts !! Might as well get my value from the subscription before it's too late !!
They are either personal or family mementos, or other things that I liked, but thought might not be so interesting to other people, - or else some of the many tests I have done with repaired cameras or different developers
They are not in any p…
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A Crying Shame !
15 Sep 2015
I need to have further surgery for an ongoing digestive illness, so I will not be able to add any more photos for a few weeks, but of course, I shall continue to look at all the inspirational images from my many friends and aquaintances on Ipernity whilst I'm recovering!
It's nice to be able to do this in a more relaxed manner than was the case last year, when I suddenly disappeared without trace for four months! I have several nascent ideas for little photographic projects to think about, an…
04 Jul 2015
I have recently spent a little time using a point and shoot digital camera, and trying out some of the software options that are associated with this sort of photography, and I got to thinking about what would happen if the same, or similar, processes were applied to a silver image, - a kind of "imitation digital", - the opposite of "imitation film" !
Of course, to do this properly would need an exceptional negative to start with, but just for fun, I used a recent image of a friends car, take…