Group: Ipernity User Help Central

☑ Backup/Download of large albums - Help needed

By A Team club
27 Nov 2023 - 2 comments - 269 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Currently ipernity has one process that will work for downloading (backing up) albums for those with paid club memberships. This process uses uGet and is described here in FAQ 6.2:
The alternate DownLoadThemAll no longer appears to work with our metalink file.

Unfortunately this process is somewhat complex and has a couple drawbacks. It has been discovered by members using the process that the original file names are not retained with this method. Also, often, if not always, the download halts or errors out after about 60 files, requiring members to either make their albums no larger than 50-60 individual files, or to understand how to edit the metalink file to obtain the missed files for larger albums.

The team is looking for help. We need ideas on alternatives to uGet, or perhaps directions on how to optimize uGet regarding the limited number of files.
 ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Spontan als Alternative zu uget ginge vermutlich dann auch wget - aber ausgetestet habe ich das bisher nicht (und mir fehlt aktuell auch die Zeit dafür).
14 months ago.
 Rob Stamp
Rob Stamp club
The complexity of needing to use uGet remains, but the problem of stopping at 60 files has been solved.
Also, the photo title is now included in the file name, although certain special characters have to be replaced.
12 months ago.

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