Group: Handy-made - photos taken with your mobile-phone - spontanious pictures

HBM vom Longtailboat

HFF mit dem Golden Jubilee Memorial

HFF im Maerz 2025

Former Railway Station.

Former Railway Station.

Municipal Library.

Entrance to the Municipal Library.

Christmas crib (7).

Christmas crib (6).

Christmas crib (5).

Christmas crib (4).

HWW rot und weiss

Christmas crib (3).

Christmas crib (2).

Christmas crib (1).

Weir on River Tâmega.

Veade Bridge.

Pier on the pond.

Casa do Lago Restaurant.

Cascades of River Cabrão.

River Cabrão.

Chapel of Saint Bartholomew.

Saint Bartholomew Fountain (1758).

Shrine of Our Lady of Grace (1775).

Shrine of Our Lady of Grace (1775).

Das Rathaus der Hansestadt Stralsund (PiP)

Panoramic view to northeast.