Group: Macro

New admin

GroupBuster (ima team)
11 May 2021 - 2 comments - 230 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Guydel added as a new group administrator. The previous Guest account member and inactive group administrator {ME} contacted, in case interested to return and look after the group. Waiting for response
Guydel club
Merci Sami ! Je vais commencer par nettoyer le groupe des membres qui n'existent plus chez Ipernity ... et de ceux qui n'ont jamais rien posté depuis leur inscription ... et je vais établir des règles un peu plus strictes quant à la définition "Macro", même si le "close-up" reste accepté ! Amitiés !
3 years ago.
What is the rule for what counts as a macro here? I've just posted an image which is about 60mm across, is that OK? If not let me know and I'll remove it.

3 years ago.

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