Group: moments in move - Intentional Camera Movement

moments in move

By oHo
29 Jun 2013 - 2 comments - 518 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Intentional Camera Move ...... (Bewegte Momente ...)

The group "Bewegte Momente" was established on ipernity some time ago by Sitara. The group collects images which are taken with an intentional camera movement during the exposure.

This means
- the movement of the camera is by intention, i.e. it is not the result of an unintentional blurred exposure
- the camera is moved, shaked, ... and not only lens zoom has happend
- the image is created in-camera and the "effect" is not generated by clever post processing

The statements might trigger additional discussions on the borderlines of these requirements or some "philosophical" questions about intention and coincidence, whether post processing starts or is limited to in-camera only ...

The common sense with the people posting into this group was always to have fun in exploring this technique and not applying strict rules.

Maybe there is the possibility to bring this group back to more activity and live - as it was getting quite calm in the last months. It would be a pity to loose examples of this creative exposure technique in the deep space of ipernity.

Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) is an old photography technology - going back to the early times of image capturing. And it was seen as an art form in contrast to the reportage character of imaging. Some stuff got great hype in the last years like e.g. light painting - and a few people start to "claim origin/explorership". But not many people seem to know that Man Ray and Picasso already experiemented with that. The same goes with ICM.

It is great fun to explore new exposure techniques by oneself - learn a bit from the old masters and then to decide whether this is fun for yourself or not. And it is fun to have some co-explorers ;-)

I have collected some references to examples that I like and I am going to share these here.
Feel free to do the same - I'd be glad to see more great work of this kind.

But the biggest fun would be if you share some results that you just tried by yourself and have fun !!!


The topic of this discussion has been edited by oHo 11 years ago.

o0o a brilliant idea ... to share and bring it alive again ;-) oOo
10 years ago.
oHo has replied to beverley
it is already much more alive than last year at this time - and wonderful to see your group too - thanks Bev :-))
10 years ago.

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