Group: Promoting ipernity

15. YouTube

Public Relations
30 Sep 2020 - 150 comments - 1 846 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Here we discuss ideas about how we can improve ipernity's presence on YouTube.

- YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.
- By improving our presence there, more people might discover ipernity.
- The automatically generated backlinks will improve ipernity's relevance on Google.
- By visiting and commenting our contributions we push irrelevant others to the back.

⚠️ Placing videos on YouTube will also attract visitors to your ipernity account.

Blue line

● Our own YouTube channel ipernity photo club has been set up.

● The following videos have been uploaded so far:

▶️ Bergfex: 2024 Ipernity Homepage Images Spring new
▶️ Bergfex: 2023/24 Ipernity Homepage Images Winter
▶️ Bergfex: 2023 Ipernity Homepage images Autumn
▶️ Bergfex: Under Water World
▶️ Bergfex: 2023 Ipernity Homepage Images Summer
▶️ Bergfex: 2023 Ipernity Homepage Images Spring
▶️ Bergfex: 2022/23 Ipernity Homepage Images Winter
▶️ Bergfex: 2022 Ipernity Homepage Images Autumn
▶️ Bergfex: 2022 Ipernity Homepage Images Summer
▶️ Bergfex: 2022 Ipernity Homepage Images Early Spring
▶️ Bergfex: 2021 Ipernity Homepage Images Winter
▶️ Bergfex: 2021 Ipernity Homepage Images Autumn
▶️ Bergfex: 2021 Ipernity Homepage Images Summer
▶️ Bergfex: Beautiful Hallstatt
▶️ Bergfex: Beautiful Austria
▶️ Bergfex: How to create A YouTube Picture Show Easily - The Result
▶️ Bergfex: 2020 Ipernity Homepage Images Autumn
▶️ Bergfex: 2020 Ipernity Homepage Images Winter
▶️ Christian Bucher: Merveilleuse Nature
▶️ David G. Johnson: Lovely Places
▶️ David G. Johnson: Wanderings
▶️ Eric Desjours: Sevilla, Plaza de España
▶️ Fred Fouarge: Mijn thuis, Nederland
▶️ Holger Hagen: Sunset at Schönberger Beach
▶️ Jaap van 't Veen: Dutch Windmills
▶️ Jaap van 't Veen: Beautiful Greece
▶️ Jaap van 't Veen: Poldertuin
▶️ Peter Castell: Miscellaneous Perambulations
▶️ Pics UM: Burgen, Schlösser, Kirchen
▶️ Pics UM: Kleine Welten
▶️ Pics UM: Mostraci le tue foto
▶️ Pics UM: Zeig uns Deine Bilder
▶️ Pics UM: Faszination Libellen
▶️ Rob Stamp: Scuba Diving In Gozo new

Further uploads to this channel can be done via e-mail to Because of the large size of video files, the transfer to this e-mail address is best done via WeTransfer

● As an eye catcher, a thumbnail should be added.

● As ima team, we insert the following keywords: "ipernity, ima, photo club, fotoclub, photoclub, photo sharing". Further keywords can be added if desired.

● After publication, you should refer to your video from your ipernity account as well as from other media (Facebook, Twitter, ... ). This increases the relevance of your video, so that it appears higher up in the search results.

Blue line

Some notes for the video creation:

● For the video production you can use any suitable software of your own choice.

● Within this discussion group there is some experience with MAGIX Photostory DeLuxe.

● We have created the tutorial How To Create A YouTube Picture Show Easily to make it easy for you to get started.

● More tutorials can be found on the MAGIX homepage.

● Furthermore a Manual for MAGIX Photostory Deluxe is available.

● Your compilation should be Full HD (1920 x 1080), MPEG-4

Blue line

Some notes for the arrangement:

● The optimal length is 2 - 4 minutes. Afterwards, the attention of viewers diminishes considerably.

● There are lots of tips for good dramaturgy on the Web. It is best you do your own search, in your own language, for something like "YouTube Video Marketing Guide".

● Use our official ipernity logo

● Use our official slogan: "ipernity, probably the largest non-commercial online photo club in the world".

● Use the correct tonalities of the two ipernity colours, dark blue: #6790bc, rgb(103, 144, 188) and light blue: #a2c3e2, rgb(162, 195, 226).

● If images of other ipernity members are used, permission must be obtained.

Blue line

Some notes on music:

● It is preferable to use copyright-free music.

● To find plenty of free music, follow the advice of Sami Serola.

YouTube music is only allowed for private use or for publishing your production exclusively on YouTube. In these cases you can use copyright-protected music, which is marked with the words 'Licensed for YouTube by . . .'.

For such music, YouTube has entered into agreements with the rights holders who have allowed the music in question to be used on YouTube in official and user-generated videos. See:

● The easiest way to download music from YouTube is to open the 320 YouTube Converter in a separate browser window. Copy the YouTube URL of the music in question and paste it into the converter. Process and download it. The converter is also available as a Firefox Add-On, which makes the processing a one click step.

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Public Relations 8 months ago.

150 comments - The latest ones
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Instead of wasting one's space at ipernity, one can upload videos to Youtube, and then share and embed them at ipernity blog articles:

AND then at YouTube of course mention and promote ipernity as the primary source for full stories.

Pro: At least so far it seems the videos seen as embedded at ipernity does not come with advertisements. I can be wrong though...

Con: Video becomes viewed rather small.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
raingirl club
We should create an ipernity channel. Then people can subscribe to the channel.

There are rules about putting links, but they are allowed on youtube descriptions if you follow the rules. One may have to have an Associated Website that you are linking to. I don't know the details.

I think Youtube presence is mostly about name recognition.
People will go to youtube to find out about ipernity. A channel would be helpful for them to find the videos.

The videos will hopefully become varied, how-to's, slide show of different people's photos (like our Fall lineup), slide show of one person's photo (done by members of their own photos).

People can mention us as 'ipernity photo club'.

(I feel backed up on my to-do list, but if somoeone else doesn't set up the channel at some point I will try and put that together.)
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Pics-UM club
Für YouTube könnte ich mir Kurzvideos in den auf ipernity angebotenen Sprachen vorstellen, wobei Sprache sich auf kurzen Text bezieht. Die Videos sollten nur Interesse wecken und ipernity bekannt machen also nur 1 bis 2 Minuten lang sein, mit Bildern aus der jeweiligen Sprachregion/Land. Ich stelle mal zwei Beispiele in die Gruppe. Ich habe zwar keine Ahnung von Videos und YouTube, aber vielleicht hilft es ja weiter.
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Pics-UM club
This is a huge help! Thank you so much. (You have replies on the videos themselves from Bergfex on your pages.)

Can you post here what software you used to create your videos? That would help others (including myself!) to know how to go about this.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Pics-UM club has replied to raingirl club
Danke fürs Feedback. Ich verwende oder besser probiere Magix Fotostory 2015 Deluxe. Die Videos sind meine ersten Gehversuche mit diesem Programm.
4 years ago.
Peter Castell club has replied to raingirl club
Very nicely done I think they are long enough any longer and attention starts to wander, I didn't like the music it didn't match the images I was seeing but of course everyone has different ideas and tastes, and you are limited to items that are free to use with no royalties,if you are thinking of countries or regions it would be nice if the music could suggest that area.
This would be ideal for my thoughts of a weekly youtube post
4 years ago.
raingirl club
For making comments on ipernity YouTube videos, it may be helpful for promotion if sometimes one includes one's ipernity home page after your comment. I noticed that Guy Delacore did that in his comment on the "2020 Ipernity Homepage Pictures Autumn" youtube video.
4 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
If the presence on youtube is to be maintained should our posts be made on a regular basis may be one per week maybe a selection from the ima gallery I think the whole thing would be to long, or groups with a suitable amount of contributions could take it in turn although that would create the problem of duplicates as most photos go into several groups
4 years ago.
Pics-UM club
Ich habe beide Videos überarbeitet und hoffentlich alle Anregungen berücksichtigt. Über die Links in meinem obigen Beitrag könnt Ihr darauf zugreifen.
Lizenzfreie Musik habe ich von verwendet. Die Nutzung setzt aber voraus, dass in der Videobeschreibung auf YouTube der Link eingefügt werden muss. (siehe meine Bildbeschreibung zu den Videos) Aus meiner Sicht wäre das ok.
IMA müsste noch bei unseren Fotofreunden Engelbert und UdoSM die Freigabe für die verwendeten Fotos am Beginn und Ende des jeweiligen Videos einholen.
Sollte Euer kritischer Blick auf die Videos keinen weiteren Änderungsbedarf ergeben, können die Videos von IMA gerne auf Youtobe geladen werden.

Einen Punkt habe ich noch. Die auf ipernity hochgeladenen Videos verlieren etwas an Qualität. Das heißt, die Bilder verlieren an Schärfe. Kennt jemand den Grund??? Spiele ich die Videos direkt von meinem PC ab ist alles Knackscharf.

Viel Spaß beim anschauen.

Gruß Uwe
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Pics-UM club
Erfordert die Nutzung von Musicfox eine einmalige Lizenzierung (und welche) ??
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Das interessiert mich auch. In den Nutzungsbedingungen steht: "Der Erwerb einer Lizenz für einen Musiktitel berechtigt Sie zum zeitlich unbegrenzten Einsatz des lizenzierten Musiktitels (inkl. aller Versionen) im Rahmen Ihres Projektes (z.B. ein Produktfilm), welches Sie beim Lizenzierungsvorgang angeben.

Ich befürchte also, dass man mindestens die Basic-Lizenz für 39,90 EUR erwerben muss, und zwar für jeden einzelnen Download. Das ist abschreckend teuer.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Bergfex club has added
Es ist wirklich am einfachsten, wenn Du den YouTube-Musik-Konverter 320YouTube benutzt. Der lädt dir nur die Musikspur herunter, ohne den Video-Anteil.

Für Firefox kannst Du ihn als Add-On in den Browser einbinden.
Für Chrome kannst Du ihn online verwenden, indem Du einfach die entsprechende YouTube-URL per Cpoy/Paste überträgst.

YouTube-Musik darf frei verwendet werden in Projekten, die danach ebenfalls bei YouTube veröffentlicht werden. Sie muss allerdings dafür lizensiert sein. Siehe:: Dies ist bei sehr viel Musik der Fall. Es steht dann ein entsprechender Vermerk unter dem YouTube-Video.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
Hello Uwe they look good to me, the link to the music seems quite reasonable, there may be members who are musicians and could provide some of their work. The quality looked alright to me I paused on some shots especially the close ups and they were fine.
Is the programme that created it ok on windows and apple I ask because I have made the odd basic slide show a couple I did using the built in option on windows and are on a CD won't play on my apple computer
4 years ago.
Pics-UM club has replied to Peter Castell club
Hallo Peter, vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung. Die Idee mit den Musikern finde ich gut, eventuell kann ima das mal in einem Newsflash abfragen.
Zu deiner Frage zu dem von mir verwendeten Video-Programm: Magix Fotostory 2015 Deluxe gibt es meines Wissens nur für Windows. Dies gilt wohl auch für die neueste Programmversion (MAGIX Photostory Deluxe 2021). Ob damit erstellte Diashow-CDs auf einem Apple-Gerät abgespielt werden können liegt aber sicher auch am verwendeten Dateiformat. Genau beurteilen kann ich das leider nicht, da ich kein Apple verwende.
Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche.
Gruß Uwe
4 years ago.
Bergfex club
Hio Peter, I'm using MAGIX Photostory Deluxe 2020 version, but I can't tell if it will run on Apple, because I'm also a Windows user. But you could investigate it with the software manufacturer. Maybe you could ask Sami Serola if he knows an alternative. Sami is very knowledgeable about this
4 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
I am myself learning how to share something on YouTube. I discovered how to use YouTube editor:

I was also happy to find plenty of free to use soundtracks:
Which appear on the YouTube editor.

And what is most important is to add tags (keywords) to make the video appear on search:
Especially make sure you add tag: ipernity
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
+1 Very helpful links - thanks!
4 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Und in Ergänzung zu Sami´s Link - damit euch die zu nutzende Musik nicht ausgeht: - Lizenzbestimmungen auf - evtl. fällt ipernity aber unter die kommerzielle Lizenz, aber das liesse sich leicht erfragen.
Und so weiter.

Ich könnte mir übrigens vorstellen, das auch HowTo - Videos hinsichtlich ipernity-Funktionen gut sein könnten, also weniger Foto - Slideshows als eben - naja - HowTos. Muss mal sehen, ob ich es demnächst mal schaffe, per Video die "Bild in Bild"- Funktion vorzustellen, die ja doch ziemlich einzigartig bei den Fotoseiten zu sein scheint.
Einsprechen würde ich das dann natürlich auf deutsch, aber mittels Untertitel könnte man das dann natürlich in weitere Sprachen übersetzen.
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Das ist ein sehr lohnenswertes Arbeitsgebiet. Ich habe schon ein Storyboard für die Galerie in der Pipeline. Raingirl hat mir sogar schon den Text in Englisch aufgesprochen. Mir fehlt es nur notorisch an Zeit. Zwei Tipps:
- Man kann in Chrome mit Screencastify aufnehmen, wie sich die Maus bewegt. Leider wollen die nach 5 Minuten fertiger Produktionsszeit Cash sehen. Und 5 Minuten sind nicht viel. (Kennst Du ähnliche programme?)
- Man kann in Chrome die Erweiterung "Custom Cursor for Chrome" installieren. Damit kann man sich einen richtig großen Mauszeiger einrichten, der in Tutorials besser sichtbar ist.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex club
Zu Screencastify und dessen Zeitbeschränkung: Ich würde nicht mit Screencastify meinen Bildschirm aufnehmen, sondern mit OpenBroadcaster: - gibt es für Windows, Mac und Linux und ist eigentlich für Live-Streamer gedacht, man kann aber auch einfach lokal eine Videodatei damit erzeugen.
Hierfür dann einfach das Browserfenster als Quelle nehmen (oder halt den kompletten Bildschirm). Wenn da Hilfe für benötigt wird, fragt.
Leider sieht man dort dann nicht, wenn man die Maus klickt etc., so wie das vermutlich mit dem Tool der Fall ist. Aber diese Einschränkung kann man ja dadurch umgehen, indem man sagt, man klicke nun da und da drauf, während man das macht.

Naja, und was die Größe des Mauszeigers angeht - nunja, auch dafür braucht es kein entsprechendes Tool, das kann man ja kurz im System umstellen - oder aber sich angewöhnen, den nicht so hektisch über den Schirm zu ziehen, sondern langsamer, dann sieht man den auch gut genug. Dadurch, dass man während der Aufzeichnung ja ohnehin relativ viel sagen muss hat man ohnehin genügend Zeit, bis man den nächsten Menüpunkt aufruft.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Danke für den Tipp mit der alternativen Software. Ich schaue sie mir natürlich an, bevor ich Geld für eine Screencastfy-Lizenz ausgebe.
Was die Größe des Mauszeigers betrifft: Leider ignoriert Screencastify die geänderten Systemeinstellungen. Es zeigt immer nur die (kleine) Basisversion. Nur deshalb ist Sami auf die Suche gegangen und mit "Custom Cursor for Chrome" fündig geworden. Es ist tatsächlich eine erhebliche Verbesserung.
4 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex club
Unter Linux nutze ich zum aufnehmen von Videos übrigens das Tool "SimpleScreenRecorder". Da muss man im Grunde genommen einfach nur kurz einstellen, welchen Bildschirm oder welches Fenster man aufnehmen möchte und welches die Audioquelle sein soll und kann dann direkt starten. Einrichtung dauert also keine Minute. Dürfte in den meisten Distributionen vorhanden sein.
4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
In addition and as an alternative for own uploads, we have set up a special channel for YouTube uploads, which has a very concise address:

If you upload your productions to this mail address, we can post them for you on YouTube. Of course you will be named as the author.

By the way, WeTransfer is very well suited for the comfortable upload of very large files to the above mentioned mail address.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
If youtube videos are to be used to promote ipernity and released on a regular basis say once a week I think they need to be composed by one person or a group, or strict guidelines and templates need to be in place otherwise there will be all sorts of variations that will give the wrong impression of ipernity. I did mention to Uwe if there are members who are musicians it would be good if they could provide the music for the backing which of course has to enhance the theme of the photos
4 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Peter Castell club
True, one official channel probably would be the best.

On the other hand, one can not control what people do. Let' take an example:

And here is Flickr's (SmugSmug's) official channel:

So, none of the official Flickr videos does not appear on search, probably because there are not many, and probably because they are not recent.

Then a search for 500px kind of proves that a channel would be the best:

500px has decided to do exactly what we are now planning, and they seem to be rather active:
4 years ago.
Pics-UM club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Der Anfang ist ja gemacht, Bernhard hat den Kanal ipernity photo club -Youtube eingerichtet und die ersten Videos sind online.
Aus meiner Sicht wären die nächsten Schritte:

1. Den ipernity-Kanal bekannt/sichtbar machen (ich habe von YouTube keine Ahnung, aber es gibt hier bestimmt Experten ,die wissen was zu tun ist)
2. Weitere Kurzvideos zur Vorstellung von Ipernity (Mein Ansatz ein Video in jeder Sprache die über den Deepl-Übersetzer in ipernity eingebunden sind. DE und IT sind erledigt, fehlen also noch 5 Videos)
3. Thematische Kurzvideos, wie "Makros auf Ipernity", "Landschaften auf Ipernity", "Portraits auf Ipernity", "Black&White auf Ipernitiy",...... um Fotografen bei ihren fotografischen Schwerpunkten/Interessen abzuholen.
4. Ein paar technische Videos "Wie Blitze ich richtig", "Wie macht man ein Makro", "Wie macht man ein Portrait" .......

Das wäre hier in der Gruppe (15. Youtube) gut aufgehoben, bräuchte aber einige aktive Mitglieder mit dem entsprechenden Wissen und konkrete Verabredungen. (was wollen/können wir umsetzen, wer macht was, .....)
4 years ago.
Peter Castell club has replied to Pics-UM club
If you wanted to do an English/UK one you are welcome to use any of my photos that might be suitable, I could also list the UK members that I know of although that is not many
4 years ago.
Pics-UM club has replied to Peter Castell club
Herzlichen Dank für das freundliche Angebot Peter. Wenn wir ein englisches Willkommensvideo machen ist die Unterstützung sicher notwendig und willkommen. Die Alpen verschiedener IP-Mitglieder nach geeigneten Fotos durchzusehen wird aber (was mich angeht) zeitlich zu aufwendig, da werden wir einen anderen Weg finden. Eventuell kann man dazu eine temporäre Gruppe einrichten in die die Unterstützer Fotos ablegen können, die dann für das Video genutzt werden. Über den Newsflash könnte dann zum mitmachen aufgerufen werden. Vielleicht hat ja auch jemand aus dieser Gruppe eine Idee?
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Pics-UM club
1) Davon habe ich auch keine Ahnung. Aber ich denke, viele Klicks und Backlins aus der Gemeinschaft zuerzeugen, ist schon mal ein guter erster Schritt. Alle unsere neuen Produktionen sind unter den Treffern bereits ganz oben.

2) Ich mache ein AT. Aber ich habe eine so hohe Workload, dass es wohl etwas dauern wird.

3) Dafür müssen wir entweder Andere aus der Gruppe begeistern, oder uns die erforderliche zeit nehmen.

4) Davon würde ich abraten. Zu solchen Themen gibt es nämlich schon viele gute Tutorials. Lass uns lieber bei Themen bleiben, die für ipernity typisch sind. Das ist schon Herausforderung genug.

Unsere nächste Aufgabe wird sein: Wie bekommen wir einen kleinen Arbeitskreis zusammen?
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Ik zal een proefversie (Dutch Windmills) verzenden.
Dit is nog een ruwe eerste versie.
Svp wat moet ik veranderen; nog geen idee hoe de muziek werkt.
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has added
Veel problemen met het programma (o.a aanpassen teksten).
Is er een ander soortgelijk programma ??
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
● AquaSoft DiaShow Ultimate
● Filmora9
● Photostage
● Slideshow creator
● Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder
● perhaps something else?

But we don't have any experience with such alternatives.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
✅ A collected commentary on the proposals made so far:

● A YouTube channel ipernity photo club has been set up.
● The upload takes place via the email address
● The transfer to this e-mail address is best done via WeTransfer because of the file size. This method is proven and reliable.
● All uploads via this channel are checked for content and accuracy before publication by the CMO.
● This channel will by highlighted in the Newsflash from October 9, 2020
● Guidelines will evolve over time. Here some formal things:
- Please use only the official ipernity logo
- Please use our new slogan: ipernity, the probably largest non-commercial online photo club in the world.
- alternatively yor in addition you can still use the old slogan: ipernity, more than photo sharing
- If the two ipernity colours (light blue & dark blue) are used, please use the correct original tonalities.
- If images of other ipernity members are used, written permission must be obtained.
- Copyright-free music should be used.
- The shorter the videos, the better. After 2 minutes, the attention of viewers diminishes considerably.
- In order to captivate the audience until the end, a dramaturgy is required that allows something interesting to be expected at the end (suspense).
- Using MAGIX Photostory, export your compilation as MPEG-4, full HD, 16:9
● When uploading to YouTube, we always insert the following tags in first place: 'ipernity, photo club, fotoclub'
● Own tags can be added afterwards. They should be suggested when uploading the file.
● When uploading, a thumbnail should also be uploaded as an eye catcher.
● All uploads wil be hightlighted in the newsflash (team blog).
● After publication, backlinks from as many other media as possible (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) should be created. This increases the relevance of the videos, so that they appear higher up in the search results.
● One purpose of the videos is also to appear high up on Google as hits. In this way, we push irrelevant articles to the back.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
With the comments about getting the correct shades of blue would it be better if there was a downloadable first image with the approved heading and may be welcome in the supported languages, with the start always the same it would look professional and act as a trademark
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Peter Castell club
Peter, experience shows that it is an extremely slow process to initiate something like this with a group. The ima team has had painful experiences in this respect with frontpage photos. Often we wait for weeks without anything useful coming

It would be much more promising if you would simply select 20 beautiful pictures from the ipernity pool. The search for keywords like "London, Liverpool, Fish, Queen, Big Ben, Cottage ... " etc. will return more than 1000 pictures each.

I'm sure you can put together a really great collection in an hour or two. Just in case, maybe even with 50 pictures. Because you would have to ask the photographers via iper-mail for permission for the intended use. Not everyone will answer.

If you have such a small gallery, we will somehow find a solution how to get a production done easier than with the magix-photostory. On the other hand, the use of this programme could have the advantage of gradually building up some competence with it. But first we would have to get the pictures together.
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
Excellent work!
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
In the meantime I made a slideshow (with MAGIX).
For a 'preview' here on Ipernity see:
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
✅ Excellent!
We've got the file via WeTransfer and will upload it to our community YouTube channel as soon as possible!
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
4 years ago.
raingirl club
Nice video by Jaap. Thanks so much for doing that. You are inspiring me to do one.

Besides watching it in full on youtube, I am also commenting on youtube and sharing the video.
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
Yes, thanks Jaap.
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
A new upload on Youtube: Beautiful Greece
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Tot nu toe gebruik ik (een proefversie) van MAGIX Photostory voor het maken van dia-shows. Tijdens de proefperiode kan ik misschien nog een paar dia-shows maken. Gezien de 'problemen' die ik heb bij het gebruik (vooral met de teksten) twijfel ik of ik het programma wil kopen (€ 50,-).

Weet iemand - gebruiksvriendelijke - alternatieve programma's. heeft hierboven al genoemd:
● AquaSoft DiaShow Ultimate
● Filmora9
● Photostage
● Slideshow creator
● Wondershare DVD Slideshow Builder
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
What exactly is the problem with lettering? Maybe you can ask Pics-UM for help?
I myself have too little experience with MAGIX Photostory. I'm still learning as well.
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex club
Using text is time-consuming, frustrating and often incomprehensible (at least for me so far).
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Een tweede vraag die ik heb:
Hoe werkt het precies met de muziek; wat mag wel en wat mag niet ??
Hoe vind ik beschikbare muziek ??
4 years ago.
Peter Castell club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
A very good question Jaap, one place you can find free to use is You Tune audio library .
I have been looking at work by Dan Gibson it's a mixture of music and natural sounds, there is a large selection on You Tube full CDs no adverts you can listen, save or share including to You Tube but if you look at a CD it's copyright protected.
As I understand it some artists have an agreement withYou Tube, I have no ides if this means it is free to use.
As I previously mentioned there must be ipernity members who are also musicians so it may be possible to produce a selection that could be used.
I would also like a downloadable first image for a uniform start for any contribution. If you read the ima guidance ( the first article ) it says please use the official logo, which is in blue click on it and access is restricted !!!!!
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Peter Castell club
Peter, if you need anything quickly, send me a personal iper mail. Here in the discussion I might overlook something, due to the amount of work.
4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
✅ The broken link to WeTranfer has been repaired.
✅ The link to the official ipernity logo is now accessible for everone.

The recording of own music will probably remain a dream. But:
✅ You can use music that is online at YouTube under certain conditions. (See note 1 at the end of the main article).
✅ You can also use free music. (See note 2 at the end of the main article).
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Public Relations club
What is the "main article" that you are referring to?
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl club
The discussion opener on top.
How is it called in English?
In German I would say: "DIe Diskussionseröffnung"
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Bergfex club
I would say "(See note 2 at the end of this discussion's header)"
4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Here we provide you with two templates for your individual productions:

Intro Template 16:9 For YouTube Videos Closing Picture 16:9 For YouTube Vieos Closing Picture 16:9 For YouTube Vieos
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Pics-UM club has replied to Public Relations club
Könnt ihr mir bitte die beiden Vorlagen zukommen lassen, danke. Gruß Uwe
4 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
Thank You these will give contributions a professional look
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Is there somebody who can telll me step by step how to download music from YouTube ??
4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
If you use Firefox, this is very easy:

- Go to 'settings'
- Click 'Add-ons'
- Install 'YouTube mp3 320 kbps'

Afterwards a red button appears in Youtube below the video.
With this button you can download the music without video in high quality.

For Chrome there is probably something similar available.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Jammer, jammer, jammer ....
..... maar ik stop - in ieder geval voorlopig - met het maken van nieuwe dia-shows.

Het gebruik van "templates" - geen idee hoe dat nu weer gaat - dwingt mij teveel in een soort keurslijf, waardoor het persoonlijke van een dia-show voor een deel verloren gaat. Zo heb ik bijna weer een volgende show klaar, maar ik zou werkelijk niet weten welke foto ik daarbij als start in dat template kan gebruiken.

Verder begrijp ik gewoon te weinig hoe het met de muziek gaat. Behalve dat het er wel op lijkt dat een YouTube-account welhaast verplicht is. En die richting van verder in het net van een techreus verstrikt te raken, wil ik liever niet.

Tenslotte levert het gebruik van MAGIX Photostory teveel problemen op, waardoor het tijdsbeslag voor mij gewoon teveel wordt.. Komt bij dat m'n proefversie bijna verloopt.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
I am trying to remember a different program that can be used. When I figure it out, I will let post it here.
I found the software I had used, but it was only for editing already existing videos. But now I have found what I hope will be perfect!

It's called DaVini Resolve put out by It has a free version that seems to have more than enough features (the paid version really is for group/office/professionals with features that they would need). And even better, there is a really great tutorial!!!! It is clear and easy to understand both words and visuals (don't know if there are other language tutorials, but I think the visuals will help by themselves quite a bit).

The only BIG downside is that it is very large, 1.6GB as a zip file (1.7GB unzipped - Windows version). I happen to be able to accommodate that, but I know not everyone can. It also has intense system requirements, like fancy processors and video cards.

I am about to test it out myself for the first time. I will let people know, but I am confident that others will want to use this as well.
First watch the Youtube tutorial video! And notice that if you expand the description, he includes downloadable files that he uses in the video, so you can practice exactly what he does.

This is the link to the software itself.
(very long page about the software, but at the very bottom is the free download button)
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to raingirl club
I tried to download the software, but I did not succeed.
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Sadly, as I've started to work with the Davinci Resolve software, I've come to learn that it has pretty large system requirements, including fancy processors and video cards. My laptop can't handle it (though I could download it).

Sorry. I'll keep looking.
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to raingirl club
I was not right:
I could download it, but not open it.
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club

1) The templates are a help offer, not a straitjacket. But it doesn't matter if you take them or make something on your own: You have to decide for an initial picture anyway. Because such a picture has to be uploaded separately when you upload it to YouTube, just like we did with the Greece video.

2) You don't need a YouTube account to download music, just the mentioned Firefox Add-on. It also runs in a guest mode.

3) You don't need a YouTube account for commenting either. All you need is your Gmail account, which you already have. YouTube is included there, because the latter belongs to Google. So you do not get entangled at all.

4) Magix: This is also not a must. It was just a suggestion from Pics-UM and me, because we know it and think it's the best. Just take something else.

5) Last but not least: You don't have to do anything. It is all voluntary. But with every video you offer, you also attract viewers to your ipernity account. So you don't just advertise ipernity, you advertise yourself.
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
You can also use the VLC Media Player for zipping music from YouTube videos. (VLC is probably the most famous video playing freeware.) However, this has 2 disadvantages:
1) You always have to download the whole video first, although you don't need the movie part at all.
2) There are much more steps to do with VLC, while the mentioned Firefox Add-On only requires you to press a single red button.
That is why I have been zipping over this very simple method for a long time now
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Sorry, I recommended that software too quickly. It's great, but one needs a very update machine with a fancy graphics card for it to work successfully.
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Would it be possible to get reactions in "Following your comments"
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Not sure what you are asking here. Can you be more specific (with an example), or rephrase your question?
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to raingirl club
Het zou makkelijk zijn als de reacties op deze discussie automatisch te lezen zouden zijn in "Jouw reacties volgen". Nu moet je iedere keer speciaal naar deze pagina om op de hoogte te blijven van nieuwe ontwikkelingen.
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
I 100% agree with you! Unfortunately this is something that needs to be programmed - and there is no easy programming solution for it right now. I have also asked about this.

There is, however, a place to find out if there are any new comments. I will try and show the path to them here:

Go to your page (by clicking on "You!" in the top left)
Click on "Groups" (in the bar across the top)
Click on "News of your groups" (in the left panel)

Under the heading "Your Groups: News" you will see two drop down options
1) Since - "Your last login", "A week", and "A month".
2) Display - "All your groups with something new", "Groups you are administrator of only", "Groups with contributions to moderate"

If you choose Display/All your groups with something new, then you can scroll the left panel until you see "ipernity advertising". If you don't find it, then there is nothing new. If there are new items, then you can preview them by clicking on your choice.

This is harder to describe than it is to do.
finding replies in group discussions
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl club
Thanks for the instructions. I did not know this possibility yet.

In the meantime I recorded it with Screencastify and a big cursor. It is not so easy to do this without jerking. Also the sound had a strong room reverb. That's why I recorded it again separately later.

Here it is in low resolution:

(Besides: it's easier to record the single steps separately and then cut the scenes together.)
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Bergfex club
4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
You can download the Youtube Templates 1920x1080 from Dropbox:

Furthermore, you may find a German manual for MAGIX Photostory here:
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Es gibt nun auch eine deutsche Version der Vorlage für das Startbild:

Intro Template 16:9 für YouTube Videos (deutsch)
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Holger Hagen
Holger Hagen club
Ich möchte auch Helfen die ipernity-Präsenz bei YouTube zu erhöhen.
Habe gerade mit WeTransfer das Video "Sunset at Schönberger Beach" übertragen.
Ich benutze für die Videobearbeitung CyberLink PowerDirector, ist aber ein kostenpflichtiges Programm.
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Holger Hagen club
✅ Großartig.

Ich habe es mit schon angeschaut. Der Fahreffekt ist stärker als bei MAGIX.
Die Einbindung realer Videoschnipsel ist ebenfalls sehr gelungen.

Ich bräuchte noch ein JPEG als Thumbnail. (Youtube sucht sich sonst irgendeine Sequenz aus der Mitte.)

Außerdem eine Angabe zu der Musik mit Link zur Quelle. Sonst riskieren wir Ärger.

Bernhard (ima- Team)
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Another version of the closing picture is also available as template:

Closing Picture 16:9 For YouTube Videos (4)
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Holger Hagen
Holger Hagen club
Mein Huawei P30 Pro hat automatisch ein ähnliches Video mit Musik im Urlaub erzeugt. Allerdings macht es nur Hochkantvideos. Die Musik stammt von diesem Video. Ich nehme an das die dort bereitgestellte Musik GEMA frei sein.
Ich habe hier keine Diashowfunktion angewendet, sondern alles von Hand zu Fuß gemacht.
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Holger Hagen club
Dann schiebe ich es einfach mal so hoch.

Das Template kann man noch nachträglich einbauen. (Es wäre aber schön, damit YouTube keinen schwarze Bildschirm zeigt, während das Video für den Nutzer runtergeladen wird.)

Die sinnvolle Anzahl der Stichworte ist bei YouTube auf 10 begrenzt. Wenn man mehr hochlädt, werden alle garduell zurückgestuft. Ich habe die prägnantesten hinzugefügt:
schönberg, beach, sunset, schleswig-holstein

Hier ist es jetzt online: Sunset at Schönberger Beach
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
By searching for the keyword 'ipernity' on YouTube, 30% of the results on the first page already concern our association. This is a great result after such a short time. Thanks to all who have already contributed!

YouTube Hits 'ipernity' 2020-10-30
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Miss my Greek slide-show in the "images".
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
You have to upload ist and share it with the group.
(Same way as Holger hagen did.)
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club

IP Channel Status 2020-10-31
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Public Relations club
Great start!!
4 years ago.
Bergfex club
A tutorial on how to create YouTube dioramas is now available:

ip Tutorial

How To Create A YouTube Picture Show Easily
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
raingirl club
Another thing people can do with youtube videos is to "share" them. Youtube allows sharing to most of the main social media platforms. Sharing is very powerful. Even if one doesn't have many followers, if even one of them then shares, it keeps going and blooms into a lot.
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
After creating and uploading a slide show with Cyber Link Power Director, it turned out that a watermark was placed on the trial version !!

Who has ever worked with YouTube Movie Maker and if so, how can I set the duration of each photo ?
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Cyber Link Power Director hat ungefähr denselben Funktionsumfang wie MAGIX, ist aber teurer. Das Wasserzeichen soll davor schützen, dass es während der Probezeit für reale Produktionen verwendet wird.
Mit dem YouTube Movie Maker habe ich keine Erfahrung. Laut Beschreibung fügt die Demo-Version aber auch Wasserzeichen ein. Siehe
4 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
I have not worked with either of those programs, but I find that if I go to Youtube and there search for help, I almost always find a video that explains my issue.

For example, simply searching on "Cyber Link Powerdirector" brought up this video:

And searching for "setting photo duration in youtube movie maker" brought up a general How-to video - but I didn't search further down:

Hope that helps.
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex club
YouTube Movie Maker explicitly states that it does not place a watermark. Only the length of the slide / video presentation is limited to a maximum of 5 minutes.

Problem for me - as one can see in the tutorial - is that you can only change the duration of an image by means of the slide-lineal.
4 years ago.
raingirl club
fyi - I now use the free software Lightworks. It can create videos from stills, but it doesn't have the fancy collages etc, that MAGIX has. But it is free and it is similar how to use it as MAGIX and other video handlers. There are also a lot of 'how-to' videos on YoutTube for help with Lightworks.
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to raingirl club
Will have a look there.
4 years ago.
 Peter Castell
Peter Castell club
I sent a possible youtube video to by we transfer can you tell me if the file arrived or is it as I suspect that it's not possible to open it. I produced the video using iMovie on an iMac I can open the we transfer link on there but not on an apple laptop, which leaves me confused !!!!! it might help if I know wether the transfer worked
4 years ago.
 Public Relations
Public Relations club
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We cannot monitor all channels permanently.

Meanwhile we have downloaded the video. It's playing perfectly. The music is also wonderful.

If it's not too much trouble for you, shorten the beginning and end a bit. At the start people might feel a certain impatience in the long waiting time. A maxiumum of 5 seconds is enough. And at the end 9 seconds might be too pushy for some people. 3 is better.

Otherwise: Everything ist perfect.
4 years ago.
Peter Castell club has replied to Public Relations club
I have sent an amended version
4 years ago.
Public Relations club has replied to Peter Castell club
your compilation is online now!
Miscellaneous Perambulations

I still need a thumbnail from the very beginning and information about the music.
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Nadat ik een complete dia-show met Photostage heb gemaakt, blijkt dat ik de show niet kan exporteren/downloaden (proefversie verlopen ??).

Voordat ik een aankoop doe van software, bestaat er een mogelijkheid een TWEEDE keer een proef te doen met Magix ??
4 years ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Wahrscheinlich hat Magix irgendwo auf Deinem Rechner einen Eintrag gemacht, dass Du schon eine Probeversion hattest.
Du könntest versuchen, diese Probeinstallation mit CCleaner zu löschen und außerdem die Registry zu reinigen. Außerdem müsstest Du Dich bei Magix beim zweiten Mal mit einer anderen Mailadresse anmelden. Manchmal klappt so was.
Ich kann es leider nicht für Dich ausprobieren, weil ich eine Lizenzversion laufen habe.
4 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex club
Doesn't work; means no Magix (again).
4 years ago.

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