Group: Seen from a Bicycle

Dropping into Red Canyon!

Life and Death of Trees

Tree Island

Rides and Rapids

Walked the Silver Springs labyrinth today

The End of the World

Big Pothole in North Calgary

Flooded bike path in Calgary Canada

Bike ride by the river.

Grounded Westjets

Rest stop on bike ride.

May 15, 2020 Bike Ride

A big blue egg on today's bike ride

Leopold’s Tavern in Calgary, Canada

Walk this way

Cycling in the Tiger Zone

Two favorite types of transport.

Graffiti Kounts

Hainan Departing Calgary In Happier Times

Athabasca River in Jasper National Park

Ride alongside the river

Guardian of the mud puddle flips over.

Seagulls at the dump in East Calgary

I don't want a pickle, I just want to ride my moto…

Industrial Calgary

flower delivery

Dolores Canyon