Group: I want to show you this pic :)

Casa do Lago Restaurant.


River Cabrão.

HFF and a nice evening to all!

Saint Bartholomew Fountain (1758).

Picture of the highlands countryside.

unusual clothesline

Crastoeiro Castro.

Olive oil mechanical press.

Inside Chão de Loureiro Parking - sixth floor.

Inside Chão de Loureiro Parking - second floor.

On wall of Conceição e Silva School.

Zebra, by Bordalo II.

HFF to all!!

Painted on wall.

A view to Farinha Mount.


Chapel of Our Lady of Pity.

HFF and a great WE to all!

Old Customs' unit for fire fighting.

Roast maronese veal for dinner.

Muro Azul (Blue Wall).