About this group

Für alle Freunde der Modelleisenbahn. Grössen Z bis Spur 1 inklusive alle H0, 0, H0m oder andere Sonderformate.
Alles von Märklin über Lima, Mehano, Piko, Roco, HAG und sonstige.

For all the people that likes Model Trains. Sizes from Z to 0, including H0 and 0 and H0m.
From Marklin to Lima, Mehano, Piko, Roco, HAG and others.

Para todos que gustan los Trenes pequeños. De Z a 0, incluido H0, H0m o 0.
De los Marcas Märklin, Lima, Mehano, Roco, Piko o HAG y otros tambien.

Pour tous les fans des… (see more)

387 contributions in total

This is a public group
Contributions: No limit
See other limitations


Dr. Molnár Lajos

Last members who have joined this group
Phil Sutters
Anne H
Jean Vernet
Mecklenburg-Foto (Reinhard L.)
Erik Baas
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)