
wintorbos club

Posted: 28 Jul 2013

Taken: 28 Jul 2013

0 favorites     2 comments    199 visits

See also...


Winnipeg Tribune
newspaper clippings
Russell Lang

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199 visits

Photos Wanted (by Russell, Lang & Co.)

Photos Wanted (by Russell, Lang & Co.)
Winnipeg Tribune, February 24, 1904, p. 9 -- Russell, Lang & Co. requesting amateur photographs. Russell, Lang & Co. produced a lot of postcards and (I believe) viewbooks at this time.

wintorbos club
Yes, it's very much the same thing.
11 years ago.
wintorbos club
I find they ask and then I offer them stuff for free, or a very low price, go to all sorts of trouble to help them find what they want and never hear from them again. At least send me a link to how you've used the photo I've been kind enough to let you use free of charge!
11 years ago.

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