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HMS 'Unicorn'

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Photo replaced on 30 Aug 2020
194 visits

Hammocks on the HMS 'Unicorn'

Hammocks on the HMS 'Unicorn'
At nearly 200 years old, HMS Unicorn is one of the world’s most remarkable historic ships and preserved as a museum and visitor attraction in Dundee with four atmospheric decks for visitors to explore. Quoted from the HMS Unicorn website.

Erhard Bernstein, Amelia, Rosalyn Hilborne and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

6 comments - The latest ones
 Anton Cruz Carro
Anton Cruz Carro club
The life of the pioneers must have been very eventful. Cheers, Anton.
4 years ago.
Joe, Son of the Rock club has replied to Anton Cruz Carro club
Thanks for your very kind comment, Anton. Cheers, Joe
4 years ago.
Amelia club
Is this the first class accommodation that you stay in when you visit Dundee? LOL
4 years ago.
Joe, Son of the Rock club has replied to Amelia club
No, this is too upmarket for me, Amelia. LOL.
4 years ago.
 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
This is 19th-century luxury. Captain Cook's men slept standing up and draped over ropes. Me, I sleep in a new bed and my back aches.
4 years ago.
Joe, Son of the Rock club has replied to John FitzGerald club
I think if I tried to get into a hammock, John, I would fall flat on my back. LOL. Thanks for your very kind comment. All the best, Joe
4 years ago.

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